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[LPF] Distant Relations


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Quioan silently exits the bakery, hoping for all the world that Dimplecotton won't do anything - either now or in the future - to give them away, be it on purpose or by accident. The elf is certainly not comfortable with the idea of the halfling knowing their secret. But I've got little choice at this point.

Trying not to dwell too strongly on these thoughts, Quioan follows the others as they wait for Tarkan to take the lead.

Quioan Scorchsong
HP: 24/24
AC: 17 (Touch: 15, Flat-footed: 12)
CMD: 19
Fort: +3, Ref: +8, Will: +3
Perception: +9
- 0: Light, Detect Magic, Ghost Sound
- 1: Mage Armor, Gravity Bow, Shield
Bonded Item: Unused
Consumables: Wand of CLW (23 charges)[/sblock]

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First Post
GM: Faking Dimplecotton's beating is a CR 4 encounter:

1200 xp total (300 xp per character) for pulling one over on Tarkan and making the dramatic-at-heart baker's day.

Gratis nods at Yoshiki's instruction, but has no further questions for him.

Tarkan, upon bursting in, has a smile so big you can see it from behind his mask.

"Well done, you lot!" he says. He smacks one of the other acolytes with him across the back of the head and points to the minimal destruction dressed up as a disaster area. "Now that's how you teach a lesson."

He hefts the gold Yoshiki throws his way, seeming to assess it. "Greedy little pig-baker. Knew you had the money," he growls. His stride forward to the still-cowering halfling is interrupted by Elenka's assurance that Gratis won't be any more problem.

"Better believe it," he growls, moving out of doors.

"Now that's how ya serve The Living God," he says. "Let's see if we can't fill the coffers with the rest of our rounds, eh?"

The next several hours are spent doing just that, as Tarkan, the two stranger acolytes, and the party move about the merchants of the city, collecting their protection money. No one other than Gratis provides any kind of resistance, and in fact news spreads so quickly that proprietors on the last several stops on the trip make allusion to not wanting "any of Gratis' trouble."

In an uncharacteristically happy mood as he carries the flour sack of coin (nearly bursting now with all his collections), Tarkan leads you all to The River's Tears for lunch. As deserted as you remembered it, it's just the lot of you "faithful" here for the meal. While you're especially cautious after last time, this much blander repast is also thankfully free of any drugs.

Tarkan himself, though, has more than his share of ale with his food, and pays for everything directly out of the sack of gold.

[sblock=Quioan]With the walkabout and his own innate skills, Quioan has a pretty good sense of the layout of the city nearest the temple. He realizes as he's eating that the secret door he saw and suspects leads outside the temple would roughly line up with this structure built just across the street.[/sblock]

The rowdily buzzed Tarkan finally leads you all back to the temple late in the afternoon, where he dismisses the 'extras,' but his mood quickly darkens as one of the heralds (black robes) berates him for returning late from his errands and indulging while out among the masses.

He takes it out on you, setting the lot of you to cleaning duty once again. He doesn't, however, seem to feel the need to reclaim your gear, which he tells you is up to you now to watch over.

Thon and Garthia are both conspicuously absent (the latter doesn't even appear to be watching from the large window on the second floor you'd previously noticed), though it's hard to miss the spattered blood in the courtyard during your cleaning.

It's not until you're returning to the empty barracks for the evening that Thon limps back among you. He removes his mask with some effort, clearly having some trouble raising his arms to accomplish the task. He attempts a smile, but the large bruise and swelling of one eye make the result more gruesome than reassuring.

"You should see the other guys," Thon says with a croak.

"So, Garthia says I passed the final test, and I'm outta probation. Even gave me a sleeping draught that's supposed to help heal me up overnight." He takes a small flask from his robes. "Guess you guys did okay?" he asks, nodding to your returned gear.


First Post
Yoshiki Akita (Human Monk 4)

Glad that the staged thrashing of the bakery was accepted by Tarkan, Yoshiki follows along pretending to be okay with what just happened. When Tarkan indicates more businesses are going to be hit, his heart drops again. We can't keep this charade up if I have to destroy every business in this town. But thankfully it never came to that as the other business owners complied with the demands. It was still a hard pill to swallow that all these businesses are shelling out their hard-earned money to support a crime lord out of fear. This group needs to go down and go down soon!

