• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Looking for players: D&D 5th ed. (Carver, MA) - D&D Expeditions Mondays at 6pm

Join us in playing the newest version of the oldest role-playing game.
Each session is designed to be wrapped up in a complete episode, so if you miss a game you may miss some action but you won't feel left out (we'll also hold periodic sessions to catch up on adventures you may have missed).
The D&D Adventurers League is an ongoing official organized play campaign for Dungeons & Dragons. It uses the fifth edition of the Dungeons & Dragons rules, and features the Forgotten Realms setting.

You will earn 10 store points every time you play

see here
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for 10/26/15 DDEX3-5 Bane of the Tradeways

Times are hard in the Hillsfar countryside, especially for those of non-human ancestry. Unscrupulous merchants in league with the hated Red Plumes bleed local farmers and artisans dry. Perhaps some of those loot-laden caravans coming and going from Hillsfar could use a bit of liberation? A four-hour adventure for 1st-4th level characters.

Join us in playing the newest version of the oldest role-playing game.
Each session is designed to be wrapped up in a complete episode, so if you miss a game you may miss some action but you won't feel left out (we'll also hold periodic sessions to catch up on adventures you may have missed).
The D&D Adventurers League is an ongoing official organized play campaign for Dungeons & Dragons. It uses the fifth edition of the Dungeons & Dragons rules, and features the Forgotten Realms setting.

You will earn 10 store points every time you play

for 11/2/15 DDEX3-6 No Foolish Matter

Some of the hamlets outlying Hillsfar have been struck by an odd malady. Rumor has it a traveling carnival visited those hamlets before the disease struck. Does coincidence not equal causation or is something sinister afoot? A two-hour adventure for 1st-4th level characters.

for 11/9/15 DDEX2-1 City of Danger

On the southern shores of the Moonsea, the residents of Mulmaster have eked out a living where others would likely have given up long ago—in a bleak city where corruption is rampant and the Church of Bane holds sway. In these five short, introductory adventures, you will travel the breadth of the City of Danger, meet its people, see its sights, and witness firsthand how the city truly has earned its ominous moniker. An introductory adventure for 1st-2nd level characters

Join us in playing the newest version of the oldest role-playing game.
Each session is designed to be wrapped up in a complete episode, so if you miss a game you may miss some action but you won't feel left out (we'll also hold periodic sessions to catch up on adventures you may have missed).
The D&D Adventurers League is an ongoing official organized play campaign for Dungeons & Dragons. It uses the fifth edition of the Dungeons & Dragons rules, and features the Forgotten Realms setting.

You will earn 10 store points every time you play

see here

for 11/16/15 DDEX2-2 Embers of Elmwood

A derelict raft drifts into Mulmaster’s harbor carrying a young woman. Delirious with hunger, the only words she seems able to speak so far have been “ash and fire.” The only other clue to her identity is an ornate tattoo. Is the woman insane,
or is something nefarious at play? An adventure for 1st-4th level characters.

Read more: http://roundtablegames.proboards.com/thread/57/ddex2-embers-elmwood-11-16#ixzz3r7Bwg1gg

Join us in playing the newest version of the oldest role-playing game.

Each session is designed to be wrapped up in a complete episode, so if you miss a game you may miss some action but you won't feel left out (we'll also hold periodic sessions to catch up on adventures you may have missed).
The D&D Adventurers League is an ongoing official organized play campaign for Dungeons & Dragons. It uses the fifth edition of the Dungeons & Dragons rules, and features the Forgotten Realms setting.

You will earn 10 store points every time you play http://www.roundtablegamesma.com/#!reward-programs/c1yi0 This link will let you know how those points can be used (and others earned)

To learn more about the program visit the our http://www.roundtablegamesma.com/#!oprpg/c6qu" Organized Play RPG page

Use our https://www.eventbrite.com/e/dd-expeditions-tickets-18812882839 Eventbrite ticket registration system and earn an additional 10 or 25 store points (depending on how soon you sign up)

Join us in playing the newest version of the oldest role-playing game.
Each session is designed to be wrapped up in a complete episode, so if you miss a game you may miss some action but you won't feel left out (we'll also hold periodic sessions to catch up on adventures you may have missed).
The D&D Adventurers League is an ongoing official organized play campaign for Dungeons & Dragons. It uses the fifth edition of the Dungeons & Dragons rules, and features the Forgotten Realms setting.

You will earn 10 store points every time you play

see here

for 11/30/15
DDEX2-6: Breath of the Yellow Rose
The monks of the Monastery of the Yellow Rose have long cloistered themselves in their home atop the Earthspur Mountains, practicing their strange lifestyle which is rumored to give them longevity. Now, their dietary restrictions and practices of breath control have become the fashion amongst the well-to-do of Mulmaster. But when a few of these lay practitioners start dropping dead from suffocation and starvation, others start to question the validity of the monks’ claims. Is this simply a deadly ignorance, or is there a fell wind blowing through the rich and powerful of Mulmaster?

Join us in playing the newest version of the oldest role-playing game.
Each session is designed to be wrapped up in a complete episode, so if you miss a game you may miss some action but you won't feel left out (we'll also hold periodic sessions to catch up on adventures you may have missed).
The D&D Adventurers League is an ongoing official organized play campaign for Dungeons & Dragons. It uses the fifth edition of the Dungeons & Dragons rules, and features the Forgotten Realms setting.

You will earn 10 store points every time you play

see here

for 12/14/15
DDEX2-8 Foulness Beneath Mulmaster
The sewers beneath Mulmaster have always been dangerous, with countless stories of brigands, murderers, and worse that lurk beneath the streets of the City of Danger. But those stories pale in comparison to a new threat under Mulmaster,one brought to light by a strange and disturbing corpse recently found. It is up to you to learn the terrifying truth of what lurks below. An adventure for 1st-4th level characters.

for 12/21/15
DDEX2-10 Cloaks and Shadows
The Cloaks of Mulmaster have taken an interest in your progress, and may be looking to sponsor adventurers for future work. You’ve been offered an interview with one of their ranking members at the Theater of the Stars, but you never know what to expect in the City of Danger. A four-hour adventure for 1st-4th level characters.

for 1/25/16
DDEX1-2 Secrets of Sokol Keep

Decades have passed since Sokol Keep was reclaimed, and a small garrison placed there along with a beacon to help guide ships. Now, that beacon has gone dark, and the garrison has disappeared. In Phlan, rumors circulate that something ancient was discovered in the ground beneath the keep, dating to before the clerics of Tyr built the small fortress. Uncover the secrets of Sokol Keep!
An adventure for 1st-4th level characters.

Voidrunner's Codex

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