The updated working draft is good, and I'd be up to include Expert Grappler as well.
Well I guess we gave all the other Krakens expert grappler, although it seems a bit superfluous once their Grapple modifier gets above +60!
Well it does make it easier for the beast to move and attack while grappling, so I'd be game for adding it in.
The vague tentacle information in the original monster is similar to a regular Kraken, so it could just as easily use regular grappling like the SRD version or my Cleon Special™
Giant Squid Redux.
So shall I add in Expert Grappler or not?
For Shipcrusher, we could just say that each tentacle does damage as normal.
Having it do two lots of tentacle constrict damage plus eight lots of arm damage seems a bit excessive. An SRD Kraken would do 4d8+6d6+60 if it could constrict with all its limbs simultaneously - although that's not as bad as the SRD Giant Squid who's tentacles are all Primary Attacks, so all ten together are 10d6+80!
So I'd rather it have the Shipcrusher SQ.
Hmm, upon reflection maybe the Mystaran Kraken's Shipcrusher ability is a little weak. It was based on the custom Constrict of my
Giant Squid Redux, but that giant squid's limbs have base limb damage of 1d6 not the 6d6 of the Epic-Colossal Mystaran version. Is 15d6+21 enough for it crushing a vessel with all ten limbs? Maybe it should be "increases by 2d6 for each additional tentacle" instead (for max constrict 24d6+21) or even higher like +3d6 per extra tentacle (max constrict 33d6+21) or even +6d6 (max constrict 60d6+21)?
Come to think of it, we should decide what damage the tentacles and arms do normally first! And the bite while we're at it!
Comparing the Awnshegh's 2E version to a regular 2E Kraken its attacks all do more damage:
Tentacle: 1d10+10 (average 15.5) vs 3d6 (average 10.5)[+47.619%]
Arm: 2d8 (average 9) vs 2d6 (average 7)[+28.857%]
Bite: 10d4 (average 25) vs 7d4 (average 17.5)[+42.857%]
On average is does about four-tenth more damage [+39.683%].
Hmm, a regular Kraken does 2d8+12 with its tentacles, 1d6+6 with its arms and 4d6+6 with its bite.
Increasing one to Colossal size with the standard +8 Strength factored in would increase that to 3d8+16 tentacles, 1d8+8 arms and 6d6+8 bite.
The Awnshegh has a +18 Strength bonus instead of a standard Colossal Kraken's +16, so if nothing else changed it'd have 3d8+18 tentacles, 1d8+9 arms and 6d6+9 bite.
So in terms of average damage % percentage wise, that's:
Attack | Kraken | Colossal.Krak | Awnshegh | A.vs.Krak | A.vs.Crak |
Tentacle | 21 | 29.5 | 31.5 | 150% | 106.779% |
Arm | 9.5 | 12.5 | 13.5 | 142.105% | 108% |
Bite | 20 | 29 | 30 | 150% | 103.448% |
| | | Increase | +47.368% | +6.076% |
Remember that the "increase" is just the percentage boost of a single hit by one of the three attacks and does not match the overall overall damage output. Since a Kraken has two tentacles and six arms but only one bite, a 6-point increase in arm damage will increase the total average damage by 36, but only 12 for tentacle damage or 6 for bite damage.
Anyhow, so simply upscaling a regular Kraken and giving it the Awnshegh's Strength gives it a 47% increase.
That seems in the right ballpark if we're aiming for 40%.
That said, I'm
not that much in favour of the way the Colossal Kraken has an average tentacle damage higher than its bite damage!
So maybe we could tweak the limbs' damage a bit while increasing the bite damage?
How about 2d10 for the tentacles while keeping the arms at 1d8 while upscaling the bite to either 8d6 or 6d8?
Attack | Kraken | Awnshegh/Bite.8d6 | /Bite.6d8 | Awn8d6.v.K | Awn6d8.v.K |
Tentacle | 21 | 29 [2d10+18] | 29 | 138.095% | 138.095% |
Arm | 9.5 | 13.5 [1d8+9] | 13.5 | 142.105% | 142.105% |
Bite | 20 | 37 [8d6+9] | 36 | 185% | 180% |
| | | Average | +55.067% | +53.400% |
Hmm… at first glance that looked a bit high, but then I remembered that the SRD Kraken and the 2E Kraken have VERY different tentacle/bite damage ratios. The SRD is 2d8+12 tentacle vs. 4d6+6 bite (average 21 & 20 or a 1.05 ratio) while 2E is 3d6 vs. 7d4 (10.5 vs 17.5 or a 0.60 ratio) so proportionally the 2E Kraken's bite does 75% more damage (105/60 = 1.75).
So let's do that! I slightly prefer the 8d6 bite but it doesn't really make any difference. One point higher or lower average damage is no big deal when you're doing over 30 points per hit!
So that'd give the Awnshegh:
Full Attack: 2 tentacles +50 melee (2d10+18) and 6 arms +45 melee (1d8+9) and bite +45 melee (8d6+9)
Shipcrusher (Ex): The Kraken can constrict a colossal creature or object with more than one limb. If one or both tentacles are constricting, the constriction damage equals 2d10+27 plus 1d10 for each arm or tentacle that is shipcrushing. If it's only shipcrushing with its arms, the constriction damage equals 2d8+18 plus 1d8 for each arm it is constricting with.
So that's a max of 10d10+27 damage when shipcrushing (2d10+27 plus +8d10 from all eight limbs) and if it uses all six arms it's 8d8+18.
I was tempted to make the arms base damage use the same ten-sided dice as the tentacles in hopes that'd make the Shipcrushing simpler, but decided against it.
Make the ink a contact poison with initial damage a disease and secondary damage death? That seems to be the closest thing we can do to the original. Maybe slimy doom for the disease?
Upon reflection, shouldn't this be a Supernatural ability rather than an Extraordinary one since Blood Abilities are manifestation of evil divine power?
Maybe we could borrow some of the mechanics from Mummy Rot?
Slimy Doom is a good model, although presumable the DC will be higher than Doom's 14!