At lunch, Yo doesn't partake in any drinks as he needs to keep his senses sharp. While he needs a good meal to keep his strength, he doesn't order anything expensive as he feels guilty using the money obtained through thievery. Maybe if Tarkan gets drunk enough, we can take him down. But not here, not now.

Back at the barracks, Yoshiki makes a visible effort to try and comfort the half-elf. We can't allow him to become a spy for the cult. Maybe we can turn him into a counter-spy. He quickly moves to Thon's side and asks, "Oh man, are you okay? What did they do to you? Do you need any help?" Yo tries to look over his wounds if allowed. (Heal Check rolled)

[sblock=Ministats]Initiative: +4
AC: 19 Touch 19 Flatfooted 14
HP: 28/28
CMB: +8 CMD: 23 Fort: +4 Reflex: +8 Will: +7 (+2 vs. Enchantment)
Defensive Abilities: Evasion, Deflect Arrows
Speed: 40 ft

Conditions in Effect: None
Elemental Fist: 4/4 remaining
Ki Pool: 5/5 remaining
Additional Gear: 1 CLW Potion
Expenditures: 50 gp


First Post
Thon hisses as Yoshiki inspects his injuries, but seems to appreciate the effort.

[sblock=Yoshiki]The wounds are consistent with a fight. If the state of the young half-elf's knuckles are any indication, he gave as good as he got. Someone appears to have already administered reasonable first aid to assure he'll heal naturally in addition to whatever curatives are in the draught he holds.[/sblock]

"Like I said, it was my last test," Thon answers the query as the monk ministers to him. "Garthia set me in the front yard with three other acolytes and said if my faith was strong 'nough, Owbej would see me through. Then, well ... " he nods down to the bandages around his ribs that Yoshiki has revealed during his inspection.

I took it pretty hard, but managed take out two of 'em. Then Garthia threw out a flail and things got real interesting. But, well, I made it out t'other side."

Here Thon smiles again, his raw voice lowering conspiratorially. "Then Garthia took me down to that room on the east end here where we ain't supposed to go? Nice little hangout they have there, the heralds. Creepy statue made all out of masks, but got a few drinks in me and it didn't matter as much. Garthia said the heralds call it 'the chamber of delights.' Can only imagine what they do when they all get together in there."


First Post
Yoshiki Akita (Human Monk 4)

Yoshiki digs in his bag as he replies in a lower voice to match Thon's about the special room at the end of the basement, "What happened? What did they do to you?" He pulls out a small vial and hands it to the half-elf. "Here, this will make you feel better."

He withdraws the Cure Light Wounds potion given to him earlier (by the barge captain?)

[sblock=Ministats]Initiative: +4
AC: 19 Touch 19 Flatfooted 14
HP: 28/28
CMB: +8 CMD: 23 Fort: +4 Reflex: +8 Will: +7 (+2 vs. Enchantment)
Defensive Abilities: Evasion, Deflect Arrows
Speed: 40 ft

Conditions in Effect: None
Elemental Fist: 4/4 remaining
Ki Pool: 5/5 remaining
Additional Gear: 1 CLW Potion (Given to Thon)
Expenditures: 50 gp


Elenka scowls as she sees Thon and wonders what exactly happened. When he explains she is horrified. And considering the day they had, and the recent revelations about torture, suspicious.

"Let me take a look at you. Tsk, tsk. How is he, Yo?"

She stands back hands on her hips and glaring as Yoshiki tends Thon's wounds. She intones a magical word and twists her hand just so and stares at the half-elf trying to see what detect magic will reveal.

Move --
Standard Cast detect magic. She's suspicious about the potion given to Thon and wants to check for its magical signature.[/sblock][sblock=MiniStats][size=+1]Elenka[/size] Human Summoner 3
Initiative: +2 Perception: +5

AC: 15 (12 touch; 13 flat-footed)
HP: 23 Current: 23
CMB: +3 CMD: 15 Fort: +1 Ref: +3 Will: +5

In Hand:
1st level: 4/4 remaining.
Special: Summon Monster 2 5/6

[size=+1]Drevezh'Korol[/size] Eidolon
Initiative: +1 Perception: +0; Darkvision 60 ft.

