Level Up (A5E) Level Up: Advanced 5th Edition Is Coming!

Level Up is the working title for a standalone 'advanced 5E' backwards compatible tabletop RPG coming to Kickstarter in 2021 from EN Publishing.


A crunchier, more flexible version of the 5E ruleset which you know and love. If you love 5E but would like a little more depth to the ruleset, Level Up is the game for you!

Level Up is the working codename for a standalone hardcover roleplaying game brought to you by the team which brought you EN5ider Magazine and Mythological Figures & Maleficent Monsters!

Sign up for news about Level Up! This mailing list is for news, surveys, feedback, and playtests. Or simply register your interest in the Kickstarter.

This is an ‘advanced’ version of the 5E ruleset, presented as a hardcover standalone game. It adds more customization and depth to the game. Basically, it’s a ‘crunchier’ version of 5th Edition. It's still the game you know and love. We love it too! All your 5E books will be compatible with this new game.

We already have a list of what we want to include in Level Up, although this list is not yet final We’ll be using surveys to adjust that list. We hope to include a fully developed exploration pillar, flexible character choices at each level, a new approach to heritage, martial maneuvers, a ‘cinematic/gritty’ toggle, spell-less ranger and warlord, and followers and strongholds, and more. Keep an eye out for the surveys!

We are also recruiting a diverse team of expert 5th Edition writers. We’ll have more news on that soon.

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What if one had the choice of the Battle Cry or the Warlords Sparking to Action?

Both abilities help the party respond to battle and could even work together.
overlapping buffs should be kept to a minimum, but if the class has something like the Paladin's Auras, and also limited use distinct buffs, that could work fine.

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overlapping buffs should be kept to a minimum, but if the class has something like the Paladin's Auras, and also limited use distinct buffs, that could work fine.
Conceptually both abilities help the party respond promptly but quite distinctly
The Battle cry has a benefit if you have several party members they do not interfere with one another. (they had to say to the Warlord in 4e only one warlord can do this). The 4e benefits makes everyones initiative slightly better but not by a huge amount if every character in the party of warriors knew battle cry then the ones with good rolls do a battle cry to (potentially) share their initiative. - or just say the higher initiative guy is doing it first and not worry about the rest.

Not just capstones. My most unrealistic wish is for someone to go through all the broken or underwhelming features, spells, feats and abilities with a fine-toothed comb and fix them.
Things like a spell can often be fixed simply by changing the number of its spell level.

Things that were meh at one slot level can be pretty good when available sooner at a lower slot.

Not just capstones. My most unrealistic wish is for someone to go through all the broken or underwhelming features, spells, feats and abilities with a fine-toothed comb and fix them.
I'm actually doing this right now for my home game,but I have no intention of ever releasing it. I probably couldn't legally anyways. I'm mainly just rewriting bad class abilities and spells. Plus a few odd feats and racial abilities.

Had a new idea for the marshal, btw.

Stances called Strategies when you give a bonus related to a type of tactics. So, a marshal mounted archer would have a Slash and Fade Strategy, boosting ally mobility and maybe allowing each ally to not take OAs from creatures they attacked that turn.
I think calling a class Warrior and giving it abilities that could be used for single ally aiding built in including the Champion as one of its types. Make most?all other archetypes use the Battlemaster Template including one called Fighter (kind of like the 2e model) with their own maneuvers and via the Morning Exercises or Martial Adept feat gain access to other Subclasses maneuvers. Martial Adept might also be bigger allowing learning a subclass feature from one of the other Warrior types (as well as maneuvers). Anyway just spitballing again. One Variant Fighter did include a small number of appropriate sounding maneuvers for the Champion too. (though if we can make them passive effects like the Intimidation attack from the Hero of Chainmail this fits Champion better too)

Then the champion would get options during level up too.
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From what I can tell, this a full on "alternative system", rather than a modular expansion of the base ruleset. If this is the case, I will probably pass on this, although I might check and see if there are any good standalone mechanics to steal for my own game once the thing comes out.

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