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[LPF] About a Cow


[sblock=OOC]I got a 3 year old with the stomach virus. Might have to count me out for the weekend. Feel free to move the action along without me. If necessary, anyone can NPC Autumn or make any rolls. Sorry! Maybe he got his hands on some of Grog's good stuff.[/sblock]

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Aelspeth Noromiel, Emergent Conjurer

Aelspeth is rather quiet as the group moves along the game trail, lost in thought about morality within the context of her relatively newly chosen career. While she walks, a rubber ball flies from near her chest to a nearby tree and bounces back for Darwin to catch. In turn, the monkey sitting on her shoulder throws the ball to bounce off another tree and it returns to its previous position floating near chest. In this way she plays an absent-minded game of catch for his amusement.

Once the cavern comes into view, Aelspeth retrieves a wand from her backpack. A narrow thread of sinew is wrapped around the wood in a spiraling pattern along its full length, masterfully fitted into a groove so that the thin thong is almost flush with the wand's surface. She turns her forearm over and passes the wand over the length where an archer's guard is worn. As she makes this motion, she speaks, "Brynjatha m'aour." A coruscant aura appears and slowly fades from around the elf's body so that she momentarily seems to wear massive spiked pauldrons, a stylized breastplate, and more heavy armor. Once the aura has completely faded, in a span of seconds, the wizard appears unchanged. She stows the wand once more and looks about at each of her companions. "Does any of you have more preparations to make or shall we head straight in? Do remember that kobolds are crafty little buggers and often install simple mechanical traps in their lairs. Furthermore, I spoke with one this morning who said that the dead protect the place."

[sblock=Aelspeth Mini Stats]Aelspeth
HP: 13/13
AC: 13 (17) FF: 10 (14) T: 13 (17 vs. incorporeal)
CMB: +0 CMD: 13
Fort: +2 Reflex: +4 Will: +4
Special: Immune to magical sleep, +2 on saving throws against Enchantment
Perception: +2 S. Motive: +0
Initiative: +3
Conditions in Effect: Mage armor (+4 AC)
Weapon in Hand: Longbow (19/20)
Shift: 5 ft, 7/7 remaining
0 Level: Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Ghost Sound, Mage Hand
1st Level: Grease, Unseen Servant, Color Spray, Color Spray
Consumables: Wand of CLW -1, Wand of Mage Armor -1
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[section]Autumn Foxfire - Natural Mystic

Autumn quietly leads the way, bow in hand. The intricacies of following the trail do more than enough to keep her mind off the particulars of the interrogation process she missed. She hopes to herself that the others won't think she's too timid. Autumn takes some solace in the fact that she did, in fact, take care of two of the kobolds herself.


As she signals to the group that she found the entrance of the lair, Autumn shows no intention of leading the group further. Not out of fear, but from pure bewilderment. She has never infiltrated a lair before!


Character Sheet

HP: 16/16
AC: 14 FF:12 T:12

Initiative: +4

CMB: 3 CMD: 15
Fort: +2 Reflex: +2 Will: +4

Perception: +9

Longsword: +4, 1d8+2, 19/x2, S
C. Longbow: +4, 1d8+2, 20/x3, P, 80 ft.
Dagger: +3, 1d4+2, 19/x2, P/S, 10 ft.
Fire Bolt: +3, 1d6+1, 20/x2, Touch 30 ft.

Firebolts Available: 7/7

Point-Blank Shot: +1/+1 attack/damage within 30 ft.

Spells Prepared:
Orisons: Create Water, Detect Magic, Light, Stabilize
Level 1: Cure Light Wounds, Entangle, Obscuring Mist


Arradon Delgaran

Arradon wordlessly follows Autumn and the others down the game trail. His thoughts wander back to the interrogation and his companions' obvious disdain for his methods. I do what must be done. He looks down at his hands. They're already black with blood. He shrugs back into the folds of his cowl, his eyes survey Autumn and Aelspeth ahead of him. Such... innocence. May they never lose it. He passes the rest of the walk lost in thought. Upon reaching their destination he cautiously approaches the maw of the cavern. Careful to stay out of sight he peers into the waiting darkness.


[sblock=Arradon Delgaran Mini-Stats]
Arradon Delgaran
AC: 15 (12 flat-footed, 13 touch)
HP: 18/18
CMB: +1 CMD: 14

Fort: +1
Reflex: +6
Will: +0

Bluff: +9
Diplomacy: +7
Disable Device: +10
Perception: +7
Sense Motive: +4
Sleight of Hand: +7
Stealth: +8

Initiative: +5

Sneak Attack: 1d8 (Dagger) 1d4 (Hand Crossbow)
Hidden Blade: +1

Feats: Blind-Fight

Current Weapon in Hand: Masterwork Dagger
Current Conditions in Effect: None
Temporary items in possession: None
Items not currently in possession: None
Items depleted: Wand of CLW (1 Charge)


Each lost in their own thoughts the group arrives at what must be the lair: the hill and cavern of the kobolds. As Arradon approaches stealthily he notices that the ground rises up slightly before the hill and then slopes down to the cavern. From his location he can see that the entrance is oddly regular and the surface neither like worked or rough stone. Instead the surfaces are dark and smooth and occaisionally catch light in the depths of the material in such a way as to appear to twinkle like starlight.

Arradon catches sight of a cloud of flies buzzing about a patch of grass that looks to be covered in dried blood. Down slope from that patch the grass is pressed flat as if something large were dragged down the slope. At the bottom, under the overhang, are large bones, presumably of Jezz' cow.

Near the cow bones where the structure is angled at the ground is a rectangle that looks like it was a door. The space beyond (area 4) is filled with rocks and rubble. Above there is a similar rectangle but beyond it is dark. A rope, probably stolen from a local farm, hangs from somewhere above the opening down to the slope.

[sblock=OOC]This has proved beyond my ability to describe adequately so I've included my reference map. The PCs are upslope (to the right) looking down into area 1. Most maps are shown in plan (top down view) but this is a side view. The short wall surrounding the staircase (which you haven't found yet) is 15 feet so each room is octagonal with a 45 ft diameter. You can walk on the angled portions of the floor but because of the smoothness of the material that coats the walls it is considered difficult terrain. The rope hangs from area 2, through the sideways door, down to the ground in area 1.




[section]Autumn Foxfire - Natural Mystic

Autumn lets out a slightly audible gasp as she conceptually begins to grasp the kobold lair. She steps forward a few yards then looks up at the sky. Focusing back down on the mound, she tries to sense anything particularly magical about the entrance. Her mind fully engaged on her actions, she in unaware of how loud her boot-steps are on the unique ground surface.


[sblock=OOC]Move: Stealthily approach within 50 ft. of the entrance.
Standard: Detect magic in the area.

Sweet layout! Never thought to visualize as a portrait. This reminds me of Legends of the Hidden Temple![/sblock]
[sblock=Stealth 8]Stealth: 1D20+3 = [5]+3 = 8

Character Sheet

HP: 16/16
AC: 14 FF:12 T:12

Initiative: +4

CMB: 3 CMD: 15
Fort: +2 Reflex: +2 Will: +4

Perception: +9
Stealth: +3

Longsword: +4, 1d8+2, 19/x2, S
C. Longbow: +4, 1d8+2, 20/x3, P, 80 ft.
Dagger: +3, 1d4+2, 19/x2, P/S, 10 ft.
Fire Bolt: +3, 1d6+1, 20/x2, Touch 30 ft.

Firebolts Available: 7/7

Point-Blank Shot: +1/+1 attack/damage within 30 ft.

Spells Prepared:
Orisons: Create Water, Detect Magic, Light, Stabilize
Level 1: Cure Light Wounds, Entangle, Obscuring Mist


Autumn's advance puts her at an equal distance from the lair with Arradon (for the moment) at the crest of the slope and near the buzzing flies. She casts her spell and watches the entrance. She detects no magical auras even with protracted study.

Meanwhile, Arradon's descent down the slope is cautious and with good reason: part way down the slope in the churned earth he finds something that drawns his attention. Hidden in the mud next to the drag marks is a set of punji spike traps. Stepping in the hole wouldn't be much problem but withdrawing from the trap would cause significant injury to the foot.


[sblock=OOC]It has been two weeks since Resrick has been on ENWorld. I am removing him from the game and hope to recruit Trogdor's character to replace him. We seem to be at a slow spot right now (I hope it picks up) but that may serve us well as I get Rak Tan integrated into the scenario.[/sblock]


Arradon Delgaran

Seeing the punji trap Arradon frowns. He didn't mention this. He unsnaps the bundle of bolts strapped to his thigh and plunges one into the earth in front of the pit. He hopes it is obvious enough that the others don't stumble into it. Taking in the structure before him he understands why the kobold had so much trouble mapping the place. He holds his position and waits for the others to catch up.

[sblock=Arradon Delgaran Mini-Stats]
Arradon Delgaran
AC: 15 (12 flat-footed, 13 touch)
HP: 18/18
CMB: +1 CMD: 14

Fort: +1
Reflex: +6
Will: +0

Bluff: +9
Diplomacy: +7
Disable Device: +10
Perception: +7
Sense Motive: +4
Sleight of Hand: +7
Stealth: +8

Initiative: +5

Sneak Attack: 1d8 (Dagger) 1d4 (Hand Crossbow)
Hidden Blade: +1

Feats: Blind-Fight

Current Weapon in Hand: Masterwork Dagger
Current Conditions in Effect: None
Temporary items in possession: None
Items not currently in possession: None
Items depleted: Crossbow Bolt (1), Wand of CLW (1 Charge)

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