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Last Stand of the Dorinthians- Dead Secrets

Deuce Traveler

Silas and Barok climb down into the darkness below, although Silas' light is bright enough to reveal a large dome-like chamber that is about 80 feet radius and 70 feet high. Numerous square pillars are on either side of a walkway that leads from the front passage that Silas and company found inaccessible and towards the center of the room where a raised dais surrounded by a circle of other square pillars stand.

In the center of the room stands a large and tall purple crystal, while a robed figure that you can't quite make out is seated on some kind of strange throne and staring into the crystal.

"Go ahead and say hello. He's been waiting for you or for someone like you for a very long time," a smiling Ulavree declares.

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Silas will lower himself down to the walkway (presuming the rope is long enough). He'll pause to catch his breath and rub his stinging hands on his robe. Doing so draws his attention to the filthy and bloodstained state of his robe and hands. Not looking my best for a social call, he thinks with a snort. He looks over at the smiling Ulavree and gets the distinct feeling that he has been led into a trap. He shrugs his shoulders to adjust the heavier than normal pack he carries and begins to walk toward the enthroned figure. "I am Silas Eyrstan, a son of Dorin and a Caernite scholar," he begins.

Deuce Traveler

Silas steps up upon the dais and introduces himself, though his voice trails off as he is finished and as he stares at the occupant. A skeleton of an elf sits on the throne, the back of his skull punctured by a crystalline device similar to the one that Silas had seen when they rescued the gnomish settlements. The elf wears tattered clothing, although what is more noticeable is the odd wing-like bone frame that is attached to the elf's back. It would seem that Silas has found one of the avariel.

Before the abjurer can turn back towards the smirking woman who brought him here, the crystal inside the elf's skull begins to glow, followed by the large purple crystal besides Silas and the skeleton. The hazy form of a handsome winged elf flickers inside the crystal, sets his eyes upon the mage, and speaks.

"Arelley tosefa yolan urrel..." The words mean nothing to you, and you try to express this problem. You begin to catch familiar words as you communicate with the shade until it seems to understand you. "How about now? Yes, good. Your language is similar, but so much different than the last visitor I had. And your eyes speak of much more of a scholarly understanding, though not any less a fire. I take it that you humans were successful overthrowing your Locusi masters. But who is this Dorin you spoke of and who or what is a Caernite? And how much time has passed? The room looks so much more worn than last I was conscious."


Silas has seen many strange things in his life and tries not to be discomfited by speaking to the shade. He bows to the winged elf and then begins to answer the creature's questions. "Many years have passed. I am uncertain of the number, but the Locusi have fallen and been forgotten by all but a few." He looks at the shade with more than a small amount of reservation. "As have your people. The nation of humans to which I belong traces their history back to Dorin, the founder of our nation, and to the gifts granted by the god we call the Rider."

Silas looks thoughtful as he chooses his next words. "The Caernite scholars are an order of sages and wizards. It has been a long time since I was last able to trade knowledge with one of my brethren but I have recently come to believe that the order was established to unearth and preserve ancient magics. However, my purpose in coming here is to discover a cure for a supernatural plague that is threatening my homeland. This plague is being spread by the followers of Festios, god of decay, and transforms men into zombie-like creatures. It is an odd chance and desperate hope that has led me here seeking something, anything, to use to fight this plague."

Deuce Traveler

"Tell me of this disease?" As Silas explains the symptoms and what he has seen, the shade speaks once more.

"I do not know of this Festios, and how he is involved but this disease sounds like the same that decimated the avariel ranks long ago. It was our desire to placate the Locusi that led to this. I admit that the man whose mind I was copied from had no small part in this tragedy. We had thought that by sharing some of our nature magic and knowledge of herbs and husbandry with the Locusi they would be tempted to cease their nomadic and destructive ways and abandon their dark god. Instead they turned our knowledge into a weapon and created a disease that would only work against the avariel. They could not defeat us in magic, but they could defeat us by using our own against us. Eventually we all grew sick, and could only watch as the Locusi slaughtered or subjugated the other races around us. It was then that solutions were discussed and found... Tell me, Silas Eyrstan, son of Dorin and Caernite scholar, what would you intend to do in order to find the cure? Would you be willing to sacrifice an entire race to save your own? Would you try to find another solution even if one might not be evident?"


