OSR Let's make Shadowdark classes!

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Middle English, preserved in the Scots dialect (which may be why you're thinking Gaelic, though it's not) and reintroduced into English by Shakespeare in MacBeth.
You, an educated person, thought Shakespeare. I thought Terry Prachett's wee free men "dreeing their weird".
(Not in here, this is a dairy! I have to keep it clean!)

Thank you for the correction.


Scion of Murgen (He/Him)
You, an educated person, thought Shakespeare. I thought Terry Prachett's wee free men "dreeing their weird".
(Not in here, this is a dairy! I have to keep it clean!)

Thank you for the correction.
To be fair, I think Pratchett got that from the Scots too.

To be double fair, I think if I had to put anyone up against Shakespeare for contributions to English literature, Pratchett would make a better showing than the vast majority of writers who ever lived.

(I don't think it even reasonably counts as a correction; since you solicited confirmation or denial; cheers. )


Here's my take on the Paladin. I considered allowing them to only use one-handed weapons -- what do you think about that?

In the ranger livestream, Kelsey specifically called out the use of the greatsword as a perk of the fighter. I wouldn't encroach on that, especially given all the other paladin abilities here.

Well, that probably settles the question. I was already worried to allowing the Pally to auto-crit with a two-handed weapon was too strong.

Any other feedback, anyone?

Well, that probably settles the question. I was already worried to allowing the Pally to auto-crit with a two-handed weapon was too strong.

Any other feedback, anyone?
I wouldn’t fret over it. While the core four are really well done, they are still really generic classes. That’s both a strength, and a weakness. If you’re making classes for your own campaign, you can encroach on the core four’s special perks, and balance it by essentially breaking each into more specific classes, with the core four being removed in favor of yours.

Voidrunner's Codex

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