Pathfinder 1E Kingmaker: Stolen Land


The Battle Begins!

28 Calistril, 4710

The day passes by uneventfully. Oleg and Svetlana brush and feed the horses in the morning. Oleg continues to patch various areas of the fort that needs it, accepting any help offered. Svetlana carries out daily chores and makes a couple of tasty meals for everyone. Those that will be hiding in the storage pen do their best to create decent hiding places for the ambush.

1 Pharast, 4710

Everyone wakes at sunrise and prepares their self for the coming fight. Oleg opens the gate to prepare for the days business. Taking up your positions, roughly an hour after sunrise the bandits are spotted approaching from the south by Oleg. He stands beside the storage pen, the gate ajar. Four bandits on horseback, two leading an extra pack horse each. All are wearing leather armor. Three of them have longbows and short swords while another has a dagger and composite longbow. As they ride in, they arrogantly begin making crude comments to Oleg.

“Where's that sweet piece o' pie at old man?”
“I got one fer ya today Oleg – What's the difference between your wife and your job? After five years, your job will still suck!”
*Coarse laughter*
“We should test her out and see!”
“One of these days we'll slit his throat and give her a good ride while his lifeblood mixes with her tears.”

As they dismount and make the aforementioned comments and more, Oleg's face turns red. “Yuck it up bastards – today you're going to dance a special jig for me!” He shouts, as he beats feet into the main hall.

The one in the lead stares after Oleg. With the thud of the bar being put in place breaking the silence, he turns to the three others and starts to laugh. They all break into a fit of laughter too.

GM: What do you do? Roll Initiative and post it in Line.

Oleg's Trading Post - The Battle Begins!.jpg

GM: Perception checks were rolled. No one beat your Stealth DCs this time. You all benefit from a Surprise Round. From highest to lowest initiative, you each may take a standard OR move action during the surprise round. You can also take free actions in addition to your standard or move action.

Initiative Order:
Shillaadrini: 24
Kuvarious: 18
Happs Bydon: 18
Alexa: 18
Bandit: 16
Bandit: 14
Emudre: 14
Bandit: 13
Sarvek: 9
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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
While the men are laughing, Shillaadrini, who already has sword in hand, moves as quickly and quietly as possible, through the open doorway from the building of his concealment directly at the closest bandit, swiping across his body from left to right in a sweeping motion aimed at the midsection of the mouthy bandit.
To Hit: 1d20+7 = 23
Damage if Hitting: 1d10+6 = 10
Backstab: 1d6 = 6[/sblock]


Shillaadrini pushes through the false cover he has setup in the storage pen and charges the closest bandit (M13). He sweeps his elven curved blade through the back of the man's torso, doing precision damage to his left and right kidney. Dropping unconscious with a scream, the man's companions stand with mouths agape – it is all too apparent they expected cowed commoners, not the violence of action they have just witnessed.

Oleg's Trading Post - The Battle Begins!.jpg

GM: Initiative Order:
Shillaadrini: 24
Kuvarious: 18
Happs Bydon: 18
Alexa: 18
Bandit: 16
Bandit: 14
Emudre: 14
Bandit: 13
Sarvek: 9
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First Post
I charge into the thick of the fray.

OOC: Attack: 21. Damage: 7.


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Kuvarious charges the enemy before him, seeking to draw the attention of the bandits to himself and make use of his enhanced defenses. He lands a solid blow with his sickle on the middle bandit, the man letting out a pained cry. Bloodied and nearly out on his feet, his eyes take on a panicked expression as he feverishly looks for a way out from this nightmare.

Oleg's Trading Post - The Battle Begins!.jpg

GM: Initiative Order:
Shillaadrini: 24 x
Kuvarious: 18 x
Happs Bydon: 18 Unconscious
Alexa: 18 You're up!
Bandit: 16
Bandit: 14
Emudre: 14
Bandit: 13
Sarvek: 9
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Ricky Passmore

First Post
Alexa takes aim with her short bow. She aims at the middle wounded bandit. The wind catches the arrow in flight and it lands no where near the bandits.

GM: Initiative Order:
Shillaadrini: 24 x
Kuvarious: 18 x
Happs Bydon: 18 Unconscious
Alexa: 18 x
Bandit: 16 Surprised
Bandit: 14 Surprised
Emudre: 14 You're up!
Bandit: 13
Sarvek: 9


Emudre's bolt hits the center bandit in the chest! His eyes roll into the back of his head as his legs give out and he crumples into a heap.

Oleg's Trading Post - The Battle Begins!.jpg

GM: Initiative Order:
Shillaadrini: 24 x
Kuvarious: 18 x
Happs Bydon: 18 Unconscious
Alexa: 18 x
Bandit: 16 Surprised
Bandit: 14 Unconscious
Emudre: 14 x
Bandit: 13 Surprised
Sarvek: 9 You're up! Only the bandit in O11 is clearly visible to you.

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Sarvek takes aim at the Bandit in square O11, and lets an arrow fly!

Sarvek's arrow hits AC 23 (Hit)
Damage: 7 pts.

The arrow flies true, striking the bandit squarely, delivering a decisive blow!


Sarvek's arrow punches into the man's back, just below his left shoulder blade. The man screams, a look of horror and pain upon his face.

Oleg's Trading Post Round 1.jpg

GM: Initiative Order:
Shillaadrini: 24 It's your turn! You can either charge the wounded bandit in O11, or move around and attack the bandit in O15. Each are flat-footed, so be sure to roll for your sneak attack damage too.
Kuvarious: 18
Happs Bydon: 18 Unconscious
Alexa: 18
Bandit: 16 Surprised
Bandit: 14 Unconscious
Emudre: 14
Bandit: 13 Surprised
Sarvek: 9

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