Blog (A5E) Level Up: Now on FOUNDRY VTT!

For fans of the Foundry virtual tabletop platform, our initial package for Level Up: Advanced 5th Edition is now available for free. (Yes, I completely made up those stats!) We're excited to present the beta release of the Foundry VTT Level Up system! The system is game-ready, but this release is only the beginning: you can expect plenty of new features over the coming weeks. The core...

For fans of the Foundry virtual tabletop platform, our initial package for Level Up: Advanced 5th Edition is now available for free.

Screen Shot 2022-01-13 at 3.43.28 PM.png

(Yes, I completely made up those stats!)
We're excited to present the beta release of the Foundry VTT Level Up system! The system is game-ready, but this release is only the beginning: you can expect plenty of new features over the coming weeks.

The core sheets provide handy automation features, from roll buttons to automatic resource tracking, as well as rich filtering to help keep your sheet organised.

While we packed a lot into this first release, some major features are yet to come. These include an interface to manage Active Effects and a suite of system compendiums containing all the great monsters, equipment, spells, and features from the Level Up system.

We hope you enjoy playing Level Up on Foundry!

If you have any feedback or want to report an issue, you can get help here.


For now, to install you will need to use the following Manifest link:

You should past that link into the Manifest URL field at the bottom of the System Installation tab. For more help on installing via a Manifest link, check out this page at Foundry’s website. Level Up will be added to the main list soon.


Other VTT Platforms
Don’t forget, Roll20 fans can already get Memories of Holdenshire on Roll20, and they can get the Level Up character sheet on Roll20 for free. Fantasy Grounds is also producing its own in-house implementation of Level Up.

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Phil Best

A5e Foundry Developer
I have two things that I have found in the foundry Vtt the synergy feats are missing and magic items are just not there. I found that i have to make all of them. I love the customization on the system but it not very easy to make them but i see that as a learning curve. Also, a couple of my players have and a hard time finding some of their class features.

If you don't see a magic item compendium, you need to update the system. Every magic item in the game, barring unique artefacts, are included:


All of the class features should all be in there as well, except those for the savant and artificer, as they're not included in the SRD. Your players may need to search for the sub-features in cases where they have an option, because there's no good way to include a feature that contains potential configuration for any number of options. At best, we could provide a dummy feature that links to the options, but this wasn't possible until recently due to the way the compendia were built.

Synergy feats do appear to be missing, but I don't know why. I don't believe there's any restrictions there, so we're able to include them. I'll look into it.
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If you don't see a magic item compendium, you need to update the system. Every magic item in the game, barring unique artefacts, are included:

View attachment 252497

All of the class features should all be in there as well, except those for the savant and artificer, as they're not included in the SRD. Your players may need to search for the sub-features in cases where they have an option, because there's no good way to include a feature that contains potential configuration for any number of options. At best, we could provide a dummy feature that links to the options, but this wasn't possible until recently due to the way the compendia were built.

Synergy feats do appear to be missing, but I don't know why. I don't believe there's any restrictions there, so we're able to include them. I'll look into it.
Thanks, you were right on the update. Also, glad I could help out. love the work you are doing.


Hmmm, I do hope there is at least a plan for getting non-SRD things into Foundry at some point. One of the big draws of Level Up for me and my friends is not having to deal with the nonsense of practically everything being non-SRD for O5e. If Level up is going to follow a similar system of excluding content, then it is losing a major advantage IMO. I know that you have nothing to do with that, PhilBest, it's just frustrating.

Phil Best

A5e Foundry Developer
Hmmm, I do hope there is at least a plan for getting non-SRD things into Foundry at some point. One of the big draws of Level Up for me and my friends is not having to deal with the nonsense of practically everything being non-SRD for O5e. If Level up is going to follow a similar system of excluding content, then it is losing a major advantage IMO. I know that you have nothing to do with that, PhilBest, it's just frustrating.

Thankfully, the A5e SRD at least includes basically everything in the core books, but with a bunch of new things on the horizon, more and more content is going to fall outside of that core set. I've been working with 3PPs, like Timespike above, to get their content into Foundry as modules, but I don't have any news to give you with regards to official material.

Hopefully, if enough people express an interest in seeing more official content in Foundry, EN will release some premium modules to cover all of the additional books being released. That, or the SRD will be expanded so that we can incorporate that content into the core system.


Well, that was fun
Staff member
Hmmm, I do hope there is at least a plan for getting non-SRD things into Foundry at some point. One of the big draws of Level Up for me and my friends is not having to deal with the nonsense of practically everything being non-SRD for O5e. If Level up is going to follow a similar system of excluding content, then it is losing a major advantage IMO. I know that you have nothing to do with that, PhilBest, it's just frustrating.
Some material (eg adventures and the like) would be premium modules, others will be SRD material. But manpower is an issue, so it doesn't happen fast.


There's quite a lot to unpack there, but whoever told you that we were going to be excluding content from our SRD was incorrect. There may be delays as manpower is a thing (i.e. I'm the only one making the SRDs, and it takes me ages) but I'm pretty sure I've never said (or implied) that.
No, you didn't say that, I was just expressing concern about the future since PhilBest had said that there were entire classes currently not in the SRD. If the intention is to include the eventually, that's great!

It occurs to me, once the system is complete, that the best way to get 5e content from elsewhere into it might actually be a Level Up converter module that will take content formatted for the Foundry 5e system (whether a purchased adventure, content imported from DnD Beyond, content manually created in a 5e world, etc) and convert it for the Foundry Level Up system. Basically, you'd point it at a 5e world, or module, or compendium (or whatever method ends up working best), and it creates a Level Up system version of the content.

This would have the benefit that you wouldn't have to worry about interfacing with anything other than the Foundry 5e system, and this method should support anything and everything 5e.

Phil Best

A5e Foundry Developer
It occurs to me, once the system is complete, that the best way to get 5e content from elsewhere into it might actually be a Level Up converter module that will take content formatted for the Foundry 5e system (whether a purchased adventure, content imported from DnD Beyond, content manually created in a 5e world, etc) and convert it for the Foundry Level Up system. Basically, you'd point it at a 5e world, or module, or compendium (or whatever method ends up working best), and it creates a Level Up system version of the content.

This would have the benefit that you wouldn't have to worry about interfacing with anything other than the Foundry 5e system, and this method should support anything and everything 5e.

Yep, something along those lines is the plan.

EDIT: Should add that for 3PPs, the best solution is just native support, and we're currently working towards that. You can ship compendia that conditionally load depending on the system, so users would be able to purchase a single premium module with both 5e and A5e support.

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