• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!


Le Carnival

The freshly fallen snow glistens over the Ville de St. Avril. Light smoke is just beginning to rise out of the chimneys, and the first rays of the dawn sun are beginning to poke through twin peaks of the Gesteo Mountains. The village is nestled in between two of the larger mountains in the range. Soon the humans and the elves will be up, plying their respective trades to make a living. All is mostly quiet in the small hamlet of about 150, hugged warmly by the sleeping pine forest.

Things lately have been picking up steam. The capital has been increasing trade between the humans and elves. This border village has become a popular rest stop for the various trade caravans. Even some of the halflings of the south have been seen.

There have been strange sightings in the wood; some say the students of the Fochlucan College have become active again. Others dismiss that as a myth, and move on with their lives. Darker ghost stories of the Bleak Academy are told with whispered voices around the campfires, and in taverns.

Most exciting, though, is the discovery made by the dwarves mining the mountains. The artifact was rumored to have immense power, and be very valuable. After its discovery, others were found. None now dispute the existence of the rumored race, known only as the Ancients. They were an immensely powerful race that lived hundreds of thousands of years ago. No one knows what happened to them, but since a few of their artifacts and some ruins have been found, there has been a steady flow of adventurers into the region hoping to make their fortunes. Some do, and retire happy. Most are never seen or heard from again.

The most alarming rumors, however, are that a few have reported sighting a dragon, though not up close, nor face to face. The sightings have mostly been a of long flying creature seen on the horizon, after sunset. These things have been dismissed as people just seeing a bird of prey, or other large flying animal, after a few too many ale.


Races: core only, variants from MM allowed.
Stats: 32 point buy.
Level: first.
Hit points: 3/4 – max die value divided by 4, then multiplied by 3, round down. (Example for a d8: 8/4 =2, 2*3 =6.) Your first HD is maximized, then add 3/4 the value of the die to all other rolls.
Gear: average for class. Everyone starts with a traveler’s outfit (made for cold weather adventuring) and a winter blanket. You will have to feed yourselves, and I will enforce weather.
Books: All Core + Expanded Psionics Handbook; all Complete and Races (excepting Samurai, Shugenja, Races of the Dragon, and Complete Psionics).
Spells: Spell Compendium and PHB only. Psionic powers from XPH.
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This sounds intriguing. I like the small races and was thinking perhaps of a halfling warrior-type. Maybe a fighter, ranger or barbarian. Another idea might be a wood elf barbarian. Although in your OP you limit races to core, would you perhaps consider a goblin character? I've been tempted to play one for awhile, this might be a good opportunity. :heh:
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The game is technically closed, but I guess I could use a third PC. Tell you what, you write up a character that blows my socks off, and I'll let ya in. I'd also prefer it if you did not deviate from the character creation outlines. Thanks.


I don't understand how the game could be closed if no one beside myself posted a response in this thread. What was the purpose of this thread?

I also don't really feel the need or desire to try writting something that may not succeed in "blowing your socks off" just to play; which may not even succeed in netting me a place in your game.

I hope you guys have fun with the game.

I have two players already. One of them happens to live approximately 3,000 km from me and the other player. I set up this thread to give the three of us a place to discuss the game out of character. Once I have the character sheets from my two players, I will set up an in character thread in the playing game boards.

I'm sorry you feel that way, but like I said, I already have two players, and really was not looking for anyone else. Out of fairness, I decided to give you a chance. If you really don't want it, then farewell and no hard feelings.

There are a couple of ways to do this.

The first is for you to set up an acount at: http://www.3eprofiler.net/ or simmiliar sit, and then create a character there. Its a database that holds character sheets for online games. That particualr sight has a pretty good FAQ and is user friendly. Just be sure to set the character to public view so that I can see it. When done, post a link to your character.

The second is to create a character sheet the old fashioned way, and then you can either scan and email it to me. Or you can post its stats in the form of a stat block. Simply fill in the form below. when you level we will just update it, and continue playing. Please list the source material that use next to there respective ability, unless it it is form the PHB.

Character name/gender: class/level:
Init: (Your iniatitive modiefier) Senses: (spot and listen modiefiers, and special sense you have like blind sense or darkvision)
Languages: (the languages you speak)
AC: (your amour class, please include a break down, and your flat footed, and touch AC as well. See example below)
HP: (Your hit points. Should be Hit Dice + con modifier (total). See example below.)
Fort: Ref: Will: (your saving through modifiers go here. i don't need a break down, just the finnial tally, and circumstancial modiefers, like an elves +2 vrs enchanments.)
Speed: (your land speed, and any other from of movement you have, like climb or fly speed.)
Melee:(Your melee attacks. Please include the name of the attack, and its damage formual. see below)
Ranged: (like melee attacks only ranged)
Base attack: (your base attack)
Atk options: (any special attacks you may have, like power attack or rage, or smite etc.)
Combat gear: (Only the equipment you wield in combat. Weapons armour, etc)
Abilities: Str, Dex,, Con, Int, Wis, Cha (your physical abilties, strength, wisdom, etc)
SQ: (any special qualities you may have. Class abilites like lay on hands, or spell casting goes here. List racial traits, XXX traist. example elf traits.)
Feats: (list your feats here, in order that you took them.)
Skills: (again, just the total skill modifier will go here.)
Possessions: (everything your character owns, and has to her name.)

Example 1st level human fighter.
John male fighter 1st level
Init: +3 Senses: Listen/spot +2
Languages: Common
AC: 15 (+2 dex, +3 armour) Touch 12, flat footed 13
HP:d10+3 +1 [improved toughness] (14)
Fort:+5 Ref: +2 Will: +2
Speed: 30ft
Melee: Great sword +5 (2d6 +4/19-20/X2)
Ranged: Long bow + 3 (d8/X3) 100ft
Base attack: +1
Atk options: power attack
Combat gear:Great sword, Long bow. 20 arrows, studded leather armour
Abilities: Str16, Dex14, Con16, Int8, Wis14, Cha8
SQ: Human traits
Feats: weapon focus great sword, power attack, improved toughness (Complete Warroir)
Skills: Climb +7
Possessions: Great sword, Long bow. 20 arrows, studded leather armour, 3 days ration, winter blanket, tent, 5 torches

Hope that helps.

PS what yaa thinking of making?

Rhiannon Star

First Post

This is Rhiannon, my character. (Full description and background coming soon.)


First Post
Hay. So i dont know how to add a pic of my character for one. And for two; i think i would need a knoledge religion to know how to kill undead. So make the role to make sure i know how.


Voidrunner's Codex

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