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[LPF] Darkness Rising


Agno, some distance behind the party and serving as rear guard, like Tyrien also has bow in hand. Upon hearing the horrendous screeching and feeling the surge of fear from Keeling he quickly summons forth Issolatha's power to enhance his archery skills and then rushes to join his companions.

"That is, hurrr... no bird. And it is hunting! Keeling fears it..."

[sblock=Actions]Standard: cast 'Aspect of the Falcon' (+3 Perception, +1 to hit (ranged), makes bow crit threat 19-20/x3)
Move: close to the rest of the group.[/sblock]

• • • • Agno Phoenicus • • • •

[sblock=Mini Stats]Agno Phoenicus
Initiative: +3
AC: 18 (15 flat-footed, 13 Touch)
HP: 36 Current: 36
CMB: +4 CMD: 17 Fort: +7 Reflex: +5 Will: +10 (+12 vs. Charm & compulsion effects)
Speed: 40 ft. (50 ft. with Longstrider)

Current Weapon in Hand:
Ammo (Arrows): 40/40 remaining
Current Conditions in Effect:

Lightning Arc: 7/7 Remaining
Channel Energy: 4/4 remaining
Agile Feet: 7/7 remaining
Hawkeye: 7/7 remaining

Cleric Spells:
Spells Prepared:
1st level: bless, divine favor, longstrider (D)
0-level: guidance, light, stabilize

Druid Spells:
Spells Prepared:
2nd level: cat's grace, chill metal, lesser restoration, eagle's splendor (D)
1st level: cure light wounds, entangle, faerie fire, shillelagh, aspect of the falcon (D)
0-level: detect magic, detect poison, flare, resistance[/sblock]

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First Post
Tonris sensing the danger of the situation immediately draws one of his wands and activates it on both himself, allowing him some moderate protection from whatever it is that may be coming. He then says to the others "It might be that this is the Wyvern. If such is the case then we may be in store for some aerial combat."

[sblock=Actions]Activate Mage Armor Wand on both Tonris & Rex, then activate Flight Hex's Flying ability on Tonris.[/sblock]
[sblock=Tonris, Mini Stats]Initiative: +9
Perception: -1 (it is +1 if within arm’s reach of Familiar)
Armor Class: 13 (Flat-Footed: 12 // Touch: 12)
Mage Armor Class: 16 (Flat-Footed: 15 // Touch: 12)
Hit Points: 36 Current // 36 Total
BAB: +2 CMB: +3 CMD: 14
Fort: +3 Ref: +2 Will: +4
Special Resistances: +2 Trait Bonus to Saving Throws against Divination Effects, and a +1 Trait Bonus to Saving Throws against Divine Spells.
Concentration Check: 1d20 +9 (plus an additional 4 if casting defensively)
Caster Level Check: 1d20 +5
Movement Rate: Base Land Speed: 30 feet // Flying Speed: 60 feet

Primary Weapon: M.W. Quarterstaff (Attack Bonus: +4 || Damage: 1d6+1 / 1d6+1 || Critical: 20/x2 || Double Weapon || Masterwork)
Secondary Natural Weapon: Prehensile Hair (Attack Bonus: +1 || Damage: 1d3+2 || Critical: 20/x2 || 10 foot reach)
Wands: Wand of Mage Armor (39 Charges remaining), Wand of Neutralize Poison (5 charges remaining), Wand of Daylight (10 charges remaining)

Class Abilities & Spells
Evil Eye:
can be used on any one target within 30 feet whom Tonris can see. This ability gives a -2 penalty to one of the following: AC, Ability Checks, Attack Rolls, Saving Throws, or Skill Checks for 7 rounds. Will save DC 16 reduces effect to just 1 round.
Flight: grants a +4 racial bonus on swim checks, allows the use of feather fall at will, and allows Tonris to cast Levitate once per day (0 / 1 per day). Tonris can fly for a number of minutes per day equal to his level (0 / 5 minutes per day)
Prehensile Hair: Grants Tonris the ability to manipulate his hair for a total of 4 minutes per day. These minutes need not be consecutive, but they must be spent in 1 minute intervals (0 / 4 minutes per day).

