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Legends of Hawaiki 2: Where the Wild Things Are

Argent Silvermage

First Post
The sun dappled throught the trees overhead casting beams of warm gold on the emerald leaves. Tatiki seemed to be breathing easier and walking a bit more surely then when in the village. He had spent many hours away from the village and this was always where he wanted to be. He walked at the front of the party and pointed out many species of plants that if need be they could eat with out dieing from them.

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Lani lengthens her stride slightly, more in response to the nice day than the danger to which they were headed. She smiles at Tatiki's comments, hoping that they'd be home within a few days and not need to eat any of the wild plants.


First Post
"Feel free to munch on the leaves, Tatiki. I think I'll stick to what grandmother packed for me." Wai reaches into his pack for a small bundle wrapped in animal hide.

Unwrapping it, he pulls out a small handful of white bits.

Tossing one into his mouth, he smiles at the sweet taste. "Anybody else want one? My grandmother makes them by dipping coconut bits into hot honey and sugar. Once they cool, they taste amazing."


First Post
Wai hands one to Lani with a smile of his own. "Just one, for now. I only have a couple of dozen and I'll need them to get the taste out of my mouth if we DO have to start eating Tatiki's diet!" Wai grins, poking Tatiki to make sure he realizes that Wai is only joking.

"Although they did pack some real food in here somewhere..." Wai starts rustling around in his pack.

"Say, when are we taking a break to eat, anyway? Or does anyone know how far we actually have to go?"


Guest 11456

Tu-Ru moves along with his companions. As he walks he must continually slow his pace as he keeps unconscously increasing it. He forgets that the others cannot keep up with his normal fast pace.

As they get to the point where a decision is to be made as to which route to take, the large O'Punga decides to allow the others to make such decisions without his help. He would rather take the cut, but he realizes that the others may not fair as well there.


A suffusion of yellow
As you progress further into the rainforest the trees become larger and the undergrowth increasingly dense and tangled. The path is steeper and more rugged here and has narrowed to single file. The sea is muffled in the distance replaced instead by the susurration of the forest.

Ahead of you the path forks one fork going upwards at a steep angle amongst the trees and vines whilst the other is a rough escarpment tumbling down to the gaping entrance of the Cut, the scattered rocks like the jagged teeth of a crocodile smiling up at you from amongst the ferns.

Whichever path you take you will need to watch your step lest you slip and fall and as always stay alert!

(ooc Balance checks (DC 12), Spot and/or listen checks required - I'll roll unless you do and post before my next reply - oh and if you fall do it stylishly :p )
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A suffusion of yellow
Making your way across the uneven ground you step lightly as a few clumps of dirt and stone shift and roll off down the escarpment.

Then suddenly a huge movement occurs beneath your feet and though you try to clear it Lani,Wai,Tatiki are all caught as the ground breaks away and they fall sliding down the slope.

Tu-Ru, Puna Tani

Tu-Ru and Puna Tani are able get clear before the ground falls away and as each of you stands by you watch the ground fall. Below amongst the dust and debris you see the reason why - a glowing reddish brown worm-like creature about 5 ft long has burst up from amongst the rubble and makes a lunge at the nearest victim...

(ooc Initiative please. Lani,Wai,Tatiki also make a Reflex save dc 15 or take 1d6 damage from the fall, if successful you are able to check your progress on the slope (describe as you see fit). PS the 'nearest victim' of the creature will be which ever of you three rolls the lowest save:D)
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Argent Silvermage

First Post
Tatiki reaches out for a root or branch hoping to stop his fall and (Reflex save 13+2=15.) Reaches out and finds a hold on a huge brown root like structure. looking up he sees it is no root. ( :p )

Intitiative: 6+2=8


Lani, Sea Ranger 1

Lani stifles a shriek as she slides down the slope. She writhes desperately, trying to hook something stable. After what seems an eternity, she grabs onto a thick root from one of the older trees on the path above. Unfortunately, it isn't as secure as it seemed, and she ends up almost on top of the giant worm, bruised and battered [save 13+1=14, sigh, damage 2].

[Initiative 5+3=8]
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