Pathfinder 1E Kingmaker: Stolen Land


First Post
OOC: Kuvarious rides his horse to R14 and brews a bomb and tosses it at T15. Rolled a modified 6... so no dice!

Kuvarious looks at his empty hands, not even caring where his failure of a bomb went, and questions what he got himself into.

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Kuvarious' throw is impeded by his heavy crossbow and misses the mark. It flies wide and lands 5 feet to the northeast of Kressle. The bomb's burst hits both Kuvarious' mount and Kressle! Kressle is now obviously bloodied. Tree leaves and twigs fly everywhere, momentarily obscuring the vision of those caught in the blast.

GM: Pathfinder has rules for what happens when you miss with a thrown splash weapon (can be found at You can choose to attack a creature or a square (ranged attack against AC 5 to hit a square). If you miss the target (creature or square), a d8 is rolled to determine which square gets hit. So while a splash weapon (bombs are treated as such) might not do the most damage, it will always do some damage to the intended target. The downside is that it can hit you/your allies. If you attack a square instead of a target, the enemy in that square and all adjacent individuals get a Reflex save for half damage. The bomb will do minimum damage (xd+Int mod).

OOC: Kuvarious' mount takes 4 damage. Kressle takes 2.

GM: Initiatives:
Bandit 1 *Unconscious*
Bandit 3
Bandit 2
Shillaadrini: 19 (5/9)
Bandit 4
Sarvek: 13 (5/12)
Emudre: 10 (9/9)
Alexa: 8
Kuvarious: 7 (Kuvarious' mount 11/15)

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One of the bandits to the east advances closer to the combat, "I'm on my way Kressle! Let's cut these gits up real good!" He and his compatriot in the eastern watchpost follow Kressle's orders, shooting arrows at Emudre. In their angst to protect their leader, their shots are rushed and fly wide.

GM: Shillaadrini's up! Initiatives:
Bandit 1 *Unconscious*

Bandit 3

Bandit 2
Shillaadrini: 19 (5/9)

Bandit 4
Sarvek: 13 (5/12)
Emudre: 10 (9/9)
Alexa: 8
Kuvarious: 7 (Kuvarious' mount 11/15)

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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Scanning the area from his newly acquired overwatch position, Shillaadrini sees the appearance of the previously hidden bandit and the damage she wrought upon Sarvek. He would like to use his acquired bow to fire at the imminent threat to his friend but is greatly concerned for the other in her proximity should he miss. Instead, he fires at the bandit more to the north who appears to be closing on his position.
OOC: The bandit currently at F17. Will post my d20 in LINE, as I am unsure of modifiers.


Shillaadrini's arrow flies true and strikes the bandit approaching from the north, hitting him in the shoulder for 8 damage! Kressle takes a 5-foot step and swings twice at Emudre – one of the blows connects, slashing Emudre across the torso and dealing 7 damage! The bandit shot by Shillaadrini sends an arrow at him in return, but slips on the riverbank and his shot goes wide. He scrambles behind one of the felled trees for cover.

GM: Initiatives:
Bandit 1 *Unconscious*
Bandit 3
Bandit 2
Shillaadrini: 19 (5/9)
Kressle *Bloodied*
Bandit 4 *Bloodied*
Sarvek: 13 (5/12)
Emudre: 10 (2/9)
Alexa: 8
Kuvarious: 7 (Kuvarious' mount 11/15)

I'll edit the post with Shillaadrini's damage done later. Sarvek, Emudre, Alexa, and Kuvarious – you're up!

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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Sarvek lashes out at Kressle with a fast kick, trying to break her ankle!

OOC: AC 5 = miss

Being prone proves to be too much of a disadvantage for Sarvek, as Kressle easily steps out of the path of his attack.
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Emudre again channels holy energy, healing herself, Sarvek and Kuvarious's horse, selectively avoiding Kressle and the bandit in S20.

OOC: Hit points healed d6=1

She drops her crossbow, and draws her morningstar, stepping slightly beside Kressle.

OOC: Her new position will be U15


Despite Sarvek catching Kressle flat-footed, his attack is unsuccessful. His heel digs into the dirt, throwing his aim off as he kicks out. Emudre's wisely switches weapons and begins to move to flank Kressle. If looks could kill, the withering glare Kressle gives Sarvek would surely qualify as an attack.

GM: Initiatives:
Bandit 1 *Unconscious*
Bandit 3
Bandit 2
Shillaadrini: 19 (5/9)
Kressle *Bloodied*
Bandit 4 *Bloodied*
Sarvek: 13 (6/12) *Bloodied*
Emudre: 10 (3/9) *Bloodied*
Alexa: 8
Kuvarious: 7 (Kuvarious' mount 12/15)

Alexa and Kuvarious, you're up!

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First Post
Kuvarious wants to get his sickle out, dismount his horse and go to S15, and to slice at the foe in T15.

OOC: Rolled a 14, if it hits, I deal 6 damage.

GM: Doing a fast mount/dismount requires a DC 20 Ride check. If successful, you can do either as a free action. Otherwise mounting/dismounting is a move action. I'll roll it to see if you're successful. If so - your actions will work as you intended. Otherwise, I'll just have you stay mounted and ride over to hit her. And holy :):):):). You only have a +2 Ride, but when I roll a 20 that makes it a non-issue :D

Drawing or sheathing a weapon requires a move action. If you have a BAB of +1 or higher, you may draw a weapon as a free action combined with a regular move. *Combined is important to note. Even with a BAB of +1 or higher, if you don't take a regular move (note - a 5-foot step is not a regular move), you can't draw your weapon as a free action. For that, you need the Quick Draw feat ;)

Luckily, since I rolled a 22 total on your Ride check, we can have you maneuver your horse into position (its move) while you draw your sickle (your move), dismount (free action because of the Ride check), and then attack (standard action).
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