D&D 5E [Kobold Press] Tome of Beasts 3 is live on Kickstarter!

bedir than

Full Moon Storyteller
Tome of Beasts, the original, inspired me to change how all dragons hoard.
The Ale Dragon and Jaculus inspired the idea that every dragon hoards different things, to include emotions.

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Marc Radle

Sorry for the late reply, but as a long time DM I find myself using Tome of Beasts and Tome of Beasts II all the time. The quality of the design is uniformly high, the creativity in monsters inspires hooks and novel usage. The fill gaps in the officially published books often - oh, I need a humanoid undead near this CR, or what have you.

I'm really sparse in terms of what 3rd party resources I use when running 5e, but the first two have proven their worth for me.

Thanks so much!

Marc Radle

Final Week.jpg

$650,677 pledged so far
7,943 backers

Here’s what's been unlocked so far:

  • 24 additional backer-submitted monsters (for a total of 29)
  • 18 additional monsters
  • 3 additional NPCs
  • 2 fey sovereigns
  • 4 additional adventures for Tome of Beasts 3 Lairs
  • 7 guest designer monster reveals, all of which appeared in updates throughout the campaign (find the most recent reveals here)
  • 3 additional miniatures now available as add-ons: Puffinfolk, Ghost Knight Templar, and Necrotech Thunderer
  • An NPC Features table, which gives you the statistics for turning any generic NPC into one of the humanoids in Tome of Beasts 3
  • An introduction by guest designer Luke Gygax!
  • A set of 300 pawns, depicting many of the creatures in Tome of Beasts 3, is now available as an add-on. See this update for more details on pawns
  • A free PDF of the Kobold Guide to Monsters for all backers at the $29 pledge level and higher, which will be sent to all applicable backers shortly after the Kickstarter ends.
So many guest monster reveals, additional adventures, and new monsters, including many that will be yours! The warrens are abuzz with activity as we work to add these stretch goals to Tome of Beasts 3 and its hardcover lairs book.

This Kickstarter ends February 23rd, so round up some friends or hapless adventurers and let’s see if we can get the next few stretch goals!
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Marc Radle

Next Stretch Goal: Limited Edition Lairs
With a little less than one week left, we have a few more stretch goals on the horizon. The next one is at $700k, and it unlocks a limited edition cover for Tome of Beasts 3 Lairs!

What Does “Limited Edition” Mean?
Aside from printing a limited number of these books, limited edition means the book will have a special, two-color foil, leatherette cover. The book will also have ribbon bookmarks and high-grade endpapers. The limited edition version of the book will have all of the same content as the standard version and is mostly for collectors.

How Do I Get It?
If we hit the $700k stretch goal, each backer who pledged at the $125 tier will have their Tome of Beasts 3 Lairs book automatically upgraded to the limited edition version. If you want the limited edition Tome of Beasts 3 Lairs book and you didn’t pledge at that tier, you can change your pledge to that tier to secure a copy of the limited edition book. Keep in mind, we can print only so many of these books, so the limited edition Tome of Beasts 3 Lairs will NOT be offered as an add-on. As with the tiers that include the limited edition of Tome of Beasts 3, the Kobold Press team will increase the available copies when we reach backer number milestones (typically at the 500s or 1000s).

What Will It Look Like?
We’re glad you asked! Here’s a preview of the limited edition cover for Tome of Beasts 3 Lairs.
Tome of Beasts 3 Lairs LE 3D Cover FINAL.jpg

@Marc Radle do you have a history of the totals of the other Kobold Press Kickstarters that you can post? Is this one the biggest yet?
Regardless, it's impressive and well deserved. Thanks for all you do for the game!


the Incomparably Shrewd and Clever
@Marc Radle do you have a history of the totals of the other Kobold Press Kickstarters that you can post? Is this one the biggest yet?
I'm not Marc, and this is not all KP Kickstarters, but just for quick comparison:
Tome of Beasts: 2,312 backers $191,431 (Tome of Beasts: 400+ New Monsters for 5th Edition)
Tome of Beasts 2: 6,524 backers $413,021 (Tome of Beasts 2 for 5th Edition: 400 New Monsters)
Tome of Beasts 3 (as of this writing): 8,096 backers $665,595 (Tome of Beasts 3: Full Throttle 5th Edition Monster Mayhem)

Edit: and here is a link to all 23 KP Kickstarters: Kobold Press

Marc Radle

@Marc Radle do you have a history of the totals of the other Kobold Press Kickstarters that you can post? Is this one the biggest yet?
Regardless, it's impressive and well deserved. Thanks for all you do for the game!

Thanks so much! Great question, by the way!

Here are our 2 biggest kickstarters:

Vault of Magic
8,742 backers

Tome of Beasts 3 (so far ...)
8,246 backers
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Marc Radle

I'd very much like to know the answer to this question, too!

Fair question!

Tome of Beasts for 5th Edition was intended as a trilogy, and we we are completing the set here. Kobold Press will absolutely continue to offer new monsters in adventures and sourcebooks though!

Voidrunner's Codex

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