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[LPF]A Merchant in Need of Assistance


[sblock=ooc]I'll let him know on the paizo forum where the link is, and as for the pronounication, I'm not surprised it pronounced differently, but the spelling is still enough to get my attention.[/sblock]

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[sblock=OOC]Sorry, just saw the link.[/sblock]

Git-Git arrives late at the breakfast table, having taken time out to prepare his spell list for the day. He looks exhausted, but is rather well rested. He helps himself to a cup of water warm liquid the barkeep has on hand that isn't alcoholic. He prefers tea and offers to pay for it. Including himself into the meal, he stays silent at first as if storing up his energy.

The Gnome is a curious creature to him, and so he watches his movements carefully.
"So they let you live, did they? So they weren't the worst bandits around. Not saying what they did was good, but only that you should be grateful you were allowed your life. These times are dark, and the inhabitants aren't any better."

He sips his drink cautiously, and waits to hear the rest of the Gnome's tale.


"I suspect they would have killed me quick enough if they had thought they could get away with it, but even they smart enough avoid incurring too much wrath from the Turen Family clan." Roondar replies as he eats the last crumbs from his plate and prepares to tell his story.
"Forgive me if I repeat myself, but my mind is a little muddled right now and I don't wish to miss any details. As previously mentioned, my family has arranged with Alf here to sell our goods at his shop. This trip was to be the first load and finishing up the paperwork. Somehow these rogue managed to get past the intense security check our security provider puts all would be guards through, a fact that since I sent a report to my brothers shortly before you arrived will certainly be looked into.

Anyway, the trip itself was uneventful until yesterday morning when I woke up to see my wagon disappearing into the distance and a dagger to my throat. Once the rear guard finally departed I waited a bit and started down the road towards Venza. Around noon I came across a roadside tavern called the Broken Log and was able to get a meal with the few coppers the bandits left behind. While there, I overheard conversation that suggested some locals there knew of these ruffians, but without help, I was unwilling to pursue the information. When I finally got to Venza, I went straight to the authorities, who clearly did not care about my plight. Finally, somebody was kind enough to suggest I go the the Inn where I found you last night, and, thus, here we are gathered around our kind host's table." Roondar stops to take a drink as his voice starts to wear out. "Is there anything else you wish to ask about anything that as happened up to this point before we go further?"


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"This one would like to know what you can tells us about the bandits who took the things? How many were there? Did they use bows or just swords and spears? Was there a leader? Who was it?" Cethyn-Ayah stops to take a breath before continuing, "Awk, this one may has other questions but first like answers to these ones."
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"My first question would be what specifically did you hear at this roadside inn that led you to suspect the locals knew of these bandits? Secondly, how were these guards hired? Were they answering a solictation or were they referred to you?" Gregori asks from across the table.


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Having finished eating, Bozzago sat back contently, watching the gnome as he spoke. He did not feel the need to speak just yet - what Cethyn-Ayah and Gregori had asked was exactly what he needed to know. The cautious and even suspicious individual that he was, he watched their benefactor carefully, just in case he wasn't telling the full story. The fact that the rogues had been able to fool the guard testing was particularly strange, though it likely said more about their skills at deception than implicating Roondar in any way.

OOC: Bozzago's a suspicious nutter, but I mostly just wanted to test out the dice roller. XD
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[sblock=Bozzago]Roondar seems absolutely genuine as he sits there in front of you trying to figure the situation with the bandits himself as he explains the situation. It definitely strikes you as being a problem he is not accustomed to, and the breakdown in their screening system clearly worries him. [/sblock]

"I heard several folks mention seeing a wagon that when described matched the description of mine passing down the old trade route the tavern was on a few hours before. As for the guards themselves, there were about half a dozen standard guards with their captain. The regular guards were equipped with basic longswords and bows, while the captain had better quality gear, but still standard weapon types. Their betrayal concerns me, as we used the security agency in Eastgate we have used 1000's of times in the past with no hint of problems. I will have to trust my brothers to deal with that unpleasant development, and hope that it is just an anomoly, as we rely on those people for a lot of our network. At least they should stick out as the locals on that road seem none to eager to embrace outsiders, and of course my wagon should be easy to spot; it has the name of the family business emblazened on it, and is sealed so that only Alf or myself can open it without finding a very high level mage to assist them."


First Post
OOC: Ha ha, I suppose I'll push this along, no reason to wait any longer.

Convinced that the gnome was telling them the whole truth, Bozzago leaned in a bit as Roondar divulged everything he knew about the bandits that had wronged him. It was information that would prove quite useful for tracking them down. The description of his wagon was particularly interesting.

"So for the time being, your goods are likely out of their clutches," he remarked, tapping one of his talons against his beak, "Unless they have one among their ranks, these bandits will have to find someone well-versed in magic to get what they want."

If this was true, it meant that they still had time to recover the gnome's goods before they went out of their reach.


"If you have any more questions, let me know. Otherwise feel free to take your time to make any plans before heading out." Boomer says after several minute of silence.

[sblock=ooc]If everyone is ready to move on, I will post the stuff for the next part once I get home in several hours here, but I wanted to make sure you had a chance to ask all your questions. Before we proceed, I need to know if anyone has any particular preferences in marching order as it will matter multiple times in the following encounters.[/sblock]
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Voidrunner's Codex

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