Pathfinder 1E Kingmaker: Stolen Land


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
After the discussion with the group, Adrin checks his supplies then decides to purchase 1 week's worth of trail rations and 1 week's worth of feed for his horse.
OOC: 35sp and 35cp, respectively, were deducted from my character's record.

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Emudre purchases two weeks of rations and horse rations. "It will be good to have extras in case we meet someoneone in need along the way."

She then asks Svetlana if she would introduce her to the cleric.


The last few hours before night sets in pass uneventfully. The group makes their trades with Oleg and places any orders they might have. About 30 minutes after you all first arrive, a man makes his way out of the lodging hall. He appears to be in his mid to late 40's and is wearing garb you would typically see a hunter wear – leather breeches, a rough spun green tunic, and supple leather moccasins. Seeing him, Svetlana waves and makes a hand gesture toward you all. The man walks forward with a smile on his face, “Well met friends. Erastil's blessings upon you all. It does me well to see you have returned safely from your hunt. I heard of the exploration charter and came to offer what aid I might. Also... I've been having dreams of late. I believe them to be visions sent by Erastil upon conducting some research. I've had these vivid dreams of a temple of Erastil in a forest clearing. Ruined steps lead up to the temple – carved into stone. A large grizzly bear inhabits it, preying upon all interlopers. If you find this temple, please come and lead me to it so that I might restore it!”


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
... The man walks forward with a smile on his face, “... I've had these vivid dreams of a temple of Erastil in a forest clearing. Ruined steps lead up to the temple – carved into stone. A large grizzly bear inhabits it, preying upon all interlopers. If you find this temple, please come and lead me to it so that I might restore it!”
Adrin rubs his left thumb against the first two fingers of the same hands. It is an unconscious action, the hand relaxed at his side.
"That is fairly specific. It should be easy to remember. I see no reason we cannot do that."


5 Pharast, 4710

The party rides due north of the trading post and begins exploring the hex containing it. As you travel, the autonomous cartographer automatically makes changes and updates the map. The first day proves uneventful. You setup camp in the southern corner of B6, prepared to start the next day's exploration of C6. The night proves just as uneventful.

6 Pharast, 4710

After breaking fast, you all set about exploring C6. Halfway through the day, as you all stop to have lunch, Alexa, Sarvek, and Shillaadrini spot a hole that Emudre and Kuvarious have just dismounted next to. Emudre and Kuvarious appear to be unaware, but you three hear something knock a rock loose within the hole. Roll Initiative.
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Before anyone can shout a warning, a spider lunges out from the hole! Luckily, its fangs fail to pierce the back of Emudre's breastplate and it springs back into its den.

OOC: Trapdoor Spider – 18
Shillaadrini – 17
Alexa – 13
Sarvek – 9
Emudre – 7
Kuvarious – 6


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Since he is already on his feet, Adrin starts to shout a warning as he moves toward Edmure, but the threat is fast enough to make the warning moot. He draws his sword as he runs in, swinging in hopes of slicing it into the emergent spider.
OOC: Attack: d20 + 4 = 20, Damage: d10 + 1 = 9

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
From where he is standing, Sarvek tries to shoot the spider with his bow.

OOC: 2 Shots: 5,9 Miss/Miss

Sarvek frowns, cursing himself for being in too much of a hurry.


Emudre gasps in surprise, thankful for the protection of her armour. She loads her crossbow and shoots at the spider.

OOC: d20+1 = 14; if hit d8 = 1

Voidrunner's Codex

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