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[LPF] Dwarven Crusade: Khuldun


Borric Hawkins, Male Human Fighter

Borric frowns in consternation as the crones are offering to help, and he mutters to complete his thoughts, "but at what price? This is not the most comfortable situation, for damned sure... Crap almost like that time I had to..."

"A-hem. Well, enough of those thoughts."

The brash fighter stops muttering to himself and raises his voice so the crones can hear. "Now just why would we be needing help finding it?"

[sblock=Mini Stats]Initiative: +4
AC: 26 (23 without shield, 21 flat-footed, 13 Touch)
HP: 63 Current: 63
CMB: +10 CMD: 23 (25 vs. Disarm/ 27 vs. Trip) Fort: +8 Reflex: +5 Will: +4 (+6 vs. Fear)
Conditions in Effect: Ioun Torch (night), Combat Reflexes (3 AoO)

Current Weapon in Hand: Shield & lance
Chakram: 2/2 MWK & 6/6 Cold Iron remaining
Light Hammers: 2/2 remaining[/sblock]___________________________

Borric Hawkins

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Nathan Tchanlach, human sorcerer

As the crone's seem to see right through Nathan, assessing both his powers and his preferences with almost no effort, the young man reconsiders the group's chances of out-talking the trio. He holds his own tongue for now, waiting to see how Borric's gambit plays out.

[sblock=ooc]Adjusted mini-stats for time of day, but otherwise holding for now to see what the crones might be trying to gain.[/sblock]

[sblock=mini-stats]Nathan Tchanlach Human Sorcerer 6
Initiative: +4 Perception: +0

Conditions: Mage Armor (6 hours)
In Hand: None

AC: 15 (19)
touch: 14 (18) ; flat-footed: 12 (16)
(value in parenthesis w/ mage armor)
HP: 38/38
CMB: +3 CMD: 17 Fort: +4* Ref: +5* Will: +6*
* Additional +1 trait bonus vs. divine spells
Resistances: Resist 5 Acid and Cold.

Spells: Cantrips (DC 15): Dancing Lights, Detect Magic, Drench, Ghost Sound, Mending, Message, Prestidigitation, Spark
1st (DC 16): Bless, Grease (DC 17), Mage Armor, Magic Missle, Silent Image, Summon Minor Monster, Vanish. Remaining: 6/8
2nd (DC 17): Create Pit (DC 18), Glitterdust (DC 18), Oppressive Boredom, Resist Energy Remaining: 6/6
3rd (DC 18): Haste Remaining: 4/4

Heavenly Fire: 8/8 remaining[/sblock]


Attention swivels back to Borric and the three titter amongst themselves.

"Oh, yes, tell that'un why, sister."
"Hmff. Dim-witted, I said it, yes?"
"Tha trail, it would confuse a mountain goat, it would."
"But we know it."
"We know it like our own skin."
"We know it and can make sure the way is found or not. Question be: they willin' to pay tha price? Well?"

The three stare at the travelers and, for a change, the leader's eye holds steady.

--- -- Old Crone -- ---


"A trail can be managed through various means. For the sake of the conversion, and we accept your help with the trail, what is your price?" Zelena asks from atop her hound looking back at the Crones.

(( Diplomacy 1d20+12=31 ))
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Borric Hawkins, Male Human Fighter

Borric has a very uncomfortable feeling on what the price might be and is not entirely sure he will be willing to pay it. He cannot stop himself from adjusting the armored codpiece of his platemail to ensure the protection is properly in place.

"I am not sure I believe you. What have you of proof?"

OOC: Not a good idea to let Borric be face. He doesn't know when to shut up and has very little charisma or diplomacy.
[sblock=Mini Stats]Initiative: +4
AC: 26 (23 without shield, 21 flat-footed, 13 Touch)
HP: 63 Current: 63
CMB: +10 CMD: 23 (25 vs. Disarm/ 27 vs. Trip) Fort: +8 Reflex: +5 Will: +4 (+6 vs. Fear)
Conditions in Effect: Ioun Torch (night), Combat Reflexes (3 AoO)

Current Weapon in Hand: Shield & lance
Chakram: 2/2 MWK & 6/6 Cold Iron remaining
Light Hammers: 2/2 remaining[/sblock]___________________________

Borric Hawkins


First Post
Nathan Tchanlach, human sorcerer

Nervous though he is that Borric's confrontational nature might wind up costing them, Nathan finds himself unable to see a path that lets he and Zelena reclaim the hags' gaze that wouldn't undercut the clearly already-in-progress negotiations.

