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Last Stand of the Dorinthians- Dead Secrets

Deuce Traveler

As you say Kel's name you hear the rustling of fabric outside the cell door, as if another man shuffles uncomfortably.

"My apologies, Silas, but the potion of cure disease that we were able to procure allowed for the disease to be neutralized but only for a short time. Meanwhile the symptoms you suffered will take an hour or so to recover from. Rest easy, though. You made it. I am the Speaker," the elf says and soon your eyes refocus and you recognize him as Councilman Varel, the newly appointed Council Voice. It has been awhile since you spoke with him. He helps sit you up and allows you to lay your back against the wall, but he does not undo your bonds.

"So once more, Silas. Why are you here? How far along is the disease among your people."

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"Thank you, Councilman Varel," says Silas as the elven leader helps him to a sitting position. "I do not know how far the disease has spread among my people but settlements that I passed were empty or filled with the walking dead of Festios' followers. However, I have been days, weeks away from my home searching for a cure and have hope that I am not too late. I have found it! Hidden amongst your own peoples, even!

I have travelled to an ancient fortress of the Avariel and spoken to the shade of one of them. Your staff of office bears a crystal key that will raise a larger crystal brought from the realm of Celestia by the avariel and hidden below the council hall of the elves. This crystal, if celestial power still rests within it, can end this plague!"

Silas struggles to stand. "Time is short; I beg you, raise the crystal and save my people!"

Deuce Traveler

"You've learned so much, my human friend. Almost as much as your friend Kel learned before he died. Silas Generwine, come in here and tell him yourself!"

Silas Generwine walks in from the other side of the cell, his face unreadable. "He is correct in that Kel is dead. I shot him down myself as Councilman Varel ordered me to do. The man was a traitor and was heading to visit your people in order to tell them the truth of the disease. You must understand, Silas, that the disease was not an accident. It was designed and set loose by the Magi against the orcs through my own unwitting men and then restructured and set loose once more into the human lands. Once the Empire was on our own borders we realized that the time of elves was at an end unless desperate measures were taken and so a terrible decision had to be made."

The Councilman nods in agreement. "He is correct. It is sad that your own people have to suffer for this evil decision that we have settled upon. But really, you must understand that this was the only way. We promise to send aid to the tiny population of survivors that may survive the disease and to hunt down and eradicate any of those followers of Festios that found a way to twist our magic and ensure their survival."


Sorrow surges from deep within Silas and nearly closes his throat with the force of it but he holds it back for a moment. "How far the elves have fallen! The shades of the avariel weep with the knowledge! I would curse you but the memory of Kel prevents me. He stops as his sorrow overwhelms him and tears course down his cheeks leaving glistening trails of pure sorrow on his travel-stained face. Composing himself he continues, "What next, foul defilers and betrayers of friends?"

Deuce Traveler

"And now for questions. Relate to me what you know of the disease so far, and your experiences with it so far."

The Councilman holds a strange medallion depicting a bronze, closed eye and focuses on you as he waits for you to speak.


Silas briefly wonders how Dartis and Caramip have fared in their sojourn to the Empire. I hope you've had better luck than I, my friends. He smiles thinking of Barok free and gleefully saying 'I told you so!' concerning elven treachery and making a rude gesture at the elven Silas. "It was created by fools, I hear." He looks over at Silas and smiles shaking his head a bit as he does so. "Barok sends his regards, by the way. I expect you'll be hearing from him more directly soon." He chuckles mirthlessly and with weariness.

Turning his attention back to Varel Silas says, "Where was I? Oh, yes. The plague. My companions and I first encountered it in a small Dorinthian town..." He'll continue by describing in most excruciating detail the location and physical symptoms he's observed of the plague leaving out any actual detail concerning his actions and travels.

Deuce Traveler

"Ah, a truthful man to the last. Thank you, human. We'll make sure that you get a steady diet of food before the disease claims you and I suppose that the rumors of a human army gathering to the south might just be falsehoods since it seems you lack the knowledge of what is going on here. Goodbye. This is the last we'll speak." So saying, the Councilman and Silas Generwine leave.

A night goes by, and you are served elven bread and a bowl of water through a slit in the bottom of the cell door. Your hands remain tied, so you have to eat it kneeling like an animal. And the second day you feel the disease coming back. And the third night you begin coughing again and you imagine a slightly older Ulavree in your cell for some reason. She strokes your head while putting it into your lap and whispers into your ear.

"Poor Silas. I hope you learned an important lesson when it comes to faith and honor to those such as these. Now, you have a guard outside that wonders about the little he has heard about you and your cause and may just be ready to be manipulated. And what do you know... I have in my hand the heart of a certain dead priest of Festios. This heart is very valuable and any mortal that would look upon it would feel a certain desire to possess it. Now perhaps I can drop this gem into the palm of your hand, and perhaps with it you might bribe the guard outside. Of course it won't bring him happiness... actually he'll never know happiness again, but he's the enemy and this is a war. Open your palm, Silas, and I'll give you this gift so that you might twist the heart of a gullible elf."


Silas breathes a little easier as he accepts the soothing touch of an older and perhaps hallucinatory Ulavree. He gives a wheezing laugh and says, "I've learned more than you think I have, Ulavree. I've learned what I'm capable of doing and I don't like it. I've learned I'm nothing without integrity. So take your wizened, small heart away from me; if the rightness of what I say can't persuade the guard..." He shrugs. "...Then I am ready to pay the consequences."

Attempting to ignore any further temptations from Ulavree Silas will try to move closer to the door of his cell. Raising his voice he calls out to the guard. "Listen to me, my captor! The blood of the humans who have died coats the hands of Councilman Varel and Silas Generwine. They have perverted pure and good magics to bring this plague about. But if the blood of the humans is not enough to stir you, think on this: Silas Generwine confessed that on Councilman Varel's orders he killed my friend Kel, an elf who befriended humans, because he dared to oppose them. The honor of the elves has been stained. If you are moved to do nothing else, at least seek out Kel's allies and tell them of what you have heard about his death." Wracked by a fit of coughing, Silas slumps to the floor.

Deuce Traveler

There is no answer from the doorway and you slump into dreams and nightmares as the stress and sickness in your body finally takes its toll. You dream of a wasteland, with human, diseased bodies filling the plains. You lie there, the last survivor among humanity except for an middle-aged, disease-marked woman who walks up next to you and holds your hand. You feel strengthened, and although you feel the disease will claim you, for now you still can fight.

"Hello, nephew. I know it might not seem so, but you've done quite well and you make your Auntie proud. Help is on its way, though from friends you didn't even know you had. Once they get here you will be swept up into violence as passions are heated and the children of the winged ones will war with one another. Will you promise me that you will try to ease their tensions? Kin should not kill kin? Answer quickly, nephew."

At the same time you feel someone shaking you. A voice, barely audible, says, "Damn! Don't be dead! What is your name? Are you the friend of the human, Dartis?"


"Yes, Auntie, I'll do my best. Kel would want that, too." Momentarily confused by the mix of vision and reality, Silas blinks before he answers whoever has entered his cell. "Dartis? He's here?" He struggles to clear his mind and rise. "I am Silas Eyrstan and I am fortunate to be considered a friend of Dartis Kalnian. Who are you?"

Voidrunner's Codex

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