D&D 5E [Kobold Press] Tome of Beasts 3 is live on Kickstarter!

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The Tome of Beasts 3 kickstarter has just crossed $500,000 with more than 6,200 backers and there are still 3 weeks to go!!!!

New stretch goals include additional minis added, additional submit a monster slots opened up, pawns added, etc.

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I’m curious - what makes these monsters better? As in, what about the design is most appealing? Is it the concepts? The special abilities? The way they challenge the PCs? How does the kobold press design compare, for example, to level up design?

I’m curious - what makes these monsters better? As in, what about the design is most appealing? Is it the concepts? The special abilities? The way they challenge the PCs? How does the kobold press design compare, for example, to level up design?

Hey there!

Not sure better is the right word since better is very subjective. You can always check out reviews of our previous D&D 5E monster books to get a good idea what Tome of Beasts 3 will offer ...

Tome of Beasts

Tome of Beasts 2

Creature Codex

You might also check out the latest RPG Crowdfunding News here on EnWorld:
RPG Crowdfunding News – Tome of Beasts, One More Quest, Seeds of Decay, and more
"....Kobold Press .... is as close to 5e official as a third party publisher is likely to get. Kobold has produced WotC published supplements. They have shared employees/freelancers with WotC. I try to cover their monster manuals whenever they drop, and [Tome of Beasts 3] is at the top of my list. I point that out to say that if you’re looking for 5e monsters that will feel official, try Tome of Beasts 1 or 2, or the 3rd one coming on Kickstarter. These books are widely available at your friendly local game store in hardcover or digest sized editions and PDF versions are available. If you need more 5e monsters, these will not disappoint."

Hope that helps!!
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I’m curious - what makes these monsters better? As in, what about the design is most appealing? Is it the concepts? The special abilities? The way they challenge the PCs? How does the kobold press design compare, for example, to level up design?
As someone who has all three Kobold monster books currently, in pdf and on Roll20, I can say I like them better than the core Monster Manuals. The art is top notch, there is a lot of variety in the monster design, and some of them are just plain MEAN. I would say on average the critters are more dangerous than core monsters of the same CR. My guys were fighting some umbral vampires last night that did 4d6 cold damage with a touch and drained 1d6 points of Strength automatically. If I had rolled a critical hit someone would have died, as I'm pretty sure that Strength drain would double to 2d6, and the people getting touched were weak spellcasters. And, unrelated, it makes me miss the days of actual Touch attacks where your armor and shield doesn't matter.

Marc, I DO think they're better. Also, for players who are jaded by the old Monster roster of D&D, the Kobold Press line offers hundreds and hundreds of bastards to either kill or run from, and players don't have any idea what they do. My players are still terrified of exploding toads after meeting them at 2nd level. Also, the art is often so good that I Photoshop the entire picture into a token and use that online. The little round tokens are fine, but they so often leave out the best parts of the artwork.


What the F is that? Who knows? Can we kill it? Maybe!!!

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Marc, I DO think they're better. Also, for players who are jaded by the old Monster roster of D&D, the Kobold Press line offers hundreds and hundreds of bastards to either kill or run from, and players don't have any idea what they do. My players are still terrified of exploding toads after meeting them at 2nd level. Also, the art is often so good ....

Very much appreciated!!

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What is Tome of Beasts 3 Lairs?
We’ve been talking a lot about the monsters going into Tome of Beasts 3, but what about ways to use them in your world?
Enter Tome of Beasts 3 Lairs!

This book is full of 18 (now 21 with stretch goal unlocks!) one-session adventures between levels 1 and 11. Each adventure features one to four creatures from Tome of Beasts 3 and comes with a full-color 1-page map (by Jon Pintar, the cartographer behind the battle maps of Scarlet Citadel, Empire of the Ghouls, and many others). These adventures are great for introducing some of the Tome of Beasts 3 monsters into your game, and they’re ready to play when your players are—minimal prep required!

Learn more!

Two Weeks to Go!
We’re a little over halfway through the life of this Kickstarter, and it's already the biggest Kickstarter Kobold Press has ever had! Thank you all so much!

So far, we've unlocked 25 stretch goals, which puts the total unlocks at:
  • 21 additional backer-submitted monsters (for a total of 26)
  • 18 additional monsters
  • 3 additional NPCs
  • 2 fey sovereigns
  • 3 additional adventures for Tome of Beasts 3 Lairs, which were previewed in this update
  • 6 guest designer monster reveals, five of which appeared in recent updates
  • 3 additional miniatures now available as add-ons: Puffinfolk, Ghost Knight Templar, and Necrotech Thunderer
  • An NPC Features table, which gives you the statistics for turning any generic NPC into one of the humanoids in Tome of Beasts 3
  • An introduction by guest designer Luke Gygax!
  • A set of 300 pawns, depicting many of the creatures in Tome of Beasts 3, is now available as an add-on. See this update for more details on pawns
  • A free PDF of the Kobold Guide to Monsters for all backers at the $29 pledge level and higher, which will be sent to all applicable backers shortly after the Kickstarter ends.
We have more stretch goals on the horizon.
Let’s see if we can unlock those in the last two weeks of this Kickstarter!

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