[LPF] About a Cow


This is... About a Cow

It is a dungeon crawl, a follow-up adventure to one of the first adventures run on LPF, and a springboard to future adventures. I hope you'll enjoy it but a lot of that enjoyment is in your hands. Interact with NPCs and especially interact with one another. Take story elements as presented, ignore them entirely, or bend them in surprising ways. I encourage you to make the story your own.

GM: GlassEye
Judge: perrinmiller
Start Date: 11 Sep 2015


[size=+1]Expectations and Other Information[/size]

If you have a problem, feel free to send me a private message. If you have a problem with me, you can talk to me or you can talk to our judge, perrinmiller. It's why we have judges.[/section][section]Dice Rolling
I like the local dice roller but feel free to use invisiblecastle.com, coyotecode.net or any other online dice roller as long as you can post a link to your rolls.[/section][section]Initiative
We'll use group initiative. Individual initiative takes too long in an already slow medium. I will roll initiative for every participant and post which side goes first. If someone has a superb roll and their team loses initiave they may receive a free round of actions before regular combat.[/section][section]Posting Expectations
Check on the game often! Post as often as you can. My preference is for everyone to post every other day at a minimum. If you can't meet this expectation or can't post for an extended period of time (beyond a couple of days) let us know! It sucks to be waiting on someone for a long time with no idea of what is going on. I will be more strict on posting frequency during combat. If I post that it is your turn I expect everyone to post within 48 hours (but prefer combat posts to occur within 24 hours to keep things moving). If you don't/can't your character might delay and by extension things may not go as well for your party.[/section][section]OOC Comments
Please keep OOC comments in sblocks.[/section][section]Statblocks
Please include a statblock in sblocks with every post. At a minimum I would like a link to your character sheet, hit point total, armor class, and initiative. Include whatever other information you might find useful. I've borrowed an example MiniStatblock from Aura. Modify to your need.
[sblock=Example MiniStats][sblock=Charity Mini Stats][URL="http://livingpf.wikia.com/wiki/Charity_%28Aura%29"][B][COLOR=#0066cc]Charity[/COLOR][/B][/URL]
[COLOR=blue]AC:[/COLOR] [COLOR=gray]17 (16 flat-footed, 11 touch)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=blue]HP:[/COLOR] [COLOR=gray]23/23[/COLOR]
[COLOR=blue]CMB:[/COLOR] [COLOR=gray]+4[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]CMD:[/COLOR] [COLOR=gray]15[/COLOR]

[COLOR=blue]Fort:[/COLOR] [COLOR=gray]+7[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]Reflex:[/COLOR] [COLOR=gray]+5[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]Will:[/COLOR] [COLOR=gray]+7[/COLOR]
[COLOR=blue]Perception:[/COLOR] [COLOR=gray]+7[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]Sense Motive:[/COLOR] [COLOR=gray]+6[/COLOR]
[COLOR=blue]Initiative:[/COLOR] [COLOR=gray]+1[/COLOR]

[COLOR=blue]Lay on Hands remaining:[/COLOR] [COLOR=gray]4/4[/COLOR]
[COLOR=blue]Smite remaining:[/COLOR] [COLOR=gray]1/1[/COLOR]

[COLOR=blue]Current Weapon in Hand:[/COLOR] [COLOR=gray]Glaive[/COLOR]
[COLOR=blue]Current Conditions in Effect:[/COLOR] [COLOR=gray]Ioun Torch[/COLOR]
[COLOR=blue]Temporary items in possession:[/COLOR] [COLOR=gray]none[/COLOR]
[COLOR=blue]Items not currently in possession:[/COLOR] [COLOR=gray]Silk Rope[/COLOR]
[COLOR=blue]Items depleted:[/COLOR] [COLOR=gray]none[/COLOR][/sblock]

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(Reserved for in-game information, experience earned, treasure found)

. . .

. Jezz, Venzan Farmer . . . Tigg Savi, of Savi Bros.

