Looking for Barrier Peaks Style Settings or Adventures


Knight of Solamnia
I am looking to find a campaign setting or adventure that is something akin to Expedition to the Barrier Peaks, where an alien ship crash-lands on a fantasy world. I'm hoping to find something that allows the players to not only explore the crash site, but to go out into the sci-fi world beyond. I'm also hoping for something that would be a bit of a sandbox fantasy setting.

I know of Tale of the Comet from the 2e days. Pathfinder has the Iron Gods adventure path, but I'm not sure that's what I'm looking for.

Preferably for D&D 5e or another D&D/d20-based system, but not required.

What other settings or adventures are there that fit this style of theme?

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New Publisher
I am looking to find a campaign setting or adventure that is something akin to Expedition to the Barrier Peaks, where an alien ship crash-lands on a fantasy world. I'm hoping to find something that allows the players to not only explore the crash site, but to go out into the sci-fi world beyond. I'm also hoping for something that would be a bit of a sandbox fantasy setting.

I know of Tale of the Comet from the 2e days. Pathfinder has the Iron Gods adventure path, but I'm not sure that's what I'm looking for.

Preferably for D&D 5e or another D&D/d20-based system, but not required.

What other settings or adventures are there that fit this style of theme?
You could use Monte Cook Games Arcana of the Ancients, and make your own crashed ship around all their innovative ideas. It's got some great stuff.


You could use Monte Cook Games Arcana of the Ancients, and make your own crashed ship around all their innovative ideas. It's got some great stuff.
Arcana of the Ancients is fun.

Also, there is the Pathfinder 1E AP Iron Gods which is exactly this.

Voidrunner's Codex

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