AC: 15 (11 touch; 14 flat-footed)
HP: 29 Current: 28
CMB: +7 CMD: 18 Fort: +4 Ref: +2 Will: +3

In Hand:
Conditions: In the Other World[/sblock]


First Post
"Not good, but it looks like they tried to bandage him up afterwords" replies Yo. "Why would they do such a thing to those who came to devote their lives to the cause?" he asks rhetorically.

[sblock=Ministats]Initiative: +4
AC: 19 Touch 19 Flatfooted 14
HP: 28/28
CMB: +8 CMD: 23 Fort: +4 Reflex: +8 Will: +7 (+2 vs. Enchantment)
Defensive Abilities: Evasion, Deflect Arrows
Speed: 40 ft

Conditions in Effect: None
Elemental Fist: 4/4 remaining
Ki Pool: 5/5 remaining
Additional Gear: 1 CLW Potion (Given to Thon)
Expenditures: 50 gp


First Post
Quioan thanks the Dream-Giver that their charade is successful. I certainly didn't envision it working out this well when we first entered. During their other visits, he stays quiet, mostly focusing on not letting his disgust with Tarkan's bullying show. If there's one thing I hate, it's a bully - can't wait to put this man in his place.

As soon as he has a chance, Quioan whispers to the others about his observation in The River's Tears. "The River's Tears seems to line up with the trajectory of the concealed door in the closet we noticed earlier; given the preference Owbej's faithful seem to have for this place, I wouldn't be surprised if they're connected. Not sure if that information will turn out to be useful to us, but it certainly is an interesting observation."

Quioan hangs back, arms folded, as Elenka and Yoshiki inspect Thon. At Yoshiki's remark, he can't help but say, "Seems a strange way to indoctrinate the faithful, indeed." He considers saying further on the matter, but he doesn't wish to expose himself to Thon.

Quioan Scorchsong
HP: 24/24
AC: 17 (Touch: 15, Flat-footed: 12)
CMD: 19
Fort: +3, Ref: +8, Will: +3
Perception: +9
- 0: Light, Detect Magic, Ghost Sound
- 1: Mage Armor, Gravity Bow, Shield
Bonded Item: Unused
Consumables: Wand of CLW (23 charges)[/sblock]


First Post
GM: Interesting. I just noticed Elenka has no ranks in Know (Arcana). Rules oddity: she can't identify the school of magic auras, but can still identify item properties via Spellcraft. heh.

The potion is a potion of Nap Stack. Elenka doesn't sense sleeping magics, per se, but the party's experience has made it clear the cult has ready access to knockout drugs. It wouldn't be unreasonable to assume they added some to the potion to ensure the half-elf slept through the night and thus gained the full benefits of the potion.[/sblock]

Thon knocks back the curative potion Yoshiki offers, and while he still looks pretty banged up, he looks much better.

"Thanks, man. Between that and this gizmo they gave me, I should be right as rain by morning," he says with a smile. Then he frowns a moment as he considers Yoshiki's question.

"In the chamber? Well, they gave me drinks, mostly. Garthia said he was impressed and all, and ... well, if I'm being honest, between the knocks to my head and the wine, I'm a little fuzzy on the rest of it. Seriously, at one point I thought the creepy statue was moving, and I had to sit down and close my eyes for a few. End of the day, though, they gave me my medicine for the night and ... here I am."

At Yoshiki and Quioan's remarks about his final test, Thon shrugs.

"Owbej needs strong people to fight for The Living God, right?"

Thon is apparently starting to get a bit unnerved by all the attention. He smiles awkwardly and nods toward the bunks.

"But, hey, we're new to all this. The heralds got more experience with all that divine mumbo jumbo. Me, I think I'm ready for a good long sleep."


First Post
Yoshiki Akita (Human Monk 4)

Yoshiki will try and look at this "gizmo".

[sblock=Ministats]Initiative: +4
AC: 19 Touch 19 Flatfooted 14
HP: 28/28
CMB: +8 CMD: 23 Fort: +4 Reflex: +8 Will: +7 (+2 vs. Enchantment)
Defensive Abilities: Evasion, Deflect Arrows
Speed: 40 ft

Conditions in Effect: None
Elemental Fist: 4/4 remaining
Ki Pool: 5/5 remaining
Expenditures: 50 gp

Voidrunner's Codex

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