[sblock=XP & Treasure]

Enc 1: Crossroad dispute: no treasure
Enc 2: Kobold raid: mithral dagger (502 gp)
798 gp total = 199.5 gp each


Enc 3: Punji spike trap: no treasure
400 gp total = 133.33 gp each


Enc 4: Scorpion drop trap: no treasure
Enc 5: Kobold guard: MW heavy crossbow (350 gp)
Enc 6: Falling Rock trap: Ring of Protection +1 (2000 gp)
Enc 7: Kitchen Haunt: no treasure
Enc 8: Swinging Log Trap: no treasure
3350 gp total = 837.5 gp each


Enc 8: Kyton & kobolds: assorted treasures
2300 gp total = 460 gp each

Aelspeth, lv 3 w/ 4779 xp, +3,129.33 gp
Arradon, lv 3 w/ 4779 xp, +3,129.33 gp
Autumn, lv 3 w/ 3969 xp, +2,967.33 gp
Barnibus, lv 1 w/ 357 xp, +355.5 gp
Erin, lv 2 w/ 3,233 xp, +801 gp
Rak'tan, lv 2 w/ 1,636 xp, +1,812.5 gp
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On the street outside the Landward Door of the Dunn Wright Inn Jezz stops and takes a deep breath. His eyes are closed as he inhales, his chest puffs out and his nostrils flare. And coughs as a disgusted look crosses his face.

"Me likes the smell of the sea. Tha city? Not so much." He looks at those gathered around him and nods. He seems pleased with the group but he peers up at the sun's location in the eastern sky. "It'll take us all day to walk to me farm. Best we get started."

[sblock=OOC]Roll call! Feel free to start our narration out of the city. I'll move things along once most everyone has chimed in.[/sblock]


Autumn Foxfire - Natural Mystic

Autumn packs up her belongings and follows the farmer outside. She doesn't say much, but her mind starts to race, taking in all of the Venzan sights and smells. Much more comfortable outdoors, she begins to even relax a little as they make their way throughout the city.


Character Sheet

HP: 16/16
AC: 14 FF:12 T:12

Initiative: +4

CMB: 3 CMD: 15
Fort: +2 Reflex: +2 Will: +4

Perception: +9

Longsword: +4, 1d8+2, 19/x2, S
C. Longbow: +4, 1d8+2, 20/x3, P, 80 ft.
Dagger: +3, 1d4+2, 19/x2, P/S, 10 ft.
Fire Bolt: +3, 1d6+1, 20/x2, Touch 30 ft.

Point-Blank Shot: +1/+1 attack/damage within 30 ft.

Spells Prepared:
Orisons: Create Water, Detect Magic, Light, Stabilize
Level 1: Cure Light Wounds, Entangle, Obscuring Mist


Arradon Delgaran

Arradon manages to catch up with the group as they head towards the city gates. "Hold, good farmer. If it's blades you seek, you'll find few better than mine own." With a flourish he produces a blade in each hand, and just as quickly makes them disappear.

[sblock=Arradon Delgaran Mini-Stats]
Arradon Delgaran
AC: 15 (12 flat-footed, 13 touch)
HP: 18/18
CMB: +1 CMD: 14

Fort: +1 Reflex: +6 Will: +0
Bluff: +9 Diplomacy: +7 Disable Device: +10 Perception: +7 Sense Motive: +4 Sleight of Hand: +7 Stealth: +8
Initiative: +5

Sneak Attack: 1d8 (Dagger) 1d4 (Hand Crossbow)
Hidden Blade: +1

Feats: Blind-Fight

Current Weapon in Hand: None
Current Conditions in Effect: None
Temporary items in possession: None
Items not currently in possession: None
Items depleted: None


Aelspeth Noromiel, Emergent Conjurer

Walking down the street toward the Dunn Wright Inn, Aelspeth Noromiel spies a familiar face among the group of people exiting. She ties her new cloak on as she jogs to intercept the exiting party. "Arradon!" she calls with a smile.

The young woman draws near within moments. There is a faint floral aroma about her, sweet but not overpowering. She wears travelling clothes that have very obviously seen time abroad but have been painstakingly maintained. "I've not had the opportunity to speak with you since the other night. How do you fare?"