"I have abandoned friends, killed men, and watched a man die on the hope that this place holds a cure to the plague that is destroying my people." He sighs and shakes his head. "But I could not sacrifice another race to save my own." He falls silent, thinking of his wife and son. "If you know another solution, or even the possibility of a solution, point me in the direction it lies and I will search it out."

Deuce Traveler

The shade exhales sharply. "Yes, that is what my originator, the one whose mind I am a copy of, believed."

The shade flickers and you see in the purple crystal the image of the shade once more, but now surrounded by other avariels. They seem to be having a heated argument. "My originator, Ivarus, maintained this outpost along with several of his comrades. They were in contact with other outposts and with the Avariel Council via such devices as the crystal you now view. The Locusi's abuse of our magic was killing us off through the new disease, and one faction suggested trying to play with our own body chemistry while another advocated trying to find a cure while at the same time striking back at the Locusi with a variation of the magical disease. The disease attacks only a specific race, so changing the make-up of our body would likely work but the extent of the change would be unpredictable. The Council's leader, Lavara, argued strongly against retaliation, but also did not want to alter her people's bodies in order to escape the plague. The argument became heated..."

As the shade of Ivarus gives a passionate speech, another shade begins to loudly argue with him. Ivarus says something sharp in his language in return, and the second shade lashes out in anger. Ivarus stumbles backward and falls, a crystal lodged in his chest. The second shade looks shocked. "One of the leaders of the faction pushing for retaliation argued with Ivarus, and in the midst of this discussion he felt rage for the first time and stabbed him with a crystal he had been holding. This man was called Vivaran." The image in the crystal begins to grow dark. Ivarus could hear his comrades yelling in confusion as he fell dying. In all the years since leaving Celestia, no avariel had ever struck another. We had come to this world in order to change it for the better, but it had changed us instead. I believe that in this shocking moment, Lavara decided our fate for as Ivarus faided away he heard her voice from the crystal intone Let there be change."

The image shifts once more, this time to a Council chamber with a large green crystal in the center of the ring of marble chairs and tables. "This is the Council Crystal, a powerful artifact normally stowed inside a vault underneath the Council floor that can be opened and raised when needed. This crystal powers some of the avariel's more powerful magic. With it they could divine cures, divine how to create a counter-disease, or drain the crystal of some of its permanent magic in order to perform greater magics such as changing the entire avariel race into something different so that the disease would no longer effect them. It is this crystal that may hold the key for you, if a cure hasn't already been developed."

You recognize the Council. It is the same Council as you had visited earlier in the year in the land of the elves, though you had not seen the crystal then.


"The Elves..." Silas' eyes grow wide as his mind jumps to conclusions. "The Elves are transformed Avariel?!" He shakes his head. Much as he is still intrigued by the history that the shade of Ivarus has told him, he still has a task at hand. "I've seen that council chamber before... The Elven people use it still. Whether they have kept the secret of the crystal or it has been lost, I don't know. Tell me, Ivarus. How is the crystal raised and how is it used? This plague must be stopped before it is too late."

Deuce Traveler

"The Council Speaker normally carries a crystal that can be set into a slot on the ground, above the chamber that holds the larger crystal. Normally, this small crystal key is carried as an ornament, on either a sceptre showing his office or on an amulet. I am sure that the current avariel Speaker of the Council would allow you access to the crystal because of your plight. However, the large crystal artifact might only have limited power left, as it was brought from Celestia itself but no longer draws power from that plane."


Silas is quiet. "There is no longer an avariel Speaker of the Council. I am sorry. Perhaps the crystal is held by an elven councilman. But if it is not, is there another way to raise and use the crystal? I fear that all rests upon a key that may have been lost over the years."

Voidrunner's Codex

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