OSR Let's make Shadowdark classes!

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Reeks of Jedi
Okay so I found online a Druid thats all about Shapechange. Like by way of The Hobbits, Beorn (or Doric to be more modern). I loved that., But I also wanted a more traditional Druid.



Weapons: Club, Staff, Short/Long Bows, Spear, Javelin
Armor: Leather, Shield
Languages: Primodial, Sylvan, or Elvish

Charm Animals: You know Charm Person but it only works on Animals with a level equal to or below your level.

Spell Casting (as a Priest)

Lvl 1: Feather Fall, Detect Magic, Sleep, Cure Wounds
Lvl 2: Invis, Levitate, Misty Step, Web
Lvl 3: Mass Cure, Restoration, Dispel Magic, Prot from Energy
Lvl 4: Control Water, Regen, Stoneskin, Cloudkill,
Lvl 5: Hold Monster, Heal, Antimagic Shell, Prismatic Orb

Talents: As Priest


Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
Prismatic Orb doesn't feel very druidic to me. I would probably create/convert a bunch of druid spells from other sources other than relying on what's in the Shadowdark book and Cursed Scrolls.


Bruce Baugh, Writer of Fortune
I like the chassis of that Druid a lot. I’d like to see some spells and talents for things like accelerated healing in natural places, charming plants, transforming organic stuff into weapons and armor and such, etc.

Okay so I found online a Druid thats all about Shapechange. Like by way of The Hobbits, Beorn (or Doric to be more modern). I loved that., But I also wanted a more traditional Druid.



Weapons: Club, Staff, Short/Long Bows, Spear, Javelin
Armor: Leather, Shield
Languages: Primodial, Sylvan, or Elvish

Charm Animals: You know Charm Person but it only works on Animals with a level equal to or below your level.

Spell Casting (as a Priest)

Lvl 1: Feather Fall, Detect Magic, Sleep, Cure Wounds
Lvl 2: Invis, Levitate, Misty Step, Web
Lvl 3: Mass Cure, Restoration, Dispel Magic, Prot from Energy
Lvl 4: Control Water, Regen, Stoneskin, Cloudkill,
Lvl 5: Hold Monster, Heal, Antimagic Shell, Prismatic Orb

Talents: As Priest

2th Level choice look very Wizard, so I would include Bless and augury and remove Invis. Levitate.
4 spells per level seem few, maybe 4 priest spells and two wizard spells.


Okay so I found online a Druid thats all about Shapechange. Like by way of The Hobbits, Beorn (or Doric to be more modern). I loved that., But I also wanted a more traditional Druid.



Weapons: Club, Staff, Short/Long Bows, Spear, Javelin
Armor: Leather, Shield
Languages: Primodial, Sylvan, or Elvish

Charm Animals: You know Charm Person but it only works on Animals with a level equal to or below your level.

Spell Casting (as a Priest)

Lvl 1: Feather Fall, Detect Magic, Sleep, Cure Wounds
Lvl 2: Invis, Levitate, Misty Step, Web
Lvl 3: Mass Cure, Restoration, Dispel Magic, Prot from Energy
Lvl 4: Control Water, Regen, Stoneskin, Cloudkill,
Lvl 5: Hold Monster, Heal, Antimagic Shell, Prismatic Orb

Talents: As Priest

In the Ranger build video it was mentioned it was a pretty big deal for them to get Longbows due to niche protection for Fighters. I think Druids being full casters shouldn’t get Longbows if you’re following class design guidelines.

Voidrunner's Codex

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