D&D 5E [Kobold Press] Deep Magic 2 for 5E Kickstarter is Live!


If this reasoning is actually their reason then they should just cancel the entirety of Midgard and pulp every book they own. And strip mine every monster book and eliminate any monster recognizably influenced by any Earth culture.
yeah, I do not get that, most everything in fantasy is influenced to almost straight up lifted from history and regions on Earth. I mean, they recently did Southlands and if you do not recognize Egypt / Africa in there, then I cannot help you

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yeah, I do not get that, most everything in fantasy is influenced to almost straight up lifted from history and regions on Earth. I mean, they recently did Southlands and if you do not recognize Egypt / Africa in there, then I cannot help you
I'm speculating, but I think the difference was that during the development of Brilliant East, those 'Asians read Oriental Adventures' videos went up on Youtube, and got a hell of a lot of views and a hell of a lot of attention, and there was the whole debate with Panzerlion and Candlekeep Adventures, and KP had a a moment of introspection and a look at their pipeline and realised that Brilliant East was being majority-written by white guys, and backed away. Southlands came out before all that conversation happened, and of course was a port of the already-existing Southlands setting for Pathfinder 1, so maybe got a bit more of a pass. Even so, they very deliberately brought in a couple of developers with Middle Eastern/African backgrounds for the 5e Southlands project.

A brand new Brilliant East project with minimal or peripheral involvement from Asian writers in the 2020ish environment would have landed like a lead balloon.

Marc Radle

Deep Magic 2 has been selected as a “Project We Love” by Kickstarter!


Marc Radle

5,501 backers
24 days to go

New Kickstarter Update!

Deep Magic Cover Art and Wallpapers

Today, we revealed wallpapers for the Deep Magic Volumes 1 and 2 dual cover for download on our website. This wonderful piece of art is by Kobold regular and Deep Magic veteran artist Marcel Mercado (Book of Ebon Tides, Deep Magic, Southlands, and many others). With the success (and, frankly, awesomeness) of our previous Kickstarter’s dual cover, we couldn’t resist challenging Marcel with the task again for this two-book set. We might be a bit biased, but we think he did an amazing job!

Marcel was kind enough to give us some insight into his processes and art inspirations in a recent Kobold Chats interview. And if you’re interested in picking up this magical cover art for yourself, grab a wallpaper or grab a Deep Magic shirt!

Covers Update.jpg


What was the debate around Candlekeep Adventures?
Quick summary, Graeme Barber wrote the initial draft and turned it over to Wizards for playtesting with permission to let them make changes without contacting him. He acknowledges he didn't understand the process and assumed they'd still follow up if there were significant changes, so was surprised when the final version was missing major context, turned into a more linear adventure and had introduced what he viewed as problematic descriptions of Grippli as "primitive" and Yuan-ti as more evil for the sake of evil rather than having clear motivations. Due to the level of changes he's asked not to be associated with it.

His rundown of the situation was posted on his blog at What Happened? Writing for Wizards Part 2 - POCGamer

Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
Quick summary, Graeme Barber wrote the initial draft and turned it over to Wizards for playtesting with permission to let them make changes without contacting him. He acknowledges he didn't understand the process and assumed they'd still follow up if there were significant changes, so was surprised when the final version was missing major context, turned into a more linear adventure and had introduced what he viewed as problematic descriptions of Grippli as "primitive" and Yuan-ti as more evil for the sake of evil rather than having clear motivations. Due to the level of changes he's asked not to be associated with it.

His rundown of the situation was posted on his blog at What Happened? Writing for Wizards Part 2 - POCGamer
Oh, that. I do remember that. I had been more focused on the clash of expectations between a freelancer and a publisher, rather than what was done to the Grippli and Yuan-Ti.

Voidrunner's Codex

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