Starfinder Kronusverse and Colonial Space - default setting for my products...


Since I'm a third party publisher for the Starfinder Roleplaying Game, I cannot use the Pact Worlds setting as my default setting in my published products, so we had to use something else. The idea of the Kronusverse was born as backstory, T. H. Gulliver included with his Dead in Space horror anthology of one-shots, which he began writing before Starfinder was even released. The setting works for me, so I've since been expanding it as backstory in all my Starfinder publications.

The Kronusverse is really our region of the Milky Way galaxy (more or less), with Earth at it's center. After centuries of exploitation and pollution, Earth made itself known to be aware as a sentient deity perhaps, calling itself Kronus. Humanity was given a century to vacate the premises or ecological doom would be brought down upon them. However, most governments lacked the means to effectively transfer their entire populations, and only the megacorps had such facility. The 13 nearest inhabitable planets closest to the Earth, many already claimed by existing megacorps is where humanity moved, all under dystopian corporate control - this region of the Kronusverse is called Corporate Space. After 50 years of corporate rule the massive underclasses began to chafe against their overlords. The Great Odyssey began. Wealthy investors, organized religious groups, and varying subcultures using crowd funding or whatever means to build generational colony ships so they could leave Corporate Space to enter the frontier beyond to test their mettle, known as Colonial Space.

In the beginning each colony world was independent, though maintained some trade between colonies. Eventually 36 colonies were established, and already humanity was encountering alien species establishing relations with them. One of the most distant colonies lost contact with it's neighbors and surveillance ship was sent to investigate, and discovered that a militant alien android race invading it. Call to arms came, though most colonies lacked the capability to aid beyond providing troops. The three largest and most successful colonies, some as established as any of the worlds of Corporate Space, joined their militaries to form an opposition to the alien incursion. After 7 years of hard-fighting these invaders left. Out of the makeshift unity among the independent colonies, a movement to form a government began. Most of the power is held by the Parliament consisting of representatives from each of the 36 human colonies, and 9 alien cultures that are a part. The central government is weak with prime minister, more often depending on which faction of Parliament supports him. While much of ongoing discussion regards trade negotiations, planet use rights handled by bureaucracy. The governments primary responsibilites is colonial defense, the courts and law enforcement, and trade management. They call themselves the Confederacy of Independent Colonies of Colonial Space (CICCS).

The Colonial Navy and the Bureau of Naval Intelligence are a major part of the a government, many of the early prime ministers were former admirals. While the Colonial Marines form the naval infantry, as well as security in government. Since the incursion, the Colonies are in a state of peace, but constant patrols by fleets, patrols, especially anti-piracy duty. I introduced much of this in Rules of Engagement supplement with Colonial Marines as a theme, their ranks and organization, marine weapons, armor, equipment, vehicles, even starships. Though the main focus of those rules is to allow military vehicles, starships and planetary fortifications to engage in combat with each other (as Starfinder RAW does not allow).

The Colonial Marshalls Office is the law enforcement for the colonies, but are historically under-funded and widely spread out across Colonial Space. This means that Colonial Marshalls often find themselves in situations over there heads, so the Colonial Marines are often called in for backup and thus have a close relationship with Marshalls office.

With my last supplement, the Planet Builder, I defined that Colonial Space has a Colonial Based Economy. Claiming uninhabited star sytems, sending advance teams of explorers, finding and establishing trade resources like botanicals for food and pharma, fuels, metals and other industrial minerals, mining and processing them and trading with the other colonies.

All the races of the core and a score of other alien species also reside within Colonial Space

Posted below: the Gemini binary star system, location of one of the wealthiest of the original 36 colonies, at New Dublin. Although the surface features a light atmosphere and no surface water, the pressure is fully breathable beneath the surface, where a labrynth of vast natural cistens and water filled tunnels where urbanization occurs as subterranean arcology - instead of skyscrapers, these wall clinging towers are inspired by hexagonal basalt columns. Also the Cheladeans, alien hermit crab race as a recent member state of the colonies.



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Although the alien invaders were androids, they weren't the humanoid kind, named the Harbingers of Doom by the colonials. Resembling a mechanical jellyfish or squid, that hover for movement. Unimaginatively their assault destroyer shown below is configured exactly like the individual harbingers. Because as standard androids, a part of them is organic and not some kind of S.R.O., they require nourishment in the form of a pool of alcohol, in the lower part of the ship. I imagined them being like those flying drones in that Matrix movie that try to breach and board ships as their primary form of attack, with cutting lasers at it's "mouth".


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Regarding my Colonial Naval ships, though it wasn't my plan, because the first ship I created was that Kraken class Poseidon dreadnought, which resembles a giant squid (kraken), I continued with that theme, at least regarding naval ships - perhaps I went overboard. The second ship is the crackerjack nautilus specialized small patrol ships. The third, with a few others shown is the Hammerhead battleship. Finally, the man-o-war class gas giant orbiting station/atmospheric harvester, New Madrid.


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There are various kinds of Colonial Marine dropships from large company transports to this Achilles class small pinnace (squad boat). Unlike my naval ships, I was shooting for "practical and military ugly" for Marine ships. Even though it's a small ship, it has two decks and can hold an armored transport vehicle for planetary deployment.

