Starfinder Kronusverse and Colonial Space - default setting for my products...


Since you've mentioned this setting also includes the Kaiden in space stuff, and the Kaiden setting history, does that mean the Kaiden horror setting took place on Earth or something as well?

Is magic a thing in this space horror setting, considering there was mention of an oni world that use "magitech" to keep the gravity bearable on it?
Kaidan was originally a demi-plane that coexists with the prime material plane. It existed on Earth (more or less) as a fog enshrouded region. Sometimes Kaidan let's you in, and sometimes you pass through the fog exiting out the other side never encountering landfall. You might note that the Kaidan map never shows other lands around it, though presumably such existed.

Starfinder has magic, there is spellcasting and spellcasters - of course magic is a thing, though it's treated almost as an alternate kind of science. I will admit, that I prefer a more hard version of sci-fi, though I don't impose my preference onto the setting.

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Kaidan was originally a demi-plane that coexists with the prime material plane. It existed on Earth (more or less) as a fog enshrouded region. Sometimes Kaidan let's you in, and sometimes you pass through the fog exiting out the other side never encountering landfall. You might note that the Kaidan map never shows other lands around it, though presumably such existed.
So was it like Ravenloft/the Demiplane of Dread, in a sense? I can't remember if the issue with how screwed up the reincarnation cycle became was due to Kaiden itself or due to how Japan(?) got transported there thanks to that imperial household committing suicide.

Voidrunner's Codex

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