D&D 5E Least Favorite WotC 5E Book?

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And a special mention goes to Volo's Guide to Monsters, which was a great book for its time, but lost all value as an errata removed several paragraphs of cultural content (not just for mortal races, mind you, including bits about Mind Flayers as well), added nothing to replace it, and then all the stats in the book were upgraded in Monsters of the Multiverse. There is very little reason to buy the book now - and in any case, WotC doesn't allow you to buy it from any online marketplaces!
This doesn't make any sense to me. Neither MotM nor the errata change the value of the pre-errata book, which still exists (and can still be easily bought on the secondary market).

This doesn't make any sense to me. Neither MotM nor the errata change the value of the pre-errata book, which still exists (and can still be easily bought on the secondary market).
You can't get it from D&D Beyond, Fantasy Grounds, or any other digital marketplace. I live in a country where the D&D books aren't really imported, and buying the books through Fantasy Grounds on Steam is the best option (Steam's regional pricing also means this is also really affordable, as 60$ would mean that the book would cost 12% of minimum wage here). Because Wizards forcibly removed the book from all digital platforms, I just can't get it. Even if I had previously bought it from somewhere like D&D Beyond, I can't access the pre-errata content.

You can't get it from D&D Beyond, Fantasy Grounds, or any other digital marketplace. I live in a country where the D&D books aren't really imported, and buying the books through Fantasy Grounds on Steam is the best option (Steam's regional pricing also means this is also really affordable, as 60$ would mean that the book would cost 12% of minimum wage here). Because Wizards forcibly removed the book from all digital platforms, I just can't get it. Even if I had previously bought it from somewhere like D&D Beyond, I can't access the pre-errata content.
Okay, I am in the U.S. where I can easily get it on eBay. This seems more like a critique of Wizards' digital content policy than the book.

(p.s. I give another vote for Dragon Heist. A classic of bad adventure design that robs the players of agency at every turn)

I was hesitant on Witchlight for the very reasons @Scribe said. I eventually picked it up. The art style is...different from my personal tastes. Once I started running it though it was very fun.

I've never been into Ravenloft hardcore so I'm sure I'm missing the big changes. I have the late 2e Domains of Dread and VRGtR and at a first couple of passes them seem to be fairly close. I dunno, like I said not a hardcore fan. I like the setting no doubt just not deep into its lore.

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