Lets see your GAME ROOM.

Heres some game room setup videos:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9w8OB-yuOfc]YouTube - We play in a nice basement[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HuTA3pK-V0Q&feature=related]YouTube - Dungeons and Dragons Game Table[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0xdXtDWcy3A&feature=related]YouTube - D&D - Battlemap Projector (BETA Version 2) - Introduction[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ol-Gq3XxX6s&feature=related]YouTube - D&D - Battlemap Projector (BETA Version 2) - Grid Resizing[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=57mJW4Tf-vA&feature=related]YouTube - Dungeons & Dragons Game Room[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RrTwaiPmmFg&feature=related]YouTube - d&d room[/ame]

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This picture is several years old, but is my game room (formerly a 2 car garage converted to a game room)


This picture is several years old, but is my game room (formerly a 2 car garage converted to a game room)


Nice......i'm guessing your not hurting for any reference material. Looks like you have every book TSR, WOTC, and Hasbro / WOTC has put out.


I took this one recently in my man-cave - it's the view from my seat before we started a Serenity game. We have a friend who joins us via Skype, hence the monitor there...


Looks cool. How much that set you back?

It is my friend's room. He converted the lower level of his garage into a gaming room. The "stones" on the wall are hand-made out of polystyrene insulation (Styrofoam) and painted to look like real stone. The tables, chairs, shelves, etc. all came from yard sales or businesses closing down and needing to sell off assets.

The largest expenses in the room are the collections of Reaper minis, D&D minis, and Dwarven Forge miniature terrain; that set us back a pretty penny. Luckily, the room is used by about a dozen of us and we have all contributed to these collections, some more than others.

We also have quite a few home-made terrain peices. One of the guys we play with is an avid builder of terrain and produces some pretty nice peices.

Edit: Much of what we have was cleaned out for the movie. If I remember -- and that is a big "if" -- I'll take an updated picture and post it here.

It is my friend's room. He converted the lower level of his garage into a gaming room. The "stones" on the wall are hand-made out of polystyrene insulation (Styrofoam) and painted to look like real stone. The tables, chairs, shelves, etc. all came from yard sales or businesses closing down and needing to sell off assets.

The largest expenses in the room are the collections of Reaper minis, D&D minis, and Dwarven Forge miniature terrain; that set us back a pretty penny. Luckily, the room is used by about a dozen of us and we have all contributed to these collections, some more than others.

We also have quite a few home-made terrain peices. One of the guys we play with is an avid builder of terrain and produces some pretty nice peices.

Edit: Much of what we have was cleaned out for the movie. If I remember -- and that is a big "if" -- I'll take an updated picture and post it here.

Awesome......look forward to the pic.

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