From over Aelspeth's shoulder, a golden ball of hair appears. The spider monkey stretches briefly, then flops over at the waist, lying across the elf's shoulder with his head upturned to view the new faces. Darwin digs a finger into his nose and roots around, heedless of the glare his mistress shoots him. Presently, the diminutive creature produces a tremendous, gooey orb and flicks it in Autumn's direction, narrowly missing her cheek.

[sblock=Aelspeth Mini Stats]Aelspeth
HP: 13/13
AC: 13 FF: 10 T: 13
CMB: +0 CMD: 13
Fort: +2 Reflex: +4 Will: +4
Special: Immune to magical sleep, +2 on saving throws against Enchantment
Perception: +2 S. Motive: +0
Initiative: +3
Conditions in Effect: ---
Weapon in Hand: ---
Shift: 5 ft, 7/7 remaining
0 Level: Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Ghost Sound, Mage Hand
1st Level: Grease, Unseen Servant, Color Spray, Color Spray
Consumables: ---
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First Post
((OOC: Sorry, I didn't realize there was a separate page for adventures! While I'm still OOC, though, I have a question - how do I do all the crazy formatting like you guys with the character names, pictures and ministats?))

Leaving the inn to follow Jezz to his farm, Kristia started to idly stretch her arms above her head before hearing someone approach. The elven woman rushed past her to the hooded figure who was currently in conversation with Jezz. Startled by the appearance of the strange creature on the woman's shoulder, Kris moved closer, waiting until the two were done talking.


Autumn Foxfire - Natural Mystic

Autumn's common habit of daydreaming instantly comes to end as the flying goober of mucous narrowly misses her face. "Er... um... well... excuse me miss. I think your m-m-monkey might need to blow it's nose. My n-n-n-name is Autumn.... w-what's yours?" She tries to smile, but it is unfortunately fraught with much tension.

One thing she has been thinking about his the other elf in the party. Arradon is from the Harran Forest... there is no doubt. Especially from the way he looks, even more just the tone in his voice. I must keep him at arm's length's at worst.... much far than that at best. Every few minutes or so she finds her self looking for him, just to have an idea where he is at.


Character Sheet

HP: 16/16
AC: 14 FF:12 T:12

Initiative: +4

CMB: 3 CMD: 15
Fort: +2 Reflex: +2 Will: +4

Perception: +9

Longsword: +4, 1d8+2, 19/x2, S
C. Longbow: +4, 1d8+2, 20/x3, P, 80 ft.
Dagger: +3, 1d4+2, 19/x2, P/S, 10 ft.
Fire Bolt: +3, 1d6+1, 20/x2, Touch 30 ft.

Point-Blank Shot: +1/+1 attack/damage within 30 ft.

Spells Prepared:
Orisons: Create Water, Detect Magic, Light, Stabilize
Level 1: Cure Light Wounds, Entangle, Obscuring Mist


Arradon Delgaran

Hearing his name, Arradon turns from the farmer without hearing his response. "Well-met, little sister." A trace of a smile flashes across his features, but is gone just as quickly as it appeared. The lie comes quick and easy, "I'm fit for combat, if that is your meaning." He subconsciously touches the upper left portion of his chest, the freshly knit flesh beneath his armor still raw and extremely painful. His face betrays no trace of such pain.

Bluff: [roll0]

[sblock=Arradon Delgaran Mini-Stats]
Arradon Delgaran
AC: 15 (12 flat-footed, 13 touch)
HP: 18/18
CMB: +1 CMD: 14

Fort: +1 Reflex: +6 Will: +0
Bluff: +9 Diplomacy: +7 Disable Device: +10 Perception: +7 Sense Motive: +4 Sleight of Hand: +7 Stealth: +8
Initiative: +5

Sneak Attack: 1d8 (Dagger) 1d4 (Hand Crossbow)
Hidden Blade: +1

Feats: Blind-Fight

Current Weapon in Hand: None
Current Conditions in Effect: None
Temporary items in possession: None
Items not currently in possession: None
Items depleted: None

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