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Last Stand of the Dorinthians (Final Chapter)


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"You know my path, My Lord, my Lady," Barok bows to the Dorins and departs with his final insult to Generwine yet unpoken.
"So, His Lordship has learned to lie," Barok smirks," maybe there's still a chance he could make a half decent King."
He mounts his horse, "Maybe we'll meet him on the way, but wherever he's going I have a General to kill." Looking around the town he muses to himself, and it's a damn shame he's not an elf...
He turns back to Silas and Caramip, "Are you coming?" before riding away on a game-trail in the general direction of Dorinthia.

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Deuce Traveler

Barok is gone, with Silas and Caramip still preparing their equipment when Nik is led into the stables by Danica Swan. Nik seems to be able to move around on his own better, and uses a staff and an outstretched hand to reach Caramip's horse while Danica walks towards Silas' mount.

Danica blushes and says, "I found this when we were all in those tunnels before freeing the Lord of the Mountain. I knew you could use it, but I don't know why I forgot to hand it to you." She hands you the small garnet she found in those tunnels and explains that if you can cast both detect magic and read magic you will be able to see the spells inside.

Later, when you rest and examine it, you find that it has the following spells: Endure Elements, Hold Portal, Detect Undead, Color Spray, Obscure Object, Magic Mouth, Spider Climb, Pyrotechnics, Dispel Magic, Magic Circle against Evil, Phantom Steed, Deep Slumber, Hold Person, Suggestion, Haste

Nik seems agitated and tells you, "Well, the young noble has left and in so doing decides upon the hardest path. Either he will make a choice that will doom all the humans that we know or he will make one that will save the Empire. Caramip, he had to go down this road if he is to have a chance to save the human civilizations, but I didn't have the heart to tell him that the Dorinthians were in neither future that I have divined for him and that he himself may not survive the end. You will be my eyes on this journey, and I fear my judge for the things I have kept for myself. Just know that this adventure may very well take you back to the Empire itself." With that, Nik gives you a quick hug and helps you to your mount.

It takes all morning for Silas and Caramip to catch up to Barok, and somewhere in the night the trio bumps into the campfire of a not-too-surprised Dartis.


First Post
Caramip Ashhearth

Caramip does her best to give her standard bright smile and wave as the group comes up to the former Dorithian noble. “Greetings fellow traveler! May we share the warmth your fire on this fine evening?” She asks with a smirk. “I can weave a fine tale for all in exchange."


First Post
Barok nods to Dartis in greeting but says nothing, knowing that words meant very little, and his own words least of all. At least we're doing something useful, for once.


After the shock of the Geomancer's actions against Phly and Caramip and that being's sudden departure, Silas seems to fold inward into a depression of his own that ignores the pains of his friends. The fey attack on Nikolos sends him deeper within himself. Not even the prospect of returning to their home brings life to his dull eyes and lethargic movements. Throughout the journey home he rides just a bit apart from the others, rarely speaking, and seems most animated just after camping when he spends a fair bit of time collecting wood alone and bringing it back to feed the fire. Even their arrival home doesn't seem to lift his spirits. He just turns his mount from the others without farewell and rides to his home...


A knock at the door interupts his father's questions and Silas quietly looks his father in the eye and sadly shakes his head before turning to the door and the messenger with news of the elven delegation and the upcoming council...


Silas sits quietly at the council. He starts abruptly at the name of Gnoss Abarani and listens to the sneering Silas Generwine present the dilemma of the elves' requests and resulting conversations...
Pretentious Elven ***** said:
"What do you know? He decided to leave his friend, Kel, in the lurch. I suppose human friendship is a short-lived thing."
Emotions flare and can almost be seen burning in Silas' eyes. He jumps to his feet and has the words of a spell nearly spoken when he manages to reign in his anger. He points at the elf and his whole body trembles with restrained anger. "You speak of maintaining relations while sneering and insulting our leaders. I swear by all the gods of Dorinth that if you speak one more ill word I'll call you out and burn you where you stand and none will mourn your passing." Wheeling, he storms from the council building. Outside, Silas paces and waits for the meeting to come to an end and for Barok and Caramip to exit...

