Kesten's chuckle is a mix of humor and annoyance at Shillaadrini's surliness. “We are soldiers, not tradesmen, and this is the frontier. Our business is safeguarding the peace and killing those that would break it. When Randall came through and informed us that he had directed you all to the bandit's camp, we decided to prepare for the worst. The worst being you all perished and the bandits came back in force to make an example. It is good the ward of Surtova is concerned about the business of the area.”
He nods politely to Kuvarious, accompanied by a slight bow. “My thanks for the kind words, cousin. We will strive to ensure your peace of mind is maintained in fulfilling our duty to protect this post.”
During Alexa's recounting of the ambush, Kesten is quiet and listens intently. Svetlana occasionally allows an “oh dear!” or similar exclamation to escape her lips. Oleg simply nods, a resolute look on his face. After the events are recapitulated, Oleg and Svetlana exchange pleasantries with Emudre. Oleg excuses himself and goes into the main house while Svetlana points to the guesthouse. “We converted the guesthouse into lodging. It's a tad less spacious than it was before, but it should still be comfortable. Oleg tells me there's still more room than what sailors have on ships. You can find Jhod in there.”
Kesten steps closer to Alexa, “You called the lead bandit a drunk – that could prove useful. If it's a weakness, you might be able to use it to be his undoing. The problem with drunks is their propensity for violence, but false memories and a general cognitive impairment make decision-making much more sporadic – albeit difficult to predict... Yes, interesting,” he trails off as he begins to pace around the fort in quiet contemplation.