Hey, all. I've been an amateur painter for a while (both pewter minis and anime resins), but I don't have any pics of anything. ^^;; I guess I should put some of them up somewhere, sometime...=^.^=
However, I did want to mention the name of a miniature company that you all might like to check out if you didn't know about them already. They're from the "Confrontation" line, and are more pricey than Games Workshop stuff (imported from France, and, at least in my area, about $11 a blister pack), but I've found that the sculpting is excellent (clean edges, little excess metal to sand, generally well proportioned, without need for filler putty), and very creative--I recently got a totally badass Fear Elemental, for example, and their werewolves are divine. ^_^
here to see a faq on them from New Wave Mail Order. If you click on the "gallery" link to the left, you can see painted examples of some of the figures. (the links the individual races/classes don't work, for some reason.)
Anyway, I just thought I'd share. Happy painting! ^_^