Prepared Spells
Cantrips (DC – 14): Guidance; Resistance; Detect Magic; Stabilize
First Level (DC – 15): Cure Light Wounds; Burning Hands; Ear Piercing Scream; Ray of Enfeeblement
Second Level (DC – 16): Cure Moderate Wounds; Touch of Idiocy, Enthrall
Third Level Spells (DC - 17): Summon Monster III; Spit Venom[/sblock]
[sblock=Rex, Mini Stats]
Dinosaur, Compsognathus

Neutral, Tiny Animal

Init: +6; Senses: Lowlight Vision, Scent; Perception +4
AC: 18, Touch 14, Flat-Footed 16 (+2 Dex, +4 Nat, +2 Size)
Mage Armor AC 21, Touch 14, Flat-Footed 19 (+2 Dex, +3 Nat, +4 Mage Armor, +2 Size)
HP: 18 (1d8+2 treated as if it had 5d8+2)
Saves: Fort +4; Ref +4; Will +4
Speed: 40 ft, Swim 20 ft.
Melee: – Bite +3, (1d3-1 + poison, 5 foot reach)
Space: 2.5 feet // Reach: 0 feet
Ability Scores: STR 8, DEX 15, CON 14, INT 8, WIS 11, CHA 5
Base Attack: +2; CMB +2; CMD 11
Feats: Improved Initiative
Skills: Perception +4, Swim +7, plus all skills that Tonris has ranks in
Poison (Bite - Injury) Save Fort DC 12: Frequency 1/round for 4 rounds; 1d2 STR; Cure = 1 save.
Eidolon Evolutions: Reach (Bite) (1)
Special Abilities Alertness, Empathic Link, Improved Evasion, Share Spells, Store Spells, Deliver Touch Spells, Speak with Master[/sblock]
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Thy wounds are healed!
OOC: Next bonus round...

Most of the group gathers together near some trees along the road. With bows in hand they watch the sky in the direction of the sound.

Meanwhile Tyrien who was further off has to back track a bit to get closer to the others. Stopping near a group of trees she too looks across a clearing towards the woods and sound.

Everyone is surprised when not some giant, beastly wyvern comes from the woods, but two small fey creatures who appear to be running for their lives.

These one-foot tall creatures with pointed ears, slanted eyes, and long lithe limbs. Their hair is brightly colored and decorated with leaves and twigs and they are dressed in greenish-brown clothes. Each carries a tiny spear in its hands.

[sblock=DalkonCledwin] Didn't want to put "sblock DC" as someone might think it was some sort of skill thing. :)

You listed two many actions for a round even if I allow you to draw the wand as a free action (which I am still looking into).

It is a standard action to activate the wand, and you would have to do that twice to put armor on Tonris and Rex, and it is also a standard action to activate the hex.

I have you down in my notes as moving (draw wand as part of move action) into cover with the group and then using the wand on Tonris. If you want your first actions to be different let me know, although you still have time to either activate the hex or use the wand on Rex till the craziness starts.[/sblock]


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Tyrien, Half-elven Archeress


Tyrien relaxes her draw on the bow, not letting the arrow fly. The two creatures are incongruous with the other sounds and she feels that they are probably fleeing something larger in pursuit.

She whistles to get their attention and gestures for them to keep coming. "Don't stop."

The archeress moves to her left and keeps an arrow ready to fire on something more threatening that comes into range.

[Sblock=Actions]Move to O25
Ready Ranged Attack if target comes within Short Range[/sblock][sblock=Mini Stats]Tyrien e'Adrianne
Initiative: +7 Perception: +12 (low-light vision)
AC: 23 (18 flat-footed, 16 Touch)
HP: 48 Current: 48
CMB: +7 CMD: 22(17ff) Fort: +5 Reflex: +9 Will: +4
+2 Will vs. Enchantments
Special: Immune to Magical Sleep
Current Conditions in Effect: PBS, Precise Shot, Arcane Strike (+1 Dmg), Resistance, Ioun Stone illumination (in darkness), Deadly Aim (-2Att/+4dmg)
Current Weapon in Hand: Longbow
Chakrams: 8/8 Remaining

Bardic Performance:
5/5 Rounds Remaining
Spells Remaining: Cantrips: (Message, Resistance, Mending, Prestidigitation)
1st Level 2/2 (Cure Light Wounds, Timely Inspiration)[/sblock]


Larissa eyes the enormous open space between themselves and the fleeing creatures, and decides she needs to position herself better.

"Stay under cover," she advises her companions, putting her bow back across her back. "I will move forward to cover these creatures' retreat."

She draws her sword as she moves along the tree line first, trying to minimize the open space between herself and the fleeing fae before charging into the open.

[sblock=actions]Move: Put bow away; Std: Move to L26 (Free draw sword while moving)

[sblock=Larissa stat block]
Initiative: +2
AC: 21 (21 flat-footed, 10 Touch)
HP: 53 Current: 53
CMB: +7 CMD: 17
Fort: +9 Reflex: +2 Will: +7
PER Roll: +2
Current Weapon in Hand: Greatsword

+1 Greatsword Attack: +9 = [BAB(4) + STR(3) + WF(1) + Magic(1)]
Damage: 2d6+4, Crit: 19-20/x2,
Special: pommel is hollow, contains scripture
Pow Att w/+1 Greatsword Attack: +7 = [BAB(4) + STR(3) + WF(1) + Magic(1)]
Damage: 2d6+10, Crit: 19-20/x2,

