D&D 5E [Kobold Press] Deep Magic 2 for 5E Kickstarter is Live!

Regardless of anything else, the success of this Kickstarter suggests to me that 5E has A LOT of life left in it from a consumer standpoint. Normally, being a year or so out from a "new edition" would mean this sort of thing barely peters along.

That isn't necessarily good news from my personal perspective, but a lot of folks are going to be very happy.

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Two Days to Go! Let's Paint Minis!​

Wow, it’s been almost a month since this Kickstarter launched, and we have just two days to go before it ends. Help us spread the news of Deep Magic far and wide, and let’s see if we can hit the last few stretch goals before the end!

Miniatures Painting Stream​

As a friendly reminder, our miniatures partner, Broken Anvil Miniatures, is doing a live stream today at 12 PM Pacific where their head studio painter paints one of the Deep Magic miniatures. Join them on their Twitch Channel, on their Facebook, or on their Youtube Channel to vote on which miniature their master painter brings to life!


We have ONE DAY left of this Kickstarter!
$800,525 so far!
8,888 backers and still counting!

In the last two weeks, you’ve unlocked:

  • Hedge Magic: A new style of magic inspired by the Hedge Magic subsystem introduced in our Tome of Heroes. This style will complement a PC using the Hedge Magic subsystem, but Tome of Heroes will not be required for a PC to use or enjoy the Hedge Magic style.
  • Additional Art: Now we can add even more art to the book, this time of cauldrons, magic circles, magical braziers, and more!
  • Spellcasting NPC: We’ll add an ancient dragon mage NPC to the magical NPCs going into Deep Magic, Volume 2!
  • Fire, Ice, and Witch Dice by Fanroll: We’ll commission Fanroll to create fire and ice dice sets and a special, bubbling brew-themed, liquid-core d20. You can check out the sneak peek about these dice in this earlier update.
  • Backer Spells: We will now be able to include 60 backer spells in Deep Magic, Volume 2.
  • Random Magic Tables: You unlocked two new random tables for generating even more fun effects in your game!
This is your last chance to show your friends, neighbors, GMs, and even total strangers our sparkling, fiery, shadowy, fey-powered, and witchy tome of magical knowledge (true name: Deep Magic, Volume 2)! Let’s see if we can hit another stretch goal before the Kickstarter ends.

Designing Spells AMA on Discord​

We will post the full “how to submit your spell” guidelines on Saturday, February 18th, but some of the Deep Magic team will be available this Friday, February 17th, at 4pm Pacific for an ask-me-anything on the Kobold Press Discord. This AMA will answer questions about what makes a spell fun, how to design a good spell, and any other burning questions you have on spell design. If you’re planning to submit a spell, be sure to join us! If you can’t make it live, be sure to check out the VOD on our Youtube Channel next week.

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Can someone explain to me how styles of magic differ from subclasses? My wife is pumped for the ToM2 witch (we have kludged together a witch she's not thrilled with) and I'm curious how that might interact with the magic styles like hedge magic.

Can someone explain to me how styles of magic differ from subclasses? My wife is pumped for the ToM2 witch (we have kludged together a witch she's not thrilled with) and I'm curious how that might interact with the magic styles like hedge magic.
In some previous KP products they've had feats or feat chains for runic or hieroglyphic or angelic etc magic that gave magical or quasi-magical effects, and some spells that come tagged as belonging to one style of magic or another (from memory, there's no particular special rules around accessing them and they just get added to class spell lists as normal, but it does aid in being thematic). This is stuff that's intended to make sense as an in-world magical tradition, not be an entirely new mechanical toolkit for character building.

To be honest, none of these mechanics have really ever hit the mark for me. The feats tend to be underpowered (and in 5e PCs find feats so scarce that they're unlikely to be able to delve deep into a feat chain anyway) although if Black Flag changes the feat/ASI rules this may change. And KP spells generally trend a bit underwhelming too. Not to say they're all underpowered - when you release 700 spells in a single product like they did in Deep Magic 1 there's going to be some good options, and even some wildly overpowered ones. But they do trend towards the lower end of the spectrum.

Labyrinth magic was one i really liked the sound of, for instance. It's been released in slightly different forms in several products, and there's now cleric, sorcerer, and wizard subclasses for it, and a dozen-odd spells if you want to lean hard into the theme. But most of the spells are underwhelming in terms of power, and many of them (and the subclass features) are about enhancing your horn attacks. Which is a) not great if you're not a minotaur, and b) not a healthy strategy for wizards and sorcerers who probably want to stay out of melee combat. So it's a bit of a head-scratcher really.

Labyrinth magic was one i really liked the sound of, for instance. It's been released in slightly different forms in several products, and there's now cleric, sorcerer, and wizard subclasses for it, and a dozen-odd spells if you want to lean hard into the theme. But most of the spells are underwhelming in terms of power, and many of them (and the subclass features) are about enhancing your horn attacks. Which is a) not great if you're not a minotaur, and b) not a healthy strategy for wizards and sorcerers who probably want to stay out of melee combat. So it's a bit of a head-scratcher really.
Clearly you're not running enough minotaur eldritch knights in your game! ;)

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