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Pathfinder 1E Looking for mid-level campaing

Hi there,

our on-again-off-again group of gamers has finally found the right combinateion of players to set up a regular RP slot. So, we're sitting here with sharacters of 3rd level (or 4th, as I could have them level for the last module I ran them through) and after so far playing single modules with alternating GMs we're now ready for a dedicated campaign.

But: I can't find any published campaigns out there that seem to fit. I've look at the Rise of the Drow from AAW, and while the level range would work perfectly, I'm not sure I'm totally digging the material (NO slam on J Nelson here, personal oppinion). Any pointers as to something that would work?

As a GM, I'm ok improvising, but I buy published material to have stuff already thought through and fleshed out (yes, I'm lazy that way). I plain LOVE the way Paizo does stuff in their APs, that works perfectly for me. And, while I'd be dead ok GMin something like Dungeonadays mega-dungeon, the group has veto'd that and would rather have something (they feel to be) more involving.

I would LOVE to run Zeitgeist, but as the characters have already "lived" in a more classical world, I'm not sure the transition would work too well. I faintly recall that inte-planar travel doesn't work in the ZG setting, so I wouldn't much care to play the Deus-Ex-Machina card and just transwarp them there.

In general: How viable is the idea to start something like ZG or War of the Burning Skies at a higher level? Would I just let them cruise through the early stuff (maybe tightening the screws on them here or there) and the real fun begins when the campaign "catches up" in level with them?

So... lots of jumbled thoughts, thus the plea for help and input.

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Most APs will work fine even if you skip the first module, they will just take a little story tweaking to get it going. For most Paizo APs 4th level will be the second module and you can go straight from there.

If you are going with straightforward D&D themes then maybe Rise of the Runelords. War of the Burning Sky is fairly campaign world specific.

Thanks for the input. Yeah, first chapters often have "just" introductory material to get the players on track. I'm not sure I would want to skip that and try to work around that. Lazy DM, remember? ;)

How viable would Zeitgeist be to start with characters of 4rd level? Or WotBS, for that matter.


I'd go with Kingmaker. I have played the first and some of the second one. And some years later the second one skipping the first one.
In the first adventure you explore some places (it's a sandbox so no problem in exploring later or not). And the party deals with some bandits.
You can just say that the guard or some soldiers cleaned the bandits and the players are there to continue with the exploration and the set up of the new city/keep/castle.


Cute but dangerous
Just started Curse of the Crimson Throne with a group which is already in book 4 of Rise of the Runelords (as it is easy to combine those 2). works well enough if you adapt the encounters a little.

Thanks guys.
We've settled on WotBS (ok, I've decided so ...). I had already started that with a group that unfortunately died after 1 session, so I'm comfortable running it. I think the fights are not too hard to adjust, and if the first book turns out a bit of a breeze, it's not too bad, as there's 11 more to come to drive the PCs and players to their limits. ;)

But keep the ideas coming, if you want.

Hi, I just noticed this thread. I directed WotBS, and wrote some of the modules.

If you start the party at 4th level, the first two adventures would be a bit less "run away from every threat" and a bit more "we're tough heroes, but even we can't take on a whole army by ourselves, so we have a mission." So I'd change the initial meeting from "a gathering of refugees" to "trusted members of the resistance."

If you have any questions specifically about WotBS, it's easier for me to spot them if you post in the EN Publishing forum. And I'm always interested to hear how people's games are going.

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