One carry over naval design was used for the Chelonian assault submersible/beach lander - resembling a headless leatherback turtle. Using high speed turbo drives steered by the fins, but gravimetric emitters under the fins can lift the vessel out of the water to position itself for landing on a beach.

Then back to practical, the Pegasus class grav tank... enjoy!


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Veruk was a mystic sent on a courier mission when the transport ship he was on crash landed on a desolate, desert moon as the lone survivor. By following giant monitor lizards he learned where the food and water existed. The places water, plants, more of an abundance of life are where geysers spew near toxic water. One of the plants draws the sulfer out of the water as a nutrient with bulbs of "waste pure water". Veruk eventually discovered a cave inside one of "mountains" created by geyser deposits inside was a cavern filled with priceless giant crystals with mystic properties - this would eventually provide the wealth for Veruk to found his own holy sect from his main church (I've yet to develop the religion...) Shown below is Shauda Verukaan (Veruk's holy city), where Veruk holds his visage over the city bearing the largest single yellow crystal found providing a protection over the city. It's a city of temples and fighting orders. Shown is the street/lowest level of the city of 7 levels, though the upper levels are inside the mountain rising up to the starport on top. The last image shows a view of Kos Veruk (Veruk's Cave) where the crystal mine is located. It's operation is contracted with a private mining corporation with a limited amount of crystals allowed mined each year. This is an example of a typical colony.


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Really located on the border region between Corporate and Colonial Space, but considered part of Corporate Space is the prison world, Purgatory. It began as a potential waystation and refueling point for potential corporate colonial expansion, which did not happen. The atmosphere was highly corrosive and the largest and most expensive terraforming platforms were placed, but after only 23 years of operation, despite constant maintenance, they failed, and only half the atmosphere was tolerable. So more advanced platforms replaced them, but costs were soaring the the corporation needed some profit, so declared the world a garbage planet taking in toxic and radioactive waste, exotic spent drives, and less salvageable debris. A workforce in heavy industrial armor for heavy dangerous work in the toxic atmosphere endured many hardships. After a time, the workers went on general strike for better work conditions, shorter shifts outside, a better health plan, etc. Rather than capitulate, the corporation declared the strikers as illegal, declared the planet a prison world with the striking workers as it's first permanet inmates. The worst criminals and dregs of society, at least according to corporate mindsets were sent here, all over multiple lifetimes, meaning those inmates who mate and form families, for multiple generations must serve time. Rather than place guards or other forces on the ground, the prison watch remains in low orbit in a vast array of watch stations over the entire surface about 200 miles apart. Each have a squadron of interceptor to deal with unauthorized ships near the planet, or any hostile activitity detected on planet - the stations feature power scanners looking groundward and skyward. As long as some of the inmate population works a monthly quota of salvage operations, regular shipments of food, supplies, weapons, medicines and water are dropped at multiple locations across the planet. Mecha, some industrial and many makeshift out of starship hulks are the primary forms of surface transport. Some prison gangs use mecha in raids, challenges and competitions across the planet. The prisoners are free to govern themselves all they want, but are not allowed to build weapons that can threaten the orbiting stations, nor craft that can fly above 1 mile over the surface.

Map of the entire planet, illustration of a typical family, titled "Look, Dad's home!", then a view of one of the orbiting watch stations with a squadron being deployed.


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Then there's Eirine, a water world - no surface land what so ever, though deep and shallow areas with seamounts just below the surface in places, exposed in high seas. Aquafarming, fisheries, pharma/food botanicals are it's industries, though it's largely an oceanographic station of scientists. Neptune Station, an old map product of mine actually fits well here, and I did a 3D of it's exterior.


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I'm also planning to include a colony as kind of Starfinder upgrade to my Kaidan setting - Feudal Japan in space... shown below is a view of the imperial capital, mostly corporate/bureaucratic city, industry is done elsewhere, where the sky elevator exists. Although the capital and industrial area are designed as a modern city, much of the surrounding regions are maintained to look like ancient Japanese architecture with the technology hidden. People dress in traditional garb, unless in industrial or military operations. The capital city of Kaidan-kyo is in the shape of the chrysanthemum imperial house crest. Next is a view of the imperial park at the center of the city. Then a view of the sky elevator at the lower orbiting ring level. Finally an image of an imperial hatamoto samurai patroling a desert moon.


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Elsewhere in the Kaidan star system are other inhabited worlds, mostly yokai moons surrounding the oni inhabited gas giant, Jigoku. Including a moon that was a proving ground for oni weaponry, including an gravity bomb that made the moon go from microgravity to 1.2 Gs permanently, as well as ice bombardment that melted into shallow seas. Now a lesser oni has been bio-engineered into kappa soldier slaves. Then the tengu moon whose surface pressure is so high it's uninhabitable with toxic gases, but about 5 miles over the surface the air pressure is normal and breathable. Water clouds exist at this level. The tengu raise their cities atop pinnacles of rock that rise to that level. Seen is an airlifted vertical farm that chase the clouds for moisture then returning to the cities for harvest. The jurogumo are an archnid race but masters with computers and coding, with a natural binary understand of the world around them.


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