Pilum: Attack: +4 = [BAB(4) + DEX(0) + Misc(0) + Magic(0)]
Damage: 1d8+3, Crit: 20/x2, 20' Range incr.
Special: successful strike fouls a shield

Spells prepared:
0 Level (4) Level 01 (4+1) Level 02 (3+1)
* Detect Magic * Bless * Bull's Strength
* Read Magic * Protection from Evil * Bull's Strength
* Light * Detect Evil * Protection from Evil, Communal
* Guidance * Divine Favor * D: Bless Weapon
* D: Shield of Faith

Channeling at current level: Channel 2d6,
DC 16 =(10 + 1/2 Cleric lvl + CHA +2 for Glory) for
Undead to Save. 5x/day, Selective (skip up to 2 targets)

+1 Greatsword Attack: +9 = [BAB(4) + STR(3) + WF(1) + Magic(1)]
Damage: 2d6+4, Crit: 19-20/x2,
Special: pommel is hollow, contains scripture
Pow Att w/+1 Greatsword Attack: +7 = [BAB(4) + STR(3) + WF(1) + Magic(1)]
Damage: 2d6+10, Crit: 19-20/x2,

Pilum: Attack: +4 = [BAB(4) + DEX(0) + Misc(0) + Magic(0)]
Damage: 1d8+3, Crit: 20/x2, 20' Range incr.
Special: successful strike fouls a shield



"Father, best if you remain, hurrr... hidden until we discern the nature of the threat."

Angling for a better view of the field Agno moves along the treeline though inadvertently in the opposite direction that Larissa traveled. He lowers himself trying to stay concealed but keeps his bow ready just in case the creatures are hostile.

Since he hasn't seen Keeling come back yet he sends out a simple emotional message to his familiar: Worry.

[sblock=Actions]Move: to B22
Free: send empathic emotion to Keeling "Worry"[/sblock]

• • • • Agno Phoenicus • • • •

[sblock=Mini Stats]Agno Phoenicus
Initiative: +3
AC: 18 (15 flat-footed, 13 Touch)
HP: 36 Current: 36
CMB: +4 CMD: 17 Fort: +7 Reflex: +5 Will: +10 (+12 vs. Charm & compulsion effects)
Speed: 40 ft. (50 ft. with Longstrider)

Current Weapon in Hand: shortbow
Ammo (Arrows): 40/40 remaining
Current Conditions in Effect: Aspect of the Falcon (+3 Perception, +1 to hit (ranged), makes bow crit threat 19-20/x3)

Lightning Arc: 7/7 Remaining
Channel Energy: 4/4 remaining
Agile Feet: 7/7 remaining
Hawkeye: 7/7 remaining

Cleric Spells:
Spells Prepared:
1st level: bless, divine favor, longstrider (D)
0-level: guidance, light, stabilize

Druid Spells:
Spells Prepared:
2nd level: cat's grace, chill metal, lesser restoration, eagle's splendor (D)
1st level: cure light wounds, entangle, faerie fire, shillelagh, aspect of the falcon (D)
0-level: detect magic, detect poison, flare, resistance[/sblock]


First Post
I agree with him......

OOC: WTF are you and why are you posting in our thread?

Tonris activates his wand once more tapping it gently against Rex so that the tiny dinosaur has the added protection of the magical armor that it grants. He then stows the wand back in the pouch that he pulled it out from. Waiting to see what may come out from behind the fleeing creatures.

[sblock=Actions]Standard: Activate Wand of Mage Armor, targeting Rex
Move: Stow wand in the pouch that I got it from.[/sblock]
[sblock=Tonris, Mini Stats]Initiative: +9
Perception: -1 (it is +1 if within arm’s reach of Familiar)
Armor Class: 13 (Flat-Footed: 12 // Touch: 12)
Mage Armor Class: 16 (Flat-Footed: 15 // Touch: 12)
Hit Points: 36 Current // 36 Total
BAB: +2 CMB: +3 CMD: 14
Fort: +3 Ref: +2 Will: +4
Special Resistances: +2 Trait Bonus to Saving Throws against Divination Effects, and a +1 Trait Bonus to Saving Throws against Divine Spells.
Concentration Check: 1d20 +9 (plus an additional 4 if casting defensively)
Caster Level Check: 1d20 +5
Base Land Speed: 30 feet // Flying Speed: 60 feet

Primary Weapon: M.W. Quarterstaff (Attack Bonus: +4 || Damage: 1d6+1 / 1d6+1 || Critical: 20/x2 || Double Weapon || Masterwork)
Secondary Natural Weapon: Prehensile Hair (Attack Bonus: +1 || Damage: 1d3+2 || Critical: 20/x2 || 10 foot reach)
Wands: Wand of Mage Armor (39 Charges remaining), Wand of Neutralize Poison (5 charges remaining), Wand of Daylight (10 charges remaining)