He bites his tongue for the moment, then, hoping he has the reaction time to stave off anything too horrifically damaging.

Not a good idea to let Borric be face. He doesn't know when to shut up and has very little charisma or diplomacy.

Wasn't my intent to, but since Nathan's first followup to "what makes you think we'd need help?" would be a rather lame, "yeah, what?" and, likewise, he'd now just be saying "yeah, what's the price and can you prove it?" he's sort of stuck; forcing his way in just to be redundant undermines both Borric and Nathan, so he's waiting until he's actually got something to add to the proceedings.[/sblock]

[sblock=mini-stats]Nathan Tchanlach Human Sorcerer 6
Initiative: +4 Perception: +0

Conditions: Mage Armor (6 hours)
In Hand: None

AC: 15 (19)
touch: 14 (18) ; flat-footed: 12 (16)
(value in parenthesis w/ mage armor)
HP: 38/38
CMB: +3 CMD: 17 Fort: +4* Ref: +5* Will: +6*
* Additional +1 trait bonus vs. divine spells
Resistances: Resist 5 Acid and Cold.

Spells: Cantrips (DC 15): Dancing Lights, Detect Magic, Drench, Ghost Sound, Mending, Message, Prestidigitation, Spark
1st (DC 16): Bless, Grease (DC 17), Mage Armor, Magic Missle, Silent Image, Summon Minor Monster, Vanish. Remaining: 6/8
2nd (DC 17): Create Pit (DC 18), Glitterdust (DC 18), Oppressive Boredom, Resist Energy Remaining: 6/6
3rd (DC 18): Haste Remaining: 4/4

Heavenly Fire: 8/8 remaining[/sblock]


"Price an' proof! That Vadin fellow babbled 'bout proof, too."
"Never met a more dim-witted man, yes?"
"Regretted it in the end, eh, sisters?"
"Now lookit 'im. Tch."

The leader of the crones glares at the group with her good eye as the other rolls round the socket in an unpleasant fashion.

"Proof be a hard thing to give."
"Don't suppose that'un 'ud take our word fer it."
"Like as not, sister."
"Ask the Wise One if the Crones of Gulden lie! We be hard as rocks..."
"Harder, sister."
"...but falsehood shall never cross these lips!"

Waltor, scuttling about on Sylvain's shoulder stops dead-still when the crones turn to stare in his direction. In the silence of their regard Waltor bursts into a frenzy of motion waving his claws, bobbing on his legs and making strange clacking sounds.

[sblock=Sylvain]Waltor is agitated and not particularly communicating effectively or clearly. However, Sylvain gets that Waltor believes the crones are very old & very powerful. And they lie like stones; that is, they are incapable of lying.[/sblock]

"True," agrees one of the crones as she follows Waltor's conversation with Sylvain.

"The price..."
"That'un is fearful fer his manhood."
"Oh, we'd break that like a twig."
"Still we should test it."
"Price," repeats the first seeming somewhat irritated by the interruptions of her sister-crones. "Defeat our champion an' we'll provide a guide up the mountain or the answer to three questions."
"Good one, sister!"
"Very poetickal."
"But if you wish to scale tha mountain on yer own, we will not hinder you."

--- -- Old Crone -- ---
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First Post
Nathan Tchanlach, human sorcerer

Nathan stiffens at the unsolicited mention of Vadin Ser. The crones had already shown preternatural insight, so it was possible they'd merely plucked the name from the minds of one of them, or that everyone who came after the gold had similar information and myths to go on.

Still, dismissing out of hand the reference to the expedition they were attempting to follow seemed foolish, too.

