Loki! (spoiler thread)


Episode 2, as I watch:

Mobius continues to demonstrate a deep understanding of what motivates Loki.

Mobius has never met the Time Keepers. I wonder if Mobius is familiar with the concept of the noble lie.

Franklin D. Roosevelt High School is a set-up for something, but I don't know what yet.

Well, that's something to look forward to in 27 years.

Not what I was expecting her to look like.

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Considering this can cover all of time and space, its surpringingly earth-centric so far. Is that purely a budgetary reasons....or is there a plot point behind it.


Sounded like it was an improvement.
So she has been running circles around them by virtue of selecting locations where there are no survivors so nobody to mention seeing her?
Regarding the comment above
Kang went to school there?


I get all that. But being able to turn off an infinity stone is a bridge too far for me.....
I'm not sure if they turn them off exactly, more it is a product of where they are. The infinity stones are about controlling the universe, but at the TVA they are effectively out of the universe so have nothing to control.

It's like if you took your TV remote out into the middle of a field away from your TV at home. You haven't stopped your TV remote working or being a TV remote, it just hasn't got a TV to effect.

They also have so many as I suspect they are often involved creating timelines that they have to prune, so they become useless trinkets.


Which would make them very useful if they locate a timeline it does work within.
Still think they would need to drain it first to avoid any problems like the reality stone being the most likely to be unaffected by that limitation.


Considering this can cover all of time and space, its surpringingly earth-centric so far. Is that purely a budgetary reasons....or is there a plot point behind it.
I suspect the TVA has different divisions devoted to different species / worlds. Everyone we’ve seen so far has been human because they’re all part of the division overseeing activities on Earth.

Just my hunch.

Could also be a frame of reference thing. Visiting Xandar’s past wouldn’t resonate with the audience as much as visiting Pompeii or an 80s ren faire does.

Voidrunner's Codex

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