Starfinder Kronusverse and Colonial Space - default setting for my products...


It might be easier to create setting by star system, rather than the entire setting. That way I can more fully develop each "subsetting", include ships, factions, politics, local biology and unique local conditions. A world map for each, and a globe view, and a full stat block - stat blocks for entire star systems takes 4 or more pages to show. Having 36 locations with that much information would make for a 300 page book! I don't want that. So small star system setting guides of a dozen to 20 pages, seems more reasonable - thoughts?

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Not my art, but also for the Kaidan star system, inspired by Mark Hyzer's tengu pencil illustration for the original Kaidan, Sergej Fel created the Same-Bito (shark shapechanger) in power armor... enjoy!


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So, I decided to begin a series of Mini Setting Guides, one star system at a time. with full stat block, a Star System Map, a few (probably two) featured World Maps, a couple maps of interesting locations, perhaps a local starship deck plan and/or at least some starship illustrations, introduce new local races and creatures, some local equipment or vehicles of note. Then a complete overview of the system: history, culture, politics, technology, industry, trade and political relationships, etc. with full illustrations, maybe a couple planet views in space. I will also create one overview of the general setting of the Kronusverse. I have potentially 47 such potential star systems and nebula/other stellar bodies as standalone products. Though I'd only have to do a dozen or more and still offer a great series. Plus buyers wouldn't have to "buy in" to the entire, rather purchasing one or more specific developed starships to add to their homebrew...

Edit: I know I mentioned working on a module next, sorry.... plans changed. I like this idea better - since I'm better known for my maps, creating small map-rich products, should sell well, I think.

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Maybe I always get ahead of myself, but once I decide on a publication, the first thing I create is a cover design - as a definitive place to start, and it makes the project feel more real!

While I still need to make a Kronusverse general overview guide, as a separate product, I think I will create that, as well as the first star system entry: the Gemini Binary Star System - here's that concept cover.


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I am jumping ahead of myself - starting to plan my 2022 publishing schedule, though these might not all fit this, yeat, it's a goal.

The Kronusverse is the default setting used in all Gamer Printshop publications, originally created by T. H. Gulliver in his one-shot horror anthology, Dead in Space. Since then I've been expanding the setting in nearly all of my releases. After having published The Planet Builder supplement last year with tools for creating entire star systems - I'm ready to bring my setting out of the background and into it's own product line.

Mini setting guides include: overview with history, culture, government, technology, resources, factions and unique aspects, of each primary world described (at least 2 per guide). Maps of the entire star system, world maps/sphererical image of primary worlds, mapped locations for large complex and interesting locales, a starship deck plan and illustrations of other ships of the system. Unique weapons, armor, equipment and other items found here. New races and monsters. The full stat block which works like a gazetteer almost.

Having already announced the Gemini Binary Stars as a the first mini setting guide for my new product line. And because I should have an overview guide to the entire Kronusverse setting - I plan to release those simultaneously.

However, I've got 3 more mini-guides I want to do, so created the concept covers for the entire line, so far...



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Haven't rendered a 3D image in a while, and needed something to depict the Colonial Navy, so this is the 4th Colonial Fleet on patrol in the Daedalus system. Shown is the Kraken class dreadnought, 4 Hammerhead class battleships, and many packs of Nautilus class medium patrol corvettes. I'm doing the secction on the Colonial Navy in the Kronusverse Guide - and I needed an illustration for it.



Well now, I've decided that the Kronusverse Guide is going to get bigger than I thought. After creating the above image, I decided I ought provide stats for all existing Colonial Naval ships, though I still need to visually conceive sealife inspired designs for a Cruiser and a Destroyer. If I'm doing that, I might as well add some deck plans and stats for a couple Colonial Marines ships. That means I ought to create an illustration, and stats for a Merchant Spacers Guild container ship. Of course the Colonial Marshalls Office will have a small long patrol ship with deck plan and stats. The Argos generational colony base ship, which I include an illustration in The Planet Builder, I have been working on it's deck plan which is 376 miles long, with a crew and colonist population of 600,000 - I might as well stat and include that as well. Which means this guide is going to be a ship heavy ship.
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I thought I was creating a huge bulk freighter, but after texturing it, the extra windows in the fore part of the ship, suggested this thing is a lot bigger than "huge", so I created a new frame for it, and have designed the largest Colonial Merchant Spacers Guild vessel (think merchant marine), this is a gargantuan massive freighter, while the frame allows for up to 16 bays on a ship this size, they must all be cargo holds. The externally mounted cargo options, which include container assemblies, gas/liquid storage tanks, or bulk containers, this ship features all 3. I figure this ship is 8,000 ft. long, though very narrow and long in shape. I did a top down version so I can make it's deck plan. This is the Trireme class.


While the Ysoki (ratlings) aren't indigenous to the Kronusverse, they are recent arrivals to the Delphi system, aboard a Ysoki Sphere Colony Base ship with a singularity drive at center creating a stable .98 Gs to those living aboard. They plan to settle one of the desert planets in the Delphi system.

The Ysoki Invasion of Delphi II. Although authorized by the Ecclesiastic Council of the Delphi Hegemony to immigrate to the unincorporated planet of Delphi II, in the Delphi star system. A small, population of criminal elements, squatters, and other outlaw types residing on small armed encampment on the planet with a crudely, prepared starport. These ysoki pilgrims from across the galaxy claim religious reasons for claiming the second planet of the Delphi system, to which the Ecclesiastic Council acknowledge, that prophecy speaks of a chosen people for that world, that they were awaiting their arrival. The ysoki are the chosen people of this world.


Voidrunner's Codex

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