Legends of Hawaiki 2: Where the Wild Things Are


Lani goes back with the rest of the group. She collects her padded armor from the home, glad now that she was told she must have it. She also gathers her dagger, halfspear, and sling and tucks them away carefully. When her preparations are complete, she says goodbye to her adopted family. She is sad to leave them, and everyone is anxious since the road ahead is unclear, but in her mind, Lani knows she was not meant to stay in this pleasant community forever. She has a faint feeling that this is a beginning.

As everyone gathers, she smiles at them and replies, "I think we should go the long way, too. Taking the water might provide more information, but we cannot risk it so early, and it would be a shame if someone ended our mission so quickly in an ambush."

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Wai hears his name called and looks up from where he is listening to Lani. Seeing his father waving to him, he goes over.

"Wai, I want you to take these with you. They belonged to Tama and I think she would have wanted you to have them on such an important journey." Rangi looks vaguely uncomfortable around the magical gear left behind by his grandmother and quickly hands them over to his son.

Wai accepts the small bag of knotted cords and pulls out the woven cloak that lies on top. With a swirling flourish, he wraps the cloak around himself and feels a slight tingle from the magical forces. Carefully setting down the bag, Wai takes a step forward and hugs his father awkwardly. "Thank you very much, father. I will do my best to make both you and Tama proud of me." Wai turns away, a lump in his throat, and rejoins his friends.

Rangi looks proudly on his son as the group prepares to depart.


Tonguez said:
A remianing peice is kept and handed to the Shaman Puna Tani.
"This peice is for the Aitua Tamumu who is Lord of Waihoro. If you meet him then you must honor him - is this clear?."

"I understand, my chief," Puna Tani says solemnly as he takes the piece gingerly. When offered new equipment, the shaman declines, "What I need I have here and here," he says tapping his head and heart in turn.

Looking over the rest of his companions, Puna Tani's heart swells with pride. Inspired by this new confidence, the shaman makes a bold suggestion. "We have no time to waste in this task, I say we brave The Cut."


Lani glances at the shaman almost in surprise at his suggestion and nods almost imperceptibly. "I am willing, but I still say it perhaps would be best to take the long route."

Argent Silvermage

First Post
Tatiki nods his head at Puna Tani and says, "I also would like to get this over with as quickly as we can, but the cut is a very dangerous place where we could waste much of our supplies and strength getting through it. Strength that we will need later. It's unadvised."


First Post
"I would prefer to take the longer path," Wai says. "While the path through the Cut is much faster, I don't think it will do anyone much good if we fail to make it through the first leg of our journey."

Looking around at the rest of his friends, Wai realizes that one person hasn't spoken up. "What do you think, Tu-Ru? You probably know more about the area around the Cut than any of us."


A suffusion of yellow
A gentle breeze wafts the scent of Neinei and Hibiscus flowers down from the rainforest and the sun continues to climb higher into the sky.
As you walk you pass the plantations of breadfruit, mangoes and coconuts which supply the village, harvesting poles rest against a couple of the trees and you know that if you are hungry no one will mine you taking a fruit to eat as you go along.

Down the path ahead of you, you can see the cairn of stones which marks the limit of the Village proper, beyond this lie a few isolated homesteads (perhaps even that of Tu-Ru) and then the climb up into the rainforest.

Your decision to take the path to the Cut or over the hills to Kahe is imminent...


Lani smiles at the pleasant day. "Well, we must decide soon. I will follow your leads. As Wai says, though, it would be a shame to end our journey before it truly begins. If I had to choose, I would choose the long route." She shrugs then and continues on.


"I will heed the wisdom of my companions," Puna Tani says as he smiles at the others on the walk. "The brave often die young..."


A suffusion of yellow
The Journey into the Hills

Pass the village limits the order of the plantations is soon overtaken by wilder growth, mainly ferns, shrubs and smaller trees this close in to settlement. Of course this is an area which you have all been to at some point in your lives and the path is well maintained, wide enough for two abreast and easy to negotiate.

A few sandfly clouds buzz along the edges of the track and birds flit through the trees. The village is about an hour behind you at this point, the sound of the sea still audible to your right, the sun blazes in the sky but luckily the green canopy provides some shade as you move along...

(ooc So as I see it the decision is to take the Overhill route and avoid the Cut. My next post (tonight) will proceed accordingly unless someone says otherwise - and there is still time to go to the Cut. I'll be calling for Climb and Spot checks soon too- so be alert!;))
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