Upon hearing the news of Dartis from Kyle Radnal, Silas races home to grab his pack (which, in his melancholy mood, he never bothered to unpack) and say his too-brief farewells. Returning to retrieve his mount he sees Danica. After receiving the gift of the gemstone from her he clasps her hands between his own. "Danica, you have my thanks. I'm sure this will be a great help to me." He shakes her hand energetically then finishes strapping his pack to the saddle. "Be well, my friend." Looking over to see if Caramip is ready, he rides off after Barok and Dartis.


Leading his horse towards Dartis' fire, he pickets the beast near Swift then moves to join the others. He drops his saddle within the light of the fire and sits leaning against it. Like Barok, he seems to have little to say but he rummages around in his pack until he finds what he is looking for. Pulling out a flask, he uncorks it, takes a sip with obvious pleasure and passes it on to Dartis.


Bloodweaver1 said:
Caramip does her best to give her standard bright smile and wave as the group comes up to the former Dorithian noble. “Greetings fellow traveler! May we share the warmth your fire on this fine evening?” She asks with a smirk. “I can weave a fine tale for all in exchange."

"I just can't get rid of you three can I" says Dartis with a smile.

"Well at least you all have come of your own volition. For I can no longer compel you to anything, for I have given all and left everything about me behind. I stand before you Dartis, a man without a country." says the young man sadly.

"Forgive my unexpected departure, but I had to ensure that Dorinthia maintained whatever good will with the Silver Woods was there, but could not myslef abandon my friend Kel in his our of need, but could not go as a Dorinthian. So please, share my fire, and some wine. I, that is I guess now We, have a long hard, brmable filled road ahead, let us enjoy the time while we may." says Dartis quietly.

"Perhaps that tale Caramip"

Deuce Traveler

Your reunion makes for a happier journey as the four adventuring veterans continue east towards their destination, with Silas speaking of ancient history and architecture,
Caramip telling stories, Dartis explaining his hopes for a new Dorinthia, and Barok's twisted sense of humor much appreciated due to the recent dark times. You've travelled a
week with little incident in the company of those you know so well, and after sharing some fresh venison settle down for the night. On this night, however, Silas and Caramip
wake during Dartis' watch to a haunting melody sung by several women in the distance. Sitting up, they shake the grogginess from their eyes and notice Dartis and a half-asleep
Barok stumbling towards the singing voices and into the darkness. The song also begins to enchant Silas, but the abjurer gives his head a hard shake and avoids its pull while
the gnome closes her eyes and touches the ground and begins to hum, as if the music of the silent earth is a greater pull to her than the haunting melody somewhere in front of
the two walking men.

Dartis and Barok
You are captivated by the song, a haunting tune that promises you peace after such a hard year as you've known.


Somewhere deep in the mind of Dartis comes a fleeting memory of his cousin Cal. Cal was in danger, somehow, somewhere he couldn't quite picture. But the vision was fleeting driven away by the haunting tune that promised peace and rest after the long road. Dartis walked on, tired from war, from journeys, from politics, from powerful beings sending him on bizarre self-serving quests. The song ahead though promised release and respite from all that. And so Dartis walked on into the night.


Silas shakes his head to clear it of the beguiling music. Seeing Dartis and Barok stumble off into the darkness he tries to extricate himself from his bedroll quickly. Finally gaining his feet, Silas sets off after his two friends at a run. If he manages to catch up and isn't taken by the music again, Silas will do his best to prevent Dartis from continuing on, tackling the man and using his weight to hold him down if he has to do so. In a flash of inspiration (desperation?) Silas begins to sing a bawdy song loudly and quite out of tune.

Voidrunner's Codex

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