Lets see your GAME ROOM.

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Heres the newest and final Work in Progress art panel to be added to the game table.

cyderak on deviantART

Looks freakin phenominal so far.

The woman who is doing all the art panels for the game table is my buddy's fiance'.

She is willing to take comissions with the understanding she is in college right now and the timeline for completion of a comission would be according to her work-load.

I have gotten a proposal to build another game table to see if it will sell. My buddy's dad has set aside $1000 to invest in another game table.

That is terrific news. Now all I have to do is find a buyer. I think first stop will be local gaming stores.

I have gotten a proposal to build another game table to see if it will sell. My buddy's dad has set aside $1000 to invest in another game table.

That is terrific news. Now all I have to do is find a buyer. I think first stop will be local gaming stores.

If it was up to me, I would buy a cool gaming table... however, if I had to bet on the likelhood, I think snowballs have a far greater chance in hell than is the chance of my wife agreeing to spend $1,000 or more on a gaming table.
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I suggest you replace the frosted glass with PLEXIGLAS XT Grey 99561 RP .
It is rear projection plexiglas.
Might be too expensive but it is a thought.

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