Knave 2 from Ben of Questing Beast. Update: Backerkit store is open.


B/X Known World
Well, yeah. Those "priests" use charisma. That's how they con people into thinking they're clerics. Note the lack of divine healing, spellcasting, etc.

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I've been feeling a very high level of "shut up and take my money!" ever since this was announced. I was mentally preparing to run a campaign in Knave before the announcement, but now I'm all in for running it in Knave 2e.


I had an idea for "druids" in Knave.

View attachment 282429
I think this is a pretty good solution to adding a druid-like element into the game. I made a similar one for clerics just before the official divine magic section (in the Kickstarter preview) was released.

A reliquary is an intricately carved box with several doors designed to hold relics of saints and gods. It occupies 2 slots. A relic stored in a reliquary can be activated by opening its door to expose its power.
The reliquary comes with a single relic. When exposed this relic turns undead as a CHA-level cleric.
Additional relics you find may have one of the following powers (or others specified by your GM) and can be added to an empty compartment in a reliquary:
  • Heal 1 creature of CHA injuries 1/day and restores CHA hit points to that creature.
  • Calm emotions CHA creature 1/day
  •  Pass through flames 1 creature becomes immune to nonmagical fire for CHA turns. +2 bonus vs magical fire 1/day
  •  Locate object nearest of given type or a specific familiar object 1/day
  •  Cure disease 1 creature 1/day
  • Remove curse 1 creature 1/day


I crit!
I think this is a pretty good solution to adding a druid-like element into the game. I made a similar one for clerics just before the official divine magic section (in the Kickstarter preview) was released.

A reliquary is an intricately carved box with several doors designed to hold relics of saints and gods. It occupies 2 slots. A relic stored in a reliquary can be activated by opening its door to expose its power.
The reliquary comes with a single relic. When exposed this relic turns undead as a CHA-level cleric.
Additional relics you find may have one of the following powers (or others specified by your GM) and can be added to an empty compartment in a reliquary:
  • Heal 1 creature of CHA injuries 1/day and restores CHA hit points to that creature.
  • Calm emotions CHA creature 1/day
  •  Pass through flames 1 creature becomes immune to nonmagical fire for CHA turns. +2 bonus vs magical fire 1/day
  •  Locate object nearest of given type or a specific familiar object 1/day
  •  Cure disease 1 creature 1/day
  • Remove curse 1 creature 1/day
Oh this is cool! Swipe!

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