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Last Stand of the Dorinthians (Final Chapter)


Dartis wants to cheer Silas' blast, but dares not allow Ularvee's attention to stray from him. Silas must survive. This was Dartis' punishment for seduced by evil, and he must bear the full measure of it.

"By the Rider Ularvee, you are indeed an old hag. I wonder what Eroll ever did see in you? Or how you seduced men through your haggard face" he taunts her so she won't attack Silas as he fires another pair of arrows at her.

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Deuce Traveler

Dartis' first arrow strikes and breaks through the shield surrounding Ulavree, although it is deflected off Ulavree's hardened skin for little effect except to see her age further. The second arrow goes wide, as does Silas' ray to the abjurer's dismay.

The snakes attack Dartis once more, but are unable to strike the nimble nobleman and instead begin to strike one another in a frenzy (critical miss).

Ulavree, however, shrieks at Dartis' comments and points at him mockingly. The noble begins to snicker at his own joke, then falls onto the ground laughing uncontrollably.

(OOC: Dartis has succumbed to Tasha's Hideous Laughter and is unable to act next round).


"Aaaiiiiiii!" Screaming like a bansee and wielding his quarterstaff like an oversized club, Silas charges Ulavree. His hair flies and eyes roll as the pent up frustration and anger of weeks comes boiling to the surface and he takes a wild swing at the so-called goddess.

Charge & attack!
+8 to attack; -2 AC



Dartsi laughs and laughs, he tries to at least point at Ularvee, in rage or mockery to try to continue to draw her ire.

Deuce Traveler

Silas strikes Ulavree across the side of her head, although the damage seems to go to her hardened skin instead of actually doing her much harm. The skin chips partially away, leaving a more elderly looking woman underneath. She nearly appears as old a crone as she did when the abjurer first met her.

The woman hisses and slashes at Silas with her curved blade and for a moment the mage feels cold as if someone walked over his grave, but he maintains his will and ignores the effects (-6 hps to Silas).

Dartis continues to laugh, and the snakes around him writhe in confusion and avoid engaging him as the nobleman slips partially away from their fangs.

Silas and Ulavree continue their fight as Dartis avoids the fangs and attacks of the snakes once they come to their senses. His flailing during his maniacal laughter keeps him partially protected, but after a few rounds he finds himself entwined and bitten, though his hardiness keeps him from suffering from their poison (-3 hps to Dartis). The nobleman can see that it is only a moment of time before the snakes win out and though he continues to laugh he looks desperately at the fight before him.

The battle between Ulavree and Silas seems to go on forever, snake staff versus asp-pommelled blade of the witch. Silas is nicked by the blade and feels the strange pull of its power (-5 hps to Silas), though he grimly ignores succumbing to the weapon and strikes quickly, his staff twirling and sparking as it meets blade and glances off. The abjurer jabs past the witch's guard and he is satisfied with a sharp, yet light glance against her ribs. The staff is twirled once more as Ulavree attempts to catch her breath, the odd hardened skin of hers now depleted. The snake staff strikes the Mistress of Serpents across her chin, throwing the now-frail body of Ulavree to the side with a bone-crunching utterance.

The snakes surrounding Dartis disappear and he feels himself able to move once more as Ulavree whispers through gasps, "Disobedient children... what will you do... without my guidance..."


The snakes surrounding Dartis disappear and he feels himself able to move once more as Ulavree whispers through gasps, "Disobedient children... what will you do... without my guidance..."

"Live hopefully" chokes out Dartis as he finds he stops laughing.

He rolls over onto his back.

"Gods. I hate fighting gods. Silas how has it come to this? Forgive me my friend for I know it was my fault, it was my failure, my weakness that lead to this, the seduction of evil was so subtle, so slow, I failed to notice it. I am sorry Silas. Here, I have two potions left from the emporer, let us drink them and continue on our mission while we can."


Silas reaches out, grasps Dartis by the forearm and helps pull the nobleman to his feet. "No, Dartis, don't think you can shoulder the full blame for this. I traveled with the woman for weeks, listening to her always so reasonable temptations." He shakes his head grimly and slumps, leaning heavily upon his staff. In all their travels together this is probably the worst that Dartis has ever seen the wizard. Silas gratefully accepts the potion from Dartis. "Won't the elves be surprised when a couple of beggars like us pull this off?" He eyes their bedraggled state and chuckles, soon bursting out in full laughter. Wiping his eyes he says "Well, let's get on with this, shall we?"

Deuce Traveler

The two friends help one another up, giddy at surviving another deadly encounter as Ulavree's raspy breathing becomes more strained as her life slips away. Their feeling of joy quickly changes into apprehension as they sense a large, muscular figure standing before them. You can feel rather than see the strained tension as the man attempts to control himself.

"What happened here? What has she done? What have you done to her... to mine... " Eroll chokes in a pained voice as he looks upon his mate.


The two friends help one another up, giddy at surviving another deadly encounter as Ulavree's raspy breathing becomes more strained as her life slips away. Their feeling of joy quickly changes into apprehension as they sense a large, muscular figure standing before them. You can feel rather than see the strained tension as the man attempts to control himself.

"What happened here? What has she done? What have you done to her... to mine... " Eroll chokes in a pained voice as he looks upon his mate.

Dartis looks sadly at Eroll. He had no sympathy for remorse for Ularvee, but Eroll was merely wild, not malicious like her. He did not deserve to have to suffer.

"I am sorry Eroll, she became very angry with me that I would not allow her to havest her precious hearts. She came after us, I tried to walk away. I truley did. I wanted to finish what I came here to do, I talked to her, tried to tell her I was saving all Dorinthians for you and her, I tried to walk away. But she attacked Silas and myself. Eroll, I am truely sorry for you, I did not want this to come about" replies Dartis quietly.

Voidrunner's Codex

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