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Indigo Veil

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Hey, all. I've been an amateur painter for a while (both pewter minis and anime resins), but I don't have any pics of anything. ^^;; I guess I should put some of them up somewhere, sometime...=^.^=

However, I did want to mention the name of a miniature company that you all might like to check out if you didn't know about them already. They're from the "Confrontation" line, and are more pricey than Games Workshop stuff (imported from France, and, at least in my area, about $11 a blister pack), but I've found that the sculpting is excellent (clean edges, little excess metal to sand, generally well proportioned, without need for filler putty), and very creative--I recently got a totally badass Fear Elemental, for example, and their werewolves are divine. ^_^

click here to see a faq on them from New Wave Mail Order. If you click on the "gallery" link to the left, you can see painted examples of some of the figures. (the links the individual races/classes don't work, for some reason.)

Anyway, I just thought I'd share. Happy painting! ^_^


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Confrontation mini's Rock man.
They have a feeling of movement.
Here is a Confrontation Figure called Mira painted by Anne Forester:


  • mira2.jpg
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Indigo Fantization is a better site to order Conforntation from they have more in stock and a quicker return.

Back of Mira:


  • mira4.jpg
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Indigo Veil

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Ahhh, thanks. ^_^ I normally get my Confrontation stuff from the local gaming stores (and how long does that take to get the minis into my hot, little hands? As quick as I can whip the cash out! ^___^), and so I wasn't sure which site to link to. I really just wanted to spread awareness of the line's existence.

Anyway, thanks for the better link. ^_^


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Beware of New Wave, I have never heard so many bad experiences with one company. I ordered from them once without a hitch, but did not order again after reading many many posts from different threads and boards.


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I normally get my Confrontation stuff from the local gaming stores.

You are very lucky to have a FLGS who carries Confrontation. AFAIK, they are still trying to hash out some sort of effective American distribution scheme, which leaves us US residents a bit behind the curve.

Random info: I know Brookhurst Hobby in Orange County (CA) orders Confrontation and I believe they sub-distribute to a very small group of other retailers. End Game in Oakland (CA) is another store that carries Confrontation. These are the only two stores I have seen the figures. (Of course I can't claim to have gone to every gaming store in CA. Though I can't be too far off. ;-)

More random info: I believe your chances of getting screwed by New Wave drastically increase if you order rarer stuff. If they have it and can throw it in the box right away, your order generally works out. If they don't have the figure though, thats when the nightmare starts. I'd be particularly nervous ordering Confrontation from them.

Even more random info: Inspired by this thread I've set up my painting desk again. I've got a box of old Mordheim Mercenaries to put together as fodder for my Freeport game. And a box of Mordheim Cultists. ;-)

Milo Windby

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tenkawa_akito said:
..SNIP...By the way, Milo, what part of Virginia are you in?
Sorry about that, I've been away from the boards for a while. I live in Reston, about 45 min south of DC.

Nice minis everyone! This is why I feel like an amateur. That's not going to stop me from continuing tho!


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A few of my miniatures are loaded on my site at www.yangnome.com/gallery/miniatures. I've been painting a little under a year. I've painted more than what is up on the site, I just haven't had an opportunity to take pics and post them yet, plus, most need a bit of work still..I always just about finish a mini and then get distracted by another one I want to do...heck, even most of the ones posted still need some touchups/work done on them. If you look at the comments under the photos, there is a gaming history behind most of them.


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Yangnome - Nice job.

I really like the Confrontation Barbarian mini's weapons, they look particularly cool, both the stone and leather straps look awesome. What is the name of the fig?

That is pretty good black flesh on the second fig, I have painted several black figures, but have yet to find a flesh that reall works for me.

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