Loki! (spoiler thread)

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Morkus from Orkus
I think that was established when Loki asked how long Mobius had worked there, and Mobius answered that it was hard to tell, because time worked differently in the TVA, rather established that fact.
Differently could also be slower or faster due to reasons, not necessarily that it's outside of time.


Mod Squad
Staff member
Differently could also be slower or faster due to reasons, not necessarily that it's outside of time.

To do what it does, it has to be outside time. Otherwise, with each branching of a universe, you get another TVA, that thinks it is in the Sacred Timeline, and the other one is the deviant, and you get different TVA teams showing up to stop each other.


New Publisher
To do what it does, it has to be outside time. Otherwise, with each branching of a universe, you get another TVA, that thinks it is in the Sacred Timeline, and the other one is the deviant, and you get different TVA teams showing up to stop each other.
Which sounds like an interesting plot, but not this plot.....


Is it possible the TVA is actually within the Quantumverse and they're unaware of the precise details as that would put the TVA in danger of being discovered and the reason the Variant Foe is being so successful is because they recognised the TVA Squads have no idea of their vulnerabilities?
For example soaking the ground in some flammable liquid or substance then dropping the flame catching them by surprise as they have no idea they've walked into a trap and their reaction is what allows their foe to kill them so rapidly.
I'm wondering if they have some kind of temporal stasis in effect when they arrive that freezes time, but doesn't stop things like them being set on fire and they can't switch off the field to smother the flame like the one seen in that clip does trying to crawl away.
Is that possible?


Mod Squad
Staff member
Is it possible the TVA is actually within the Quantumverse and they're unaware of the precise details as that would put the TVA in danger of being discovered and the reason the Variant Foe is being so successful is because they recognised the TVA Squads have no idea of their vulnerabilities?

Most things are, technically, possible. However...

I don't think it plausible that the TVA people are so naive as to be unaware of fire, and that fire will damage them.

For example soaking the ground in some flammable liquid or substance then dropping the flame catching them by surprise as they have no idea they've walked into a trap and their reaction is what allows their foe to kill them so rapidly.

I think it is more likely they just didn't realize there was oil present at all. Occam's Razor, and all that.

I think it is more likely they just didn't realize there was oil present at all. Occam's Razor, and all that.

No, one of them bent down and touched the liquid and said it was oil and someone must be there in 1858 Oklahoma to get rich. What they had no idea about, was how much oil there was and that, yes, they were about to be trapped.


Lawyer by day. Rules lawyer by night.
Most things are, technically, possible. However...

I don't think it plausible that the TVA people are so naive as to be unaware of fire, and that fire will damage them.

I think it is more likely they just didn't realize there was oil present at all. Occam's Razor, and all that.
Not really when you consider that, historically, the TVA was more associated with hydropower.


Morkus from Orkus
To do what it does, it has to be outside time. Otherwise, with each branching of a universe, you get another TVA, that thinks it is in the Sacred Timeline, and the other one is the deviant, and you get different TVA teams showing up to stop each other.
Theoretically, they could have used the set of infinity stones or even just the time stone from one of the other timelines to isolate it and preserve it. I think being outside of time is the simplest and most probable answer, but it isn't the only possible answer.

I would say the TVA's weakness is they think the know what is going to happen next. They believe they can't be surprised, so are vulnerable to anything which dos come as a surprise.

Voidrunner's Codex

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