Level Up (A5E) Level Up: Advanced 5th Edition Is Coming!

Level Up is the working title for a standalone 'advanced 5E' backwards compatible tabletop RPG coming to Kickstarter in 2021 from EN Publishing.


A crunchier, more flexible version of the 5E ruleset which you know and love. If you love 5E but would like a little more depth to the ruleset, Level Up is the game for you!

Level Up is the working codename for a standalone hardcover roleplaying game brought to you by the team which brought you EN5ider Magazine and Mythological Figures & Maleficent Monsters!

Sign up for news about Level Up! This mailing list is for news, surveys, feedback, and playtests. Or simply register your interest in the Kickstarter.

This is an ‘advanced’ version of the 5E ruleset, presented as a hardcover standalone game. It adds more customization and depth to the game. Basically, it’s a ‘crunchier’ version of 5th Edition. It's still the game you know and love. We love it too! All your 5E books will be compatible with this new game.

We already have a list of what we want to include in Level Up, although this list is not yet final We’ll be using surveys to adjust that list. We hope to include a fully developed exploration pillar, flexible character choices at each level, a new approach to heritage, martial maneuvers, a ‘cinematic/gritty’ toggle, spell-less ranger and warlord, and followers and strongholds, and more. Keep an eye out for the surveys!

We are also recruiting a diverse team of expert 5th Edition writers. We’ll have more news on that soon.

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I wish the venture well. My only worry with greater customisation or options in an A5E is the antithesis of 5e. It is about simplicity in rules, options and in its play. Don’t get me wrong, I’d like and want these things but I worry that A5E would break that philosophy. Still, worth a try.
I think Advanced 5E could be compatible with 5E in the same way that the simple 4E Essential classes and the complex Hybrids were compatible with core 4E.

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I don't know if I have mentioned that I am fully on board with the paradigm of just making most fighter abilities work much like that where you can aid an ally to do the things you are doing or inspire them to that end, it can be played much as it is now or you can play as a tactically valuable sidekick type of Warlord without too much tricky figuring. It has precedence but needn't be sequestered in a subclass. A battlemasters parry should parry an attack against an ally perhaps with wisdom involved -> Because I want to wedge in the mental attributes on those inspired or aiding actions.

It makes for a better starting point and a team player fighter based on active choice.
Had a new idea for the marshal, btw.

Stances called Strategies when you give a bonus related to a type of tactics. So, a marshal mounted archer would have a Slash and Fade Strategy, boosting ally mobility and maybe allowing each ally to not take OAs from creatures they attacked that turn.

Had a new idea for the marshal, btw.

Stances called Strategies when you give a bonus related to a type of tactics. So, a marshal mounted archer would have a Slash and Fade Strategy, boosting ally mobility and maybe allowing each ally to not take OAs from creatures they attacked that turn.
Bonuses to any kind of escape attempt and bonuses on the first round of a fight were a similar skirmisher specialist idea I had but implemented as a Strategy where one uses a speech to explain the plan to the team to get it started could make it indeed strategic instead of a specialization.

Bonuses to any kind of escape attempt and bonuses on the first round of a fight were a similar skirmisher specialist idea I had but implemented as a Strategy where one uses a speech to explain the plan to the team to get it started could make it indeed strategic instead of a specialization.
I prefer it to just be a zone buff they turn on as a bonus action, whose primary cost is the opportunity cost of not having a different one active, and have some opportunity cost in terms of how many strategies you know.

Khalid knows how to Slash and Run, Lead The Charge, and how to Sever The Head (use the death of an enemy to demoralise remaining enemies, with a side buff if the slain enemy is a leader of the enemies, which is extra because it's DM dependent), but he doesn't know how to Hold The Wall (shield wall defense buff to allies gather close together that makes their threatened reach difficult terrain and gives a small AC buff) or other shield wall and phalanx themed strategies.

Arthur know how to Lead The Charge, Hold The Wall, and Hold The Center (creates a zone of recovery and bonuses to saves), but not how to Slash and Run.

Probably both know how to Issue The Challenge, making a single enemy focus on them, while other enemies and allies have advantage on saves and disadvantage on attacks, but it's a very situational strategy and maybe all Marshals get it for free.

Garth and I have gone back and forth with ideas for a fighter warlord quite a bit.

We disagree on how many widgets it needs, but I like his ideas in general.

The main thing to me is to take each major fighter feature and make it soemthing they can use to boost an ally. Extra attack becomes Heroic Action, and gains the ability to let an ally attack as a reaction at the cost of the fighter’s attack.

Action Surge becomes “let someone else take an extra action on their next turn”.

Second Wind becomes Inspiring Word, and an ally gets HP equal to 1d10+your fighter level.

Indomitable becomes Bulwark and applies to an ally.

As time has gone by, I've come around to the idea that Warlord could simply be a fighter subclass that hands out the fighter's goodies as described above. That seems very "5E" in its simplicity. And I bet it would be a ton of fun to play.

That said, I have seen a full Warlord class online that looks legitimately good.

I would be happy either way. Just give me something.

As time has gone by, I've come around to the idea that Warlord could simply be a fighter subclass that hands out the fighter's goodies as described above. That seems very "5E" in its simplicity. And I bet it would be a ton of fun to play.

That said, I have seen a full Warlord class online that looks legitimately good.

I would be happy either way. Just give me something.
Yeah I really like the idea of playing a Battlemaster Fighter with the listed variants, but I've also seen a lot of ideas for a full new class that sound really fun.

But I also want the Fighter to be inspiring and have leadership potential by default. They're supposed to be the...paragon. The peak of mundane physical potential. Their presence should worry enemies and inspire allies, without the fighter having to do anything special.

But the easiest way to do that is to tie fighters into the followers rules than anyone else.

But I also want the Fighter to be inspiring and have leadership potential by default.
Inspiring and intimidating without distinct effort yes, Yeh why not. I like how the Warlord is able to spark his team to action affecting initiative in 4e sure it is a passive effect mechanically but it can be seen as representing a lot of subtle ways he warns and also just keeps his allies on their toes. I put that in a battle cry where if his initiative is higher than his allies his war cry gives them his initiative. Sort of warlordy but flavor wise its a pure fighter thing too.

Inspiring and intimidating without distinct effort yes, Yeh why not. I like how the Warlord is able to spark his team to action affecting initiative in 4e sure it is a passive effect mechanically but it can be seen as representing a lot of subtle ways he warns and also just keeps his allies on their toes. I put that in a battle cry where if his initiative is higher than his allies his war cry gives them his initiative. Sort of warlordy but flavor wise its a pure fighter thing too.
What if one had the choice of the Battle Cry or the Warlords Sparking to Action?

Both abilities help the party respond to battle and could even work together.

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