D&D General Legend of Vox Machina Trailer Released

Critical Role’s The Legend of Vox Machina will be released on Amazon streaming in batches of three episodes. Season 1 will release on Amazon Prime Video as follows: Friday, January 28th: Episodes 1-3 Friday, February 4th: Episodes 4-6 Friday, February 11th: Episodes 7-9 Friday, February 18th: Episodes 10-12

Critical Role’s The Legend of Vox Machina will be released on Amazon streaming in batches of three episodes. Season 1 will release on Amazon Prime Video as follows:
  • Friday, January 28th: Episodes 1-3
  • Friday, February 4th: Episodes 4-6
  • Friday, February 11th: Episodes 7-9
  • Friday, February 18th: Episodes 10-12

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Book-Friend, he/him
While I like some of the aesthetics of anime I have never been a huge fan of the Japanese storytelling tropes used in most anime. But now with things like the western anime produced by Netflix (Castlevania, for example) I get the best of both worlds and am very happy.
I can't really remember a pre-Anime time, and Japanese storytelling seems normal to me. Culture is a funny thing.


A Title Much Cooler Than Anything on the Old Site
I mean, I'm only 36, but "cartoons can be for adults or a broad age range" has been the case near as long as I can remember. But I grew up with the first big wave of Anime.
Sure there were. But I don't think it was mainstream or even common for adults to be into animated show, other than a few exceptions that proved the rule. Even with rapid growth of cable-TV animated series targeted at more adult audience, the assumption that cartoons were for kids died slowly and I think that assumption is only now on its deathbed, likely due to my parents generation and older dying out and no longer being where the purchasing power lies.

Anime started gaining traction in my area in late 80s. Popular enough for an anime-focused movie-rental place opened in Minneapolis. But it was very much a nice, geek-culture thing and even in the geek culture, I can't recall a single person older than the low 20s who was into it. (Yes, I'm sure there were, but it was hardly mainstream.)

Now, it is truly mainstream. Any surprised at an animated show on streaming service that is not appropriate for children is extremely out of touch.


A Title Much Cooler Than Anything on the Old Site
And that's nothing to say about the adult-oriented anime that was being piped into the West from Japan in the 80s.
Sure. But it wasn't mainstream and took a bit of effort to access it, especially if you didn't live in a big city (this is an American's perspective).

I think that it is safe to say that, until recently, many people outside of what at the time was a niche corner of geekdom, would be shocked and upset at a cartoon that was gory, depicted sexual acts, and/or had a lot of profanity. They would look at the "cartoon" cover on the video and just assume it was kid friendly. We now have a couple generations of parents that grew up with lots of adult animated content and no longer make those assumptions. But, in America at least, this is fairly recent.

I don't know, you only get one f-bomb in a PG-13 movie and Chutney in just the highlights of C3 E8 must have dropped a blitz's worth.

Not that I mind, I'm just saying it's probably going to be harder than PG-13 (but no nudity, of course, because this is America, dammit, and if there is one thing we can't have in our blood soaked, profanity laden cartoons, it's nipples!).

Have you ever watched Spicy City? America has done nipples in Cartoons before. Love that show.


A Title Much Cooler Than Anything on the Old Site
While I like some of the aesthetics of anime I have never been a huge fan of the Japanese storytelling tropes used in most anime. But now with things like the western anime produced by Netflix (Castlevania, for example) I get the best of both worlds and am very happy.
I'm kinda in the same boat, but my son turned me on to a few Japanese anime shows I've really enjoyed, in particular Death Note and Attack on Titan. But I can't sit through Naruto or Jo Jo's Big Adventure, or most of the other shows he watches.

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