I like the Deva as a native to GLG Bytopia. The Deva is officially "Lawful Good" but seems ok to nudge over more precisely as "Good by Lawful Good". The themes of the Deva can synergize the ethical themes of Bytopia.
The flavor of the Deva differs from that of the Solar and the Planetar who are both native to LG Mount Celestia. Their respective names, sun and planets, emphasize the maintenance of the orbits and machinery of world − including Humanoid social structures, group identities, and institutions − for the sake of Good purposes. Generally Lawful Good makes use of institutions to achieve personal refinement and discipline while accomplishing large projects collectively.
Here, the ethical alignment of Good by Lawful Good Bytopia plays out as follows. This plane is a realm of the dimensional opposites of space-time, including up-and-down and past-and-future.
Bytopia tracks the alternate timelines including possible futures. The difference between one timeline and an other is the amount of effort that people make to do Good things. A possible future where more people are doing more Good things to make the Material Plane a better place is more likely to build a better version of reality. The entire multiverse benefits indirectly from this helpful activity. This ethical imperative to make a Good effort, also relates to industriousness generally. So hard work and skillful labor are celebrated (whence some Gnome communities end up here too).
Bytopia is actually two planes facing each other. Each appears "high above" from the perspective of the other. From the experience of those who inhabit the subplane of Dothion, the subplane of Shurrock is a mile or so high, like a cosmic ceiling. Shurrock is a harshly challenging wilderness, where the raw resources are abundant to potentially do Good things with them. But acquiring these resources is difficult, and utilizing them well requires skill and effort. Dothion itself is entirely inhabited. Depending on the region, Dothion populations can range from sparse and quaint to dense and bustling urban centers. To reach from Dothion to Shurrock, after a certain amount of climbing upward, the gravity reverses from the perspective of Shurrock. So one climbs downward to the surface of Shurrock, whence Dothion becomes "high above" from the experience there.
Dothion is actually an alternate version of Shurrock − after its populations made intense efforts to build Good, compassionate and fair, civilization, while utilizing the resources of Shurrock wisely. Dothion achieves various kinds of benign utopias, regionally accomplished and sustainable according to cultural and personal tastes.
Dothionans divinate potential futures and strive to do the better timeline. They monitor individuals and groups in the Material Plane who are often in times of "crisis". Here, a "crisis" means a decision point in the timeline, where significantly different possible futures branch out from it. These moments of crises are when freewill matters most, since the dilemma makes the possible futures about equally doable, and either path can dramatically affect the Material Plane and even the multiverse. During a time of crisis in the Material Plane (including its Border Ether, Border Feywild, and Border Shadowfell), Dothionans might send a Deva Angel there to encourage those involved in the crisis to choose the option that leads to a better future. The Deva is typically incognito in the form of an ordinary Humanoid, Beast, Plant, or even an object on occasion, in order to not overwhelm or violate the freewill during this critical decision point. The goal of the Deva is to help make a genuine choice, but sometimes might assist or thwart the choosers achieve this goal.
Some Dothionans are record-keepers of the "books of life" that record alternate timelines, including the lives and actions of individuals and communities. Great libraries can be found whose books preserve the knowledge of all things. Some of these libraries are among the most safeguarded locations in the multiverse. Access to them might require significant effort and ethical vetting.
The flavor of the Deva differs from that of the Solar and the Planetar who are both native to LG Mount Celestia. Their respective names, sun and planets, emphasize the maintenance of the orbits and machinery of world − including Humanoid social structures, group identities, and institutions − for the sake of Good purposes. Generally Lawful Good makes use of institutions to achieve personal refinement and discipline while accomplishing large projects collectively.
Here, the ethical alignment of Good by Lawful Good Bytopia plays out as follows. This plane is a realm of the dimensional opposites of space-time, including up-and-down and past-and-future.
Bytopia tracks the alternate timelines including possible futures. The difference between one timeline and an other is the amount of effort that people make to do Good things. A possible future where more people are doing more Good things to make the Material Plane a better place is more likely to build a better version of reality. The entire multiverse benefits indirectly from this helpful activity. This ethical imperative to make a Good effort, also relates to industriousness generally. So hard work and skillful labor are celebrated (whence some Gnome communities end up here too).
Bytopia is actually two planes facing each other. Each appears "high above" from the perspective of the other. From the experience of those who inhabit the subplane of Dothion, the subplane of Shurrock is a mile or so high, like a cosmic ceiling. Shurrock is a harshly challenging wilderness, where the raw resources are abundant to potentially do Good things with them. But acquiring these resources is difficult, and utilizing them well requires skill and effort. Dothion itself is entirely inhabited. Depending on the region, Dothion populations can range from sparse and quaint to dense and bustling urban centers. To reach from Dothion to Shurrock, after a certain amount of climbing upward, the gravity reverses from the perspective of Shurrock. So one climbs downward to the surface of Shurrock, whence Dothion becomes "high above" from the experience there.
Dothion is actually an alternate version of Shurrock − after its populations made intense efforts to build Good, compassionate and fair, civilization, while utilizing the resources of Shurrock wisely. Dothion achieves various kinds of benign utopias, regionally accomplished and sustainable according to cultural and personal tastes.
Dothionans divinate potential futures and strive to do the better timeline. They monitor individuals and groups in the Material Plane who are often in times of "crisis". Here, a "crisis" means a decision point in the timeline, where significantly different possible futures branch out from it. These moments of crises are when freewill matters most, since the dilemma makes the possible futures about equally doable, and either path can dramatically affect the Material Plane and even the multiverse. During a time of crisis in the Material Plane (including its Border Ether, Border Feywild, and Border Shadowfell), Dothionans might send a Deva Angel there to encourage those involved in the crisis to choose the option that leads to a better future. The Deva is typically incognito in the form of an ordinary Humanoid, Beast, Plant, or even an object on occasion, in order to not overwhelm or violate the freewill during this critical decision point. The goal of the Deva is to help make a genuine choice, but sometimes might assist or thwart the choosers achieve this goal.
Some Dothionans are record-keepers of the "books of life" that record alternate timelines, including the lives and actions of individuals and communities. Great libraries can be found whose books preserve the knowledge of all things. Some of these libraries are among the most safeguarded locations in the multiverse. Access to them might require significant effort and ethical vetting.
GCG | Bytopia | Bytopian | [Deva] |
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