"'Defeat' is an awfully malleable word, isn't it ladies?" Nathan asks sweetly. "At least, there are all sorts of contests can be one or lost. So, would this be puzzles? Cards? Maybe a pissing contest? Borric's quite good at those," he finishes with a conspiratorial wink to let the fighter know he's out to ease tension rather than belittle him.

"After all, I can't imagine ladies of your exceptional mental powers are interested in something so mundane as bloodsport, are you? And with the power you three so clearly possess, what kind of champion might you need?"

[sblock=mini-stats]Nathan Tchanlach Human Sorcerer 6
Initiative: +4 Perception: +0

Conditions: Mage Armor (6 hours)
In Hand: None

AC: 15 (19)
touch: 14 (18) ; flat-footed: 12 (16)
(value in parenthesis w/ mage armor)
HP: 38/38
CMB: +3 CMD: 17 Fort: +4* Ref: +5* Will: +6*
* Additional +1 trait bonus vs. divine spells
Resistances: Resist 5 Acid and Cold.

Spells: Cantrips (DC 15): Dancing Lights, Detect Magic, Drench, Ghost Sound, Mending, Message, Prestidigitation, Spark
1st (DC 16): Bless, Grease (DC 17), Mage Armor, Magic Missle, Silent Image, Summon Minor Monster, Vanish. Remaining: 6/8
2nd (DC 17): Create Pit (DC 18), Glitterdust (DC 18), Oppressive Boredom, Resist Energy Remaining: 6/6
3rd (DC 18): Haste Remaining: 4/4

Heavenly Fire: 8/8 remaining[/sblock]


Borric Hawkins, Male Human Fighter

After holding up a mailed finger to have the crones wait a moment, Borric turns in the saddle with a scrapping of the plates of his armor and looks to his companions.

"Fighting a champion, eh. Well, that sounds like something I can do. Unless it is some woodland nymph or an air elemental. But these hags are likely fookin' dangeroous in their own right, I am leery of what they would consider a champion."

"Mountain giant? Earth elemental? Sierra mist?"

[sblock=Mini Stats]Initiative: +4
AC: 26 (23 without shield, 21 flat-footed, 13 Touch)
HP: 63 Current: 63
CMB: +10 CMD: 23 (25 vs. Disarm/ 27 vs. Trip) Fort: +8 Reflex: +5 Will: +4 (+6 vs. Fear)
Conditions in Effect: Ioun Torch (night), Combat Reflexes (3 AoO)

Current Weapon in Hand: Shield & lance
Chakram: 2/2 MWK & 6/6 Cold Iron remaining
Light Hammers: 2/2 remaining[/sblock]___________________________

Borric Hawkins


First Post
"Slow down, Waltor," Syl says trying to follow what the scorpion was saying.

After getting the jist of the conversation, Syl moves to the others and whispers, "Guys, two things that Waltor has told me about those three. They aren't lying to us...that's the good news. The bad news is that they are amazingly powerful. Much more powerful than that barghest we ran across awhile back."

Syl [sblock]
Sylvain Marana (Gerald007) - Living Pathfinder RPG Wiki
Human Witch 6
Initiative: +6 Perception: +2
AC: 15 (13 touch; 13 flat-footed)
HP: 50 of 50
CMB: +2 CMD: 15 Fort: +5 Ref: +5 Will: +6
In Hand: Nothing

Spells: Arcane
  • (0-level - DC 15) Daze (DC 16), Detect Magic, Message, Stabilize;
  • (1st level - DC 16) Burning Hands (DC 16), Charm Person (DC 17), Enlarge Person, Shocking Grasp;
  • (2nd level - DC 17) Cure Mod. Wounds, Flaming Sphere (DC 17), Hold Person (DC 18), Vomit Swarm;
  • (3rd level - DC 18) Dispel Magic, Fireball (DC 18), Stinking Cloud (DC 18)
Hexes DC 18
  • Cackle, Flight, Fortune, Healing, Misfortune, Slumber--None.

Voidrunner's Codex

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