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[LANAI] The Rod of Seven Parts: Into the Crucible


Rhy gnaws at his own lip for a moment as he considers Phud's wounds. The half-orc seems to have a knack for attracting trouble, and injury. He weighs heavily in his mind the energy that flows through him. He shakes his head for a moment and his eyes clear a little.

"I'm sorry Phud, it seems as if for some time I have only been watching myself as if from a great distance. I will see what I can do to aid you now that I have returned.

[sblock=ooc]You'll have to forgive me for being away so long, but does Rhys actually have any healing left?

He's only got three 1st level spells a day, and I count two used just in this last encounter. How long has it been since we rested? Phud may have to settle for minors. How hurt is he?

CLW if there's one left 1d8+2
Otherwise, three cure minors for 3 points, whee :) Gotta leave one back in case someone needs emergency stabilization [/sblock]

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[sblock=ooc] I dunno, but I suspect we'll have to rest directly after this next battle. We leveled, and thus got some spells back, but I've got all of one left, which I suspect is about to be used to summon another wolf to help deal with the reinforcements. Better a summon take the first rush than Phud or Yssal. Also, welcome back hafrogman! [/sblock]


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Rowan nods at the kuo-toans, a frown on his face. "They will only stay asleep for a couple of minutes. And I'm afraid I'm quite the stranger to performing the coup. Perhaps someone with more skill at arms could look to these fellows?"

The halfling then walks over toward Arden. "My friends, my arcane powers are nearly exhausted for the day...I suggest we deal with these newcomers with alacrity, and then find a safehole to retire to. I have one spell left that, er, may cause the reinforcements some, ah yes...consternation."

Ready action to cast grease on the corridor coming into this room...I assume Arden and Rhys are in the room now?
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Rowan remains standing by the stone brazier and begins preparing a nasty surprise for the reinforcements in the form of a greased corridor leading into the kuo-toa guardian room.

[sblock=All]I have marked the area to be greased on the attached map. It isn't greased yet, but will be if reinforcements arrive.[/sblock]

Phud stands still to receive Rhys's healing, which Chronepsis is so good as to provide in the form of 7 points of healing.

[sblock=Rhys]I may have been generous in using or overusing Rhys's healing. Odds are that sleep will be necessary immediately after this battle--Rowan and Wyleck are almost out of spells. I don't think you need to fish through the last several pages to determine how much healing Rhys has used. If you're comfortable, why don't we call this his last cure light and we'll leave him with all his cure minors just in case someone needs to be stabilized?[/sblock]

Carefully maintaining her aim on the portcullis, Arden moves through the soon-to-be-greased corridor into the kuo-toa guardian room with the others. Should a foe appear at the portcullis, Arden stands ready to fire her crossbow.

Wyleck also moves out of the corridor into the kuo-toa guardian room. Standing just to the side of the corner entrance to the room very near the sleeping KT2, Wyleck spaces himself so as to be able to peer around the corner with both the portullis and the wolf in full view. As soon as Wyleck centers himself, however, his magically summoned ally winks out of existance.

At that precise moment, there is a grinding of gearworks and the portcullis begins to raise. The bit of rock upon which Wyleck had cast light winks from view and everything again falls to darkness. The kuo-toa guardian room, which sports patches of phosphorescent moss of some kind that glows purple, is the only source of dim illumination.

The phosphorescent moss behaves like a candle (provides illumination for a 5-ft radius) and is marked on the map by pink marks on the walls. Incidentally, there is a rising set of stairs on the southern end of the kuo-toa room that you all have yet to investigate. Sorry if that was not clearer earlier.

At the first glimpse of pale bulbous eyes blinking from around the corner near the now raised portcullis, Arden takes the shot she'd for so long held. Her bolt streaks through the air, crossing the main chamber, and burying itself into the mid-section of the owner of the bulbous eyes, dealing 3 points of damage.

Everyone hears, but only Phud sees, two kuo-toas armed with longspears flapping across the main chamber floor. To Phud's eye, KT5 and KT6 spread out and appear to be making to flank both sides of the corridor leading to the guardian room. KT4, the one Arden hit, stands its ground in the portcullis doorframe, a longspear in hand, as it looks dead on at Phud and croaks in some queer nebulous language.

The sound of another pair of feet, or perhaps two pairs, flap through the puddles ubiquitous to this area from the somewhere inside the hallway beyond the portcullis.

Rowan points at the corridor, magically and silently slickening the already wet flagstones.

Rowan 20
Phud 20
Arden 15
KT1, KT2 13
Wyleck 7
Reinforcements 6
Rhys 3


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Plunged into darkness as soon as he has finished with Phud's wounds, Rhys stands blinking in the darkness for a moment. He feels the shaft of his spear in his hands and considers the feeble light shed by the moss.

Caressing the disc at his neck once more, he calls for light.

[sblock=ooc]Or else, perhaps I shall use those level 0 spells for something else.

Cast Light on his spear.[/sblock]


Guest 11456

Phud : Male Half-Orc Sorcerer 1 / Barbarian 1

Unable to free his own weapon at the moment, Phud grabs KT3's scimitar and checks the balance of the weapon before swinging at KT2 with the newly acquired weapon. Meanwhile Bird has flown over to the brazier and lands atop it.


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Wyleck repeats his druidic summoning, calling upon the very nature of the wolf to bring the beastly ally back into the fight, right next to the large Koa-Toan.

Rowan stands by the brazier and waits for an enemy to assert itself into Rhys's nimbus of magical light.

Phud ignores his own stuck heavy mace in favor plucking KT3's scimitar up from the floor beside the dead kuo-toa. Hefting the weapon for weight and finding things to his satisfaction, Phud does an about face and quickly sets to the grim work of coup de grace-ing KT2. White ichor from the sleeping kuo-toa wells up from the slice Phud carves across the creature's neck, and the kuo-toa guardian ceases stirring.

Arden finishes loading her light crossbow. Leveling the front of the weapon in order to take aim at KT4, Arden squeezes the firing mechanism and, with a click, a bolt flies from the bow to hit the kuo-toa standing in the portcullis a second time smack in the thigh for 4 points of damage. The kuo-toa croaks furiously in its foreign tongue and, dying, reaches for something unseen beside the portcullis. The loud clanging of a war bell rings out into the dark, decrying unwelcome entry.

Using the same tone and incantations from just seconds before, Wyleck begins casting a second summoning spell, eyeing the large kuo-toa all the while.

KT5 and KT6 finish crossing the main chamber and remove themselves from immediate view to either side of the open hall. The clatter of polearms on the stone floor, followed in short order by heavy machinery being lifted into place echoes in the guardian room. The war bell back by the portcullis clangs twice more before KT4 slumps in the portcullis doorway, unconscious or dead.

Rhys expends a few quick seconds to magically light his spear. For all but Phud, the light is welcome addition. For now, the halls in the temple fall quiet, save for the scuffling of the two kuo-toan soldiers outside the hall and the dying echoes of the bell.

Rowan 20
Phud 20
Arden 15
KT1 13
Wyleck 7
KT5, KT6 6
Rhys 3


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