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D&D 5E Light release schedule: More harm than good?


New Publisher
Except this isn't settlers or carcassonne or other such games. You need adventures. .....and some of us would like to buy them, not create them from scratch. The analogy does not hold. I don't need more rules.....I also don't need 300 page paths....whatever, I will just give any additional money to third parties.

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Or some form of magazine maybe. Online or paper I don't mind. With great ideas, character and campaign options, and short adventures. I'd even accept an article release schedule but personally many of those miss me by so prefer a monthly 'mag'. What a novel idea


We've had 7 products in 7 months, from the Starter Set to the DMG Screen. They've given limited announcements about what they're working on (see speculation in the Chris Perkins thread for an example), and people assume that nothings coming out. Of course, the first 6 months might be been a blitz of products, as 3 of them were core rulebooks, but even if they slow to half the production level, that's still 6 products a year. Sounds good to me!


Naked and living in a barrel
You want to stay in people's mind and in the conversation. Having four months without releasing a product won't help. Right now the conversation is about the lack of product being released, not a product that needs to be bought. Sure, we're talking about you, but not necessarely in a positive fashion. Heck, some people are worried about their beloved brand. In four months what new shinny thing will have gotten people's attention... and money?

The problem I see is that some people at WotC/Hasbro still think they are the lead RPG producers they use to be. They still think they can produce hardcover books with 200+ pages without an hitch and that people will shell out the 50$ for them.

They need to learn that they can't produce that sort of books anymore because they lack the resources and because the market has changed. Paizo* saw to that with a different business model. They need to fracture their books. Why does PotA need to be released in one hardcover? Why not three releases that cover level 1-5, 6-10 and 11-15 over three or six months? A longer release schedule might be easier to produce for designers and easier for costumers to buy. Fracturing also means you have more content over time, so you're part the conversation all of that time. Cause they can't even create hype with up coming products cause they are top secret.

Why did the splatbook need to be so big and expensive anyway if bloat is so bad? Why not just a small 60 page book that cost 15$ instead of 40$ twice or thrice a year? People still get some splat, cause we do want it, and you still manage to slowdown the bloat.

Also, people do not want huge books anymore or exclusively huge books. They also want e-books/PDFs. Right now that market share is totally abandonned by WotC. It was a bad business move in 2008, what is it now in 2015? They might have great designers at WotC, but a designer doesn't necessarely make a good business person. That being said, I'm pretty sure Mearls and co. know that they need e-books. So who is responsable for that? Hasbro? This leads to another question: why no OGL? The lack of 3PP content also doesn't help 5e stay in the conversation.

*Yup, talking about them. Let us face it, they are the industry leader and so far their business model has worked so well they moved to the top, among other reasons we do not need to discust. I understand that WotC doesn't want to copy them, but paradigms have changed (like people have these things called tablets now) and the improvisation we are seeing doesn't bode well for the brand.


The return of the Dragon and Dungeon magazines would go a long way to solving the lack of new supplements problem, at least for me it would. If I knew every month, or every other month, new content was coming out in a magazine or e-magazine format I would be ecstatic.

I'm A Banana

3.x lasted 8 years, 4e close to 5. Just how long do you expect 5e to last? Times change, interests change, things change, 5 years is a long time.

You don't see the smaller and smaller gaps between editions as indicative of a problem?

How many revisions to the core rules of monopoly have you seen in that time?


Okay, but riddle me this: why should anyone take your opinion more seriously than the opinion of WotC?

Presumably, WotC knows more about the risks and rewards of this plan than anyone else, and they've got a financial stake in making sure it pans out. More than one person's paycheck is contingent on them getting it right, and they're not bumbling buffoons who don't know how financial planning works (admittedly, a bit of a presumption on my part). They know what the near future holds. They think it can work. In fact, they think it's a better idea.
And since they have this great expertice 4e was a great hit and they didn't need to make a 5th edition ...


First Post
You don't see the smaller and smaller gaps between editions as indicative of a problem?

How many revisions to the core rules of monopoly have you seen in that time?

I'm an IT girl, I live in the world of software updates, I see everything around me accelerating, so no, I see it as the natural progression of improvement, faster updates over time is how it should be.

As for comparision to Catan or monopoly, those are vastly different things. I do not believe the nature of them is comparable. But if you insist, I have played 2 games of Catan in my life, I haven't played Monopoly in probably 15 years, there' s nothing new there for me. I hope D&D doesn't get to that state. I want fresh life coming into D&D all the time.

And my final dig, you can't tell me that monopoly doesn't have flaws that would be well served by an update

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