Pathfinder 1E Kingmaker: Stolen Land

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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Sarvek puts two arrows toward the same Kobold that Alexa shot at. One shot goes wide, and thuds into the dirt. The second shot strikes true, finding a place in the Kobold's chest right next to Alexa's arrow.

OOC: 7,16 (1 miss, 1 hit); 1d8+2 = 2+2 = 4 damage.

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Sarvek, having overcome his initial avarice towards the unknown, readies his action until he can see the Kobolds’ reactions.

OOC: Readied action: cover the next closest Kobold; if the Kobold attacks, fire bow. If not, wait to see what the Kobolds do.


Seeing their compatriot suddenly sprout a couple of arrows, the other kobolds scramble for their weapons. Sarvek quickly reacts, downing another kobold with an arrow through the throat.

Battle of the Moon ... Radish.png

GM: Initiatives:
Alexa: 17
Kuvarious: 9
Emudre: 5 (held action)
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First Post
"They are on moon radishes," I calmly state before launching a bolt at the kobold on the band's left.
OOC: 17+3= 20 to hit, for 6 damage.
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Seeing the last of his companions fall from a well-placed arrow through the throat, the remaining kobold throws his weapons on the ground, raises his hands, and drops to his knees. “M-m-me giv up!” it shouts, cowering in fear. Knowing that kobolds typically speak draconic, you find it odd that this one has at least some grasp of the common tongue.

Battle of the Moon ... Radish.png


Emudre puts a firm hand on the Kobold, her weapon drawn. "Why were you made ill by moonradishes? We may spare you if you speak truthfully."


With a gulp he replies, "We ... ate much," slowly pointing at his distended belly and looking at the leafy green remainders scattered around him as proof of his statement.

Voidrunner's Codex

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