(LEW) Natural Talent


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Natural Talent [General]
A particular skill just comes naturaly to you.
Benefit: Choose one skill when you take this feat. You gain a +2 bonus to the skill, and the skill costs 1 point per rank to purchase, regardless what type of skill it is for your current class. Rank limits for class or cross class skills still apply, and this does not make the skill a class skill. Previously spent skill points are not refunded.
Normal: Buying a cross class skill cost 2 skill point per rank.
Special: This feat may be taken multiple times, each time applying to a different skill.
-Created by Bront, With help from Icycool

Is there anything WoTC published that is close to this that can be used instead?

Also, is there a chance I can change one of my current character's feat? As I've been playing Koh'Tara, it makes more sense for her than Point Blank Shot which she hasn't used yet (I'd only change out the feat for now, and deal with skill points as I advance).
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Able Learning gives all cross class skills the 1 per 1 bump. Some others give certain skills as class skills. This essentially gives a cross-class skill the same *value* as a class skill, though it has less *ranks*.

I'm fine with it.

what other skills give a skill as a class skill that a hobgoblin could take?

Koh'Tara needs Sense Motive, it just fits the character.

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