Locations Mentioned in Races & Classes


I thought this might be an interesting project.

Anauli Empire: A long-vanished eladrin civilisation.

Arkhosia: A dragonborn empire founded by followers of Bahamut in the arid lands of the south, destroyed by wars with the tiefling empire of Bael Turath.

Avaellor: An eladrin city which spends spring and summer on an island in the mortal world, before fading back into the Feywild at the beginning of winter.

Bael Turath: A tiefling empire which destroyed the dragonborn empire of Arkhosia in a Pyrrhic victory which left Bael Turath itself in ruins. Its once-human nobles transformed themselves into tieflings as the consequence of terrible pacts made with infernal powers. Also called the Hell-Chained Empire.

Blackmere City: A town besieged by goblins.

Cendriane: A fallen eladrin civilisation with many now-ruined cities.

Daggermoor: A region containing hidden glades where elven tribes can often be found.

Durkellwood: A forest containing many waterfalls.

Great Rock: A town infested by stirges.

Haruani Archipelago: A stretch of jungle-covered islands.

Howling Forest: A woodland inhabited by owlbears, featuring a glade where the eladrin city of Shinaelestra appears each night.

Jenn-Tourach: An eladrin city which occupies a mountaintop in the mortal world for one day in midsummer.

Landarna: A city-state ruled by the tyrannical High Lord Demetrius.

Mount Keannor: A mountain high enough that one can spend a year climbing it.

Nerath: A human empire which fell a century ago, toppled by hordes of orcs, goblins, and demons, as well as a rumoured curse. Its cities contained many enclaves of other races.

Razortear: An Arkhosian garrison destroyed after a ten-year siege by half a million soldiers of Bael Turath. The cost of this siege marked the beginning of the end for both civilisations.

Realm of the Twin Queens: A vanished eladrin civilisation.

Shadow-Glade: A location which lends its name to the elven People of the Shadow-Glade.

Shinaelestra: An eladrin city which shifts into the mortal world at midnight, replacing a glade within the Howling Forest until dawn. Ruled(?) by Lord Tynal.

Spirodon: A town plagued by zombies controlled by a vampire.

Western Province: A human(?) nation containing(?) Blackmere City and the town of Spirodon.

Whitepeak: A mountainous(?) location which lends its name to the Whitepeak Tribe of elves.

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First Post
mhacdebhandia said:
Avaellor: An eladrin city which spends spring and summer on an island in the mortal world, before fading back into the Feywild at the beginning of winter.

So, um, what does it do in autumn? Or does it take 3 months to get back to the feywild?


Maybe it's in both places in autumn. That'd be pretty cool.

Or maybe they meant "with the coming of autumn." It's not like Races and Classes is supposed to be definitive.


First Post
This approach with 4e is very intriguing. I hope it works to bring in new players. If it does then it is worth the effect on homebrews and official campaign settings. Now we know why there is 30% of the feats with fluff based names ;)

A year to climb a mountain?

That would be a very tall mountain indeed. in mountaineering, it's no great feat to climb a mile a week. So that's conservatively a 52 mile high mountain, over 250,000 feet, about ten times higher than everest. On earth, its top would be in space.



Golden Procrastinator
Haffrung Helleyes said:
That would be a very tall mountain indeed. in mountaineering, it's no great feat to climb a mile a week. So that's conservatively a 52 mile high mountain, over 250,000 feet, about ten times higher than everest. On earth, its top would be in space.
It's good for the scientists in the setting though... they get to study the mesosphere really up close.

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