My gaming setup pretty much is bland compared to what I've seen upthread. I have a plain sturdy wooden table topped by an 8'x4' sheet of plywood and a Chessex Mondo Mat.
Gaming Setup pictures by NewJeffCT - Photobucket
Yeah but the shear amount of Minis and Terrain puts you light years ahead of mine. Even though we use the cool D&D projector table We still use plastic D&D minis for the monsters and Metal minis for PC's.
Yup love those projector set ups guys, thanks for sharing!
Here's my little set-up in the game cave. I use a 46" LCD atm but plan on making the upgrade to a projector and custom table in the future. The LCD works brilliantly (no really, its quite bright with full lights on) but I'd like to expand the size of my digital battlemat to be a bit bigger if I can. Currently running, via maptools, a Kingmaker AP campaign for my game group!
Yup love those projector set ups guys, thanks for sharing!
Here's my little set-up in the game cave. I use a 46" LCD atm but plan on making the upgrade to a projector and custom table in the future. The LCD works brilliantly (no really, its quite bright with full lights on) but I'd like to expand the size of my digital battlemat to be a bit bigger if I can. Currently running, via maptools, a Kingmaker AP campaign for my game group!
The game room I play in was used in the second installment of Fear of Girls. The room comes at about the 2:10 mark.
YouTube - Fear of Girls©: Episode 2
Yup love those projector set ups guys, thanks for sharing!
Here's my little set-up in the game cave. I use a 46" LCD atm but plan on making the upgrade to a projector and custom table in the future. The LCD works brilliantly (no really, its quite bright with full lights on) but I'd like to expand the size of my digital battlemat to be a bit bigger if I can. Currently running, via maptools, a Kingmaker AP campaign for my game group!