Class Abilities & Spells
Evil Eye:
can be used on any one target within 30 feet whom Tonris can see. This ability gives a -2 penalty to one of the following: AC, Ability Checks, Attack Rolls, Saving Throws, or Skill Checks for 7 rounds. Will save DC 16 reduces effect to just 1 round.
Flight: grants a +4 racial bonus on swim checks, allows the use of feather fall at will, and allows Tonris to cast Levitate once per day (0 / 1 per day). Tonris can fly for a number of minutes per day equal to his level (0 / 5 minutes per day)
Prehensile Hair: Grants Tonris the ability to manipulate his hair for a total of 4 minutes per day. These minutes need not be consecutive, but they must be spent in 1 minute intervals (0 / 4 minutes per day).

Prepared Spells
Cantrips (DC – 14): Guidance; Resistance; Detect Magic; Stabilize
First Level (DC – 15): Cure Light Wounds; Burning Hands; Ear Piercing Scream; Ray of Enfeeblement
Second Level (DC – 16): Cure Moderate Wounds; Touch of Idiocy, Enthrall
Third Level Spells (DC - 17): Summon Monster III; Spit Venom[/sblock]
[sblock=Rex, Mini Stats]
Dinosaur, Compsognathus

Neutral, Tiny Animal

Init: +6; Senses: Lowlight Vision, Scent; Perception +4
AC: 18, Touch 14, Flat-Footed 16 (+2 Dex, +4 Nat, +2 Size)
Mage Armor AC 21, Touch 14, Flat-Footed 19 (+2 Dex, +3 Nat, +4 Mage Armor, +2 Size)
HP: 18 (1d8+2 treated as if it had 5d8+2)
Saves: Fort +4; Ref +4; Will +4
Speed: 40 ft, Swim 20 ft.
Melee: – Bite +3, (1d3-1 + poison, 5 foot reach)
Space: 2.5 feet // Reach: 0 feet
Ability Scores: STR 8, DEX 15, CON 14, INT 8, WIS 11, CHA 5
Base Attack: +2; CMB +2; CMD 11
Feats: Improved Initiative
Skills: Perception +4, Swim +7, plus all skills that Tonris has ranks in
Poison (Bite - Injury) Save Fort DC 12: Frequency 1/round for 4 rounds; 1d2 STR; Cure = 1 save.
Eidolon Evolutions: Reach (Bite) (1)
Special Abilities Alertness, Empathic Link, Improved Evasion, Share Spells, Store Spells, Deliver Touch Spells, Speak with Master[/sblock]


Thy wounds are healed!
A crashing through the brush comes from behind the two small fey creatures and they jump at the sound. Running to get out away and out of the clearing they don't move towards the group but down the edge of the forest.

Forming a small semi-circle the group watches the woods as a large green-scaled, armless dragon comes crushing out of the forest. It flaps it's long leathery wings to halt it's advance as it notices it's prey missing, and others acting as if they are hunting it.

Hissing it screeches once more before roaring at the group. It's long spike adorned tail lashes back and forth as it take sin the scene.

OOC: INIT time. Please roll and if you beat the drake post an action.


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Agno mutters under his breath when he sees the dragon creature and raises his bow. With arrow nocked he holds waiting for the dragon to act first.

[sblock=Actions]Agno's Dex mod. is +3. If he gets initiative over the dragon creature he'll Ready his attack to fire when it closes to within short range.[/sblock]

• • • • Agno Phoenicus • • • •

[sblock=Mini Stats]Agno Phoenicus
Initiative: +3
AC: 18 (15 flat-footed, 13 Touch)
HP: 36 Current: 36
CMB: +4 CMD: 17 Fort: +7 Reflex: +5 Will: +10 (+12 vs. Charm & compulsion effects)
Speed: 40 ft. (50 ft. with Longstrider)

Current Weapon in Hand: shortbow
Ammo (Arrows): 40/40 remaining
Current Conditions in Effect: Aspect of the Falcon (+3 Perception, +1 to hit (ranged), makes bow crit threat 19-20/x3)

Lightning Arc: 7/7 Remaining
Channel Energy: 4/4 remaining
Agile Feet: 7/7 remaining
Hawkeye: 7/7 remaining

Cleric Spells:
Spells Prepared:
1st level: bless, divine favor, longstrider (D)
0-level: guidance, light, stabilize

Druid Spells:
Spells Prepared:
2nd level: cat's grace, chill metal, lesser restoration, eagle's splendor (D)
1st level: cure light wounds, entangle, faerie fire, shillelagh, aspect of the falcon (D)
0-level: detect magic, detect poison, flare, resistance[/sblock]
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Voidrunner's Codex

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