D&D 5E [Kobold Press] Deep Magic 2 for 5E Kickstarter is Live!


New stretch goals - including a Project Black Flag Arcane Appendix, to make it easier to use Deep Magic 2 with the Project Black Flag rule set!!

View attachment 273678!
I'd ask what this means but my guess is you don't know yet, because you don't know exactly how much you will have to change for BF to safely publish it under ORC.

Looking forward to the playtest.

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Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
I'd ask what this means but my guess is you don't know yet, because you don't know exactly how much you will have to change for BF to safely publish it under ORC.

Looking forward to the playtest.
I hope it doesn't mean copious conversion notes, because I am hoping for maximum compatibility between 5E and PBF, but I guess we've got a few weeks, at least, before we know more.

Marc Radle


Sneak Peek: Theurge Base Class​

In today’s update, we give a sneak peek at the new Theurge base class going into the remastered Deep Magic, Volume 1. As a friendly reminder, if you already own the first Deep Magic and don’t want to pledge for the two-book set, the Theurge will be available as a separate PDF (for approximately $4.99) in the PledgeManager (which will open sometime after the Kickstarter closes) and on the Kobold Press website after this Kickstarter fulfills (approximately October 2023).

Sneak Peek: Theurge
Some spend their lives poring over ancient tomes and texts. Others devote their lives to the gods, acting as emissaries of the divine. The theurge seeks to achieve a perfect balance between the divine and the arcane, blending both kinds of magic into a powerful and cohesive whole. Although many theurges worship a specific deity, often a god or goddess of magic, others choose instead to venerate personifications of magical forces or perhaps even magic itself. Theurges revel in the unbridled wonders of magic, regardless of its source, and their strength lies in the ability to draw upon, combine, and manipulate multiple forms of magical power to overcome any obstacle or danger.

Find out more here!

Spell Siphon.png

Well, in an effort to put my money where my mouth is, I'm starting to push funds I would be using to acquire 1st party D&D material (mostly old TSR stuff) to 3rd party material. Pledged at the $175 tier since I don't have the 1st volume. This will be my first Kobold Press purchase, so I'm looking forward to it!


Well, in an effort to put my money where my mouth is, I'm starting to push funds I would be using to acquire 1st party D&D material (mostly old TSR stuff) to 3rd party material. Pledged at the $175 tier since I don't have the 1st volume. This will be my first Kobold Press purchase, so I'm looking forward to it!
Pretty much the same route I went. Kobold Press is going out with a 5E bang so might as well go for the best option.

Marc Radle

Sneak Peek: Witch Base Class
Witches have a deep connection to nature, often stemming from years of studying the natural world and regular communion with nature spirits. Theirs can be a practice of utility, veneration, or exploitation. Some commune through a deity of magic or nature, but most prefer to commune directly, with wind on their face, dirt underfoot, and blood on their tongue.
A witch communicates with all spirits, whether small and fleeting, emerging spontaneously only to quickly condense back into the ebb and flow of the natural world, or massive ancients, dozing in lost corners while the world moves around them. With patient and skilled determination, witches appeal to these diverse beings—by befriending, cajoling, or coercing them—calling them into focus and coaxing them into service to perform both mundane and otherworldly feats.

Find out more: Sneak Peek: Witch

Voidrunner's Codex

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