Level Up: Official Character Sheet (B/W)

Homebrew Level Up: Official Character Sheet (B/W) 2021-04-25

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the Incomparably Shrewd and Clever
I notice you note this as (B/W) - does this means there will be a color version of the sheet, too?

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Not sure what was changed but noticed something pretty cool in the form fillable boxes for hitdice & languages/proficiencies :D


There's still a problem with the first line in Features and Traits being a scroll and the rest of the lines being reduce-text-to-fit-to-line.

Unless that was intentional.


There's still a problem with the first line in Features and Traits being a scroll and the rest of the lines being reduce-text-to-fit-to-line.

Unless that was intentional.
I think that was intentional & probably a good thing but

Treasure & treasure2 boxes on page3 are set to a fixed font size & no on scroll, allies & organizations, along with character background are the same. Page2 Languages Other Proficiencies 2/Languages Other Proficiencies 1 are both set scroll yes. Not a huge issue but could be a quality of life issue occasionally since most people don't seem to have a pdf editor available if it frustrates them or they run out of space.


Not a huge issue but could be a quality of life issue occasionally since most people don't seem to have a pdf editor available if it frustrates them or they run out of space.
Speaking of which:

It's a free online pdf editor I use on occasion.


Speaking of which:

It's a free online pdf editor I use on occasion.
I use a copy of pdf x-change editor from before they changed over to a yearly license that works pretty well as a combo lightweight viewer/editor :D


I made some changes & additions to the sheet after the spellcraft downtime activity inspired me :D
  • Attributes autocalculate their mod & have a pair of boxes to store long term modifiers (ie from equipment) as well as short term ones (ie from buff/debuff).
  • Multiline text boxes are set to display a scrollbar when filled rather than shrink the font
  • page4 spellsheet is relatively unchanged but has a book with a ribbon bookmarklet icon from game-icons.net next to each level of spells. Clicking it will take you to the page for details on that level of spells
    I considered adding checkboxes or similar to indicate if a spell is prepared or not but ultimately decided the omission is likely deliberate & easy to add later if not.
  • an extra page was added for cantrips +each level of spells that provides a multiline text box to detail individual spells in. Each of these pages has a bookmarklet icon that will jump back to the spellsheet when clicked & boxes for 22 spells
    22 was chosen simply because that was the number that fit. With the downtime activities giving a way to modify spells it seemed even more important to include space for details beyond the page number alone. The spell name & page number listed in the spellsheet will be mirrored on the details page. Without knowing why there was no checkbox to indicate a prepped spell it seemed like the mirroring would be more useful than not, but this could be easily changed be adjusting form field names if needed


  • Level_Up_CharSheet_BW_fillable_tweaked.pdf
    531.7 KB · Views: 362


The last version was not as flexible on the spellsheet as I had hoped & with some additional javascript I managed to make the spellsheet+spellbook dance about in a way that solved a lot of frustrations I tend to run into when playing a caster long enough,
  • The spell sheets described previously have a custom field that allows the user to trivially make a brief note calling out whatever is important to hihlight about each spell
  • Each level of spells on the spellsheet has a fancy mix of dropdown, user editable textbox, & scrolling listbox that keeps each known/prepare spell separate with a bit of protection against accidental munging

    The buttons do what they say & I added some extra text for that picture describing each field
  • On page1 I added a box for fatigue & strife levels beside obvious buttons.

    Just a quick tossed in box with the label buttons left blindingly obvious on purpose. Clicking either button will give you a popup like so but the button could easily be changed to something else when things are better known

    Those values are pulled from this thread & it was done mainly because it was easier to add & hide/update/delete later as needed than I it would to remember how to do it later :D
  • I thought about adding a page with body slots but between pg1's 7 "attacks & spellcasting" slots and the 12 slots on the lower left of pg3 I didn't feel enough grasp about what might be a useful on such a thing.


  • Level_Up_CharSheet_BW_fillable_fancy_spellbook.pdf
    2.3 MB · Views: 246


Here is my version. I removed the Destiny and added "Speciality" under each skill.


  • LevelUp_Blank_CharacterSheet_Fillable.pdf
    309.2 